Chapter 32

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Vania has been feeling good, she is still dealing with her emotions with Connie and Luis. Even though she is moving on and not dwelling on it. It still hurts, it's so scary that one moment everything that you have known is gone. She always thought that the ducks were going to stay together no matter what. Now it's so foreign.

Vania was at her locker early in the morning. Almost no one was there since there was still about an hour and half before class started. She was cleaning out some old papers from her locker when she felt a presence behind her. She turned around and saw Connie standing there.

"Can we talk?" Connie asked nervously.

"I don't think that is a good idea," Vania answered.

"Please, I know that you owe me nothing but probably a slap but I just need to talk to you" Connie begged.

"Connie look-" Vania started but Connie spoke again.

"Just hear me out and after this, if you never want to hear from me then done. I will make sure that you will never have to cross paths with me." Connie spoke nervously.

"What is it?" Vania sighed seeing that she wasn't going to leave.

"There are no words that I can think of to tell you how sorry I am. I wish I had the right words to tell you how horrible I feel about everything that has happened between us. I do wish I could turn back time, so I could stop myself from hurting you. I cannot imagine what my life would have been like if you never came into my life. You really were the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just made a mistake that was beyond stupid, and I wish I could take it all back. I would like you to know that you did not deserve what I did to you at all. You are such an amazing person, inside and out, and you deserve so much better. I took advantage of our friendship. That was the worst thing I could possibly do to someone I care about. I just wish there was some way I could be able to help you get through this. I just wish that I could redo that night. " Connie spoke wiping her tears quickly

"I just don't get it Connie. You had Guy that loved and cared for you so much. Anyone with eyes could see that he loved you with his whole soul and body. Along with Luis, my boyfriend, I have never done anything to you. I never went and talked bad about you even when you changed. 7 years of friendship, laughs, and just like that, it was over. You know pieces of me I never gave others the chance to know, secrets I could never share. We have been attached at the hip since we were young. I felt as if you were a part of my family, a permanent fixture in my life. My low moments were always brought up by encouraging words and reminders of my strength. I'd like to tell you that it doesn't hurt but that would be a lie. I always felt like Luis was bound to do something but I truly never thought that he would do it with you of all people. I can't forgive you or Luis. These years of playing together, they're just thrown away just like that. We can't get back that trust anymore. We were a family before anything but now it's a weird thing. Guy wants to leave the Ducks. This can't be fixed. I'm sorry but I can't give you or Luis the forgiveness you came here for." Vania spoke walking away.

So I forgot to update yesterday so you guys will be getting two updates today. Anyways, what did you think about this chapter? I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter like I enjoyed writing it for you.

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