Point of living - 1

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A girl stood on terrace of that hospital.

Her eyes closed,her face facing up towards the sky,as if living the moment of the cold night.

Her wrists were band aided.

Hearing the mild tapping of foot steps approaching her from behind,her eyes fluttered open,but soon her head lowered facing the ground.

That foot steps stopped just behind her,may be few steps away from her.

"Why did you save me,WHY?!!!!",she yelled,her voice sounded as if she was in pure agony of living.

"Huh?! What do you mean?",A deep voice asked back,the voice was so manly yet soothing for her ears.

"By yelling at you for saving me,you could have figured out that I have no point of keep on living?",Now she turned towards the man standing behind her.

There was a weird tug in his chest seeing her teary eyes,his eyes instantly soften at her.

"What point you doesn't have to keep on living?",his voice sounded more like a whisper,when he came closer to her.

"I can't see, I'm just blind person..after all I'm someone who don't deserved to live on for what all happened",she said putting her hands on her chest, which felt so heavy with the bottled up pain and memories.

A gasp left from the man's lips.He walked closer to her and stopped, leaving respectable space between them.

"That's what the point of living you asking for to live on,to have faith in yourself and shining hope to see again,to smile and live in the way you wanted to.I'll make sure you'll",his voice sounded so low yet determined in the end.

The girl somehow felt rest assured and a spark of faith from the way his words sounded in her ears.

"This is insane.How can I believe someone practically a stranger to me? I'm blind,not dumb",she scoffed.

She can hear the foot steps of said stranger again,getting nearer to her and warm breath of the stranger hitting her face,but oddly she felt calm and comfortable at the close proximity of this person,like she known him for all her life.

"Oh come on! Have belief.I'm a good guy and anyways you wanted to die so what's wrong in trusting some stranger who wants to help you?",He whined,which made her smile unconsciously.He huffed and stepped back from her giving a respectable distance between them again.

She sighed.

"I'll believe your words for now..but-", without completing her sentence, she suddenly cupped the boy's face with her palms,earning a gasp from the boy.

Not minding anything,she started caressing the boy's hair and face with her palms,feeling every single muscle of his face.

He was in complete shock to utter any single word other than thanking the god for no one saw his crimson cheeks and ear tips from blushing.

Her fingers travelled from his soft fluffy hair to trace his forehead,then to prefect thick eyes brows and to his unique shaped eyes to sharp pointed nose and the jaws,sharper than swords.

So far, he was nothing but a masterpiece of beauty for her.For a second she doubted that,how could such a human could exist? and how can a human being born this prefect?.

The imagination she got from feeling his face was godly and angelic.

When her cold finger ran through his heart shaped soft plush lips, she felt it was quivering under her touch.

"Huh? Are you by chance..nervous??",she asked like she was teasing,where in reality her own heart is beating like a mad man against her chest.

"N-No..J-just I'm not used to someone touching my face.. haha",he let out a nervous laughter,but he couldn't shake the feeling he got from having her so close.

She felt an urge to smile at how cute he was being.

"Don't get yourself ahead.I'm just memorizing your face so I can sketch it for identification to police,that there was a man around me that claimed to make me to live on, but cheated",She said with straight face, internally giggling.

"What??!you can draw??!but...",his voice held disbelief.

"What did you thought?I born blind?.For your information,I lost my eye sight when I was 10,Even before that,I already sketch like a pro and after my vision loss,I developed my skills to sketch by imagining from given description and also by touch and feeling objects.I can go anywhere by echolocation ",she explained, while internally questioning herself on why she was explaining all this to him.

"Oh..you are great!! Now I found more reasons to make you live on",She could imagine his adorable grin,just from his words.

She can't help smiling and turned it into smirk,"Dream on".

"Ah! By the way,I'm Kim Taehyung, your eyes from now on and till the day you get to see this world again with your own eyes",he took her hand in his, holding her hand softly in his big hand.

"I'm Byeol...Byeol Park.Nice to meet you,my eyes from now on.",she can't help but to smiled at the feeling of his warmth of hand, around her hand.

Something she missed in this past years of loneliness.

But also, oddly she felt so complete.

"By the way, why are you doing this?? What will you get from helping me? I'm not that rich or an heiress",Byeol eyes widen,when she again started to feel insecure.

"Oh my god!.Will you please stop questioning me?.I already told you that I don't know the reason either.I just couldn't see you die by draining your blood out.I always follow my heart. It told me to help you and yeah you really needed it too..so",he whined like a kid again.

Though his voice seemed tired, still he explained everything all over again to her,because he felt like, It's his responsibility and it was.

"I'm just so confused,okay?.You just popped up in my life all of a sudden and wanted to help me,where the people I loved left me in this despair", Taehyung could see her eyes becoming teary again and he lead her into her hospital room by holding her shoulders.

"Just thank your luck that your alive to meet me now",he chuckled trying to cheer her up, while tucking Byeol in her bed.

"Yeah I'm too lucky to be saved in my 7th attempt of killing myself in this 10 years", Taehyung fell silent and Byeol chuckled,truly wondering how funny this heavy subject turned into something so light,but she realized it was because of the man beside her.

"Sleep for now",his voice became so low like a whisper.

Her hands tighten around his, afraid of letting him go and how weird that they just met an hour ago.

"I promised you.Don't worry I won't leave you.I'll stay here beside you,always",his voice still so low and so assuring.

With that she closed her eyes and drifted into sleep.


Byeol's pov

"Now I could see everything,but not you,Kim Taehyung",I mumbled as I stood in the same hospital terrace we both met for the first time,5 years ago.

He were been my light in the darkness and he was my everything,but like every light, when darkness vanished he vanished along with it.

Even after he broke his promise,I still living in it.Because I chose to belive his beautiful lie than this killing reality.

Nothing is so comforting than your love and lies.

"I miss you so much,idiot", I mumbled looking up at the full moon and all I could remember is him.

The day we meet were also a full moon day like this.

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