Chapter 11

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Thomas and Vania were on their way to Vania's house. "Thank you for coming and seeing us perform," Thomas broke the silence. "More like thank you for even inviting me. You guys were out of this world." Vania replied, smiling at Thomas.

"I enjoy performing a lot. I'm usually very shy, but when I perform, I get to be this guy that doesn't care about what people think or say. I'm me with my bass and performing songs that came from me and my friends. I imagine how you feel when you play hockey" Thomas looked at Vania.

Vania just smiles and nods. "You know I kinda forgot that I'm a duck. This whole time of hanging out with you. Seeing you guys practice and now seeing you guys perform. I forgot that I'm on the hockey team." Vania confessed.

"How can you forget since you have practiced almost every day?" Thomas asked, confused.

"I guess you forget when it becomes just another class. It loses the special part of it" Vania answered, looking down.

"Sounds like you enjoy it," Thomas said sadly. He couldn't imagine ever not enjoying playing with his band. They were his family.

"It wasn't always like that. I used to love going to the rink and playing with the ducks, but ever since we beat those warriors. The whole popularity went to most of my friends' heads that playing lost its meaning. You know my old coach would tell us that we should have fun and not care too much about winning. Lately, I've been wondering lately if I really love to play hockey or did I love playing with my friends. If it meant playing hockey then fine." Vania wondered, looking off into the distance.

"There is nothing wrong loving the people instead of the sport," Thomas replied.

"I guess so," Vania shrugged.

They stayed quiet for a minute before they stopped in front of Vania's house. "Thank you for letting me rant about my friends. I just noticed that I brought the mood down. This night is about you." Vania spoke.

"It's fine. You can always talk to me about anything." Thomas smiles softly.

"You have been so nice to me. I don't know why but thank you. You're a breath of fresh air in my life. I mean I still have a few ducks that aren't rude but still." Vania replied, hugging Thomas.

Thomas hugged back, knowing that Vania might need a hug. Once they pulled away, Thomas spoke again. "Is there anything that you do enjoy that you do just for fun? Something that isn't having to do that your friends do too" Thomas asked wondering. Vania must enjoy doing something for her own enjoyment.

"Well, I always wanted to be an actor. My dad used to be an actor for our local theater but he stopped. I used to always go with him and see him perform and dream of acting with them." Vania answered, smiling at the memory.

"Why don't you join the drama club at the school?" Thomas suggests.

"I don't have time with hockey. I can't quit since I'm on a scholarship for hockey" Vania replied.

"You could study for it in college. I bet that you're a great actor. Your dad can even help with anything you want." Thomas suggests.

"Maybe I will." Vania smiles at how Thomas is helping and believing in her just because she says that she dreamed of being an actor.

"It's been a long while since a friend listens to me, not even Luis listens to me anymore" Vania sighed.

"Why stay with him anyway, he sounds like a dick, no offense or anything. " Thomas asked.

"I guess he's all I have known since I was 12," Vania replied.

"You should be with a guy that does right by you. I get that he might have been an amazing guy when you guys started but right now, he is not the right guy for you. You deserve someone that will put in their time and effort just like I see you do." Thomas rants looking at Vania.

"I don't know," Vania sighed looking down.

"I like you, Vania. Not just like friends like I have this crush on you. I get that you have a boyfriend and I respect that. So I'm not asking for anything but you deserve to know that there is a guy, not just me, that will treat you like you want, the way Luis treated you before becoming this guy that you don't recognize anymore" Thomas spoke leaving Vania speechless. Thomas continued, "I'm not telling you this to date me but yet to let you know that if you break up with Luis, it is very much possible to get a better guy."

Vania nod and smile softly, she walked inside of her house

Hello, my lovely readers. I know that it has been a while and I'm very sorry for keeping you guys waiting for an update but I will keep updating. Anyways let your thoughts in the comments and also tell me. Are you Team Luis or Team Thomas? What should everyone do? See you guys in the next chapter. BBBBBBBYYYYYYYEEEEEE

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