1. Talking About Having A Baby

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Jinyoung 💜

I have been married to my wonderful husband Jinyoung for two years now. We just recently celebrated our second wedding anniversary. We love each other very very much and are so happy to be married. Jinyoung and I have always wanted to start a family together but we've been wanting for the right time to have a baby which hasn't been yet as GOT7 have been busy touring for the last year or so. They are settling down soon so maybe it will be the right time to have a baby. We would love to have a little one running around. Jinyoung  and I are laying in bed after a hard day. He has his arms around me and is holding me close to him just the way I like him to. I'm resting my head on his chest. "Jagi, I love this" I say. "I do too and I love you, jagiya" he smiles kissing my forehead. We lay there for a few more minutes. "Jinyoung, can we talk about something?" I say. "Of course. Anything, baby" he replies. "I know we've been holding it off for a while but Jinyoung. I really want us to start a family together soon and have a baby" I say. "Yeah I'd love to but could we maybe wait a few more months till things settle down" Jinyoung replies. "Yeah of course. I don't mean right now, silly" I reply. "Yeah. Y/ N, I would love to have a baby with you. Lots of babies. Like a million" he smiles. "Awww, Jinyoungie. I love you so much" I reply. "I love you so much too, my cupcake" Jinyoung replies. Cupcake is his little affectionate nickname for me. Can't wait to start trying for a baby in the next few months

BamBam 💙

BamBam and I have been together for over a year. We have somewhat of a long distance relationship as I'm from Scotland and BamBam is originally from Thailand but he's based in Korea. We met when GOT7 were in the UK on tour and it was love at first sight. I spilt my time between Scotland and Korea. BamBam and I have never thought about having kids but maybe sometime in the future we will. I can definitely see us being together long term as we are so happy together and we love each other. BamBam's real name is Kunpimook but I never call him that. Only when I'm mad with him which isn't a lot. I am over in Scotland now and BamBam is in Korea. I'll be going over soon to see him. Can't wait to. We FaceTime each other everyday so we can see each other's faces. I am going to call him now. "Hey, honey. I was just thinking about you" BamBam said with a smile on his face. "Hey, Bammie. Awwww were you" I reply. "I was, sweetheart" he smiles. We talk for a few minutes about our day and how it went. "Y/ N, I can't wait to see you soon. I'm missing you so much" he said. "Well, we'll be together soon. Don't worry" I reply. "Y/ N, I want to be with you for the rest of my life" BamBam said. "Awwww yeah me too. I wanna have kids with you, BamBam" I reply. "Me too but in the future" I say. "Definitely" he said. "Speak to you tomorrow" he said. "Yes. Bye, love" I reply. I love talking to BamBam everyday when we are apart. Can't wait to be reunited with him soon. See we are already talking about our future together

Jackson ❤️

Jackson and I have been engaged for a few months now. I love having him in my life. We've been together since college so a few years. Jackson is a great guy and I can't wait to marry him. We haven't decided on a date yet as we have both been busy with our careers. We've talked a few times about starting a family but we probably want to wait till we are married so maybe if I bring up that I want to start a family, it might prompt us to set a date for the wedding. Maybe it will be in the next few months. Hope so as I really want to marry Jackson and spend the rest of my life with him. Jackson and I are chilling on the couch in our apartment watching TV. We watch random shit of TV. We don't really have any preferences. Jackson has his arms around me and is tickling me. "Can you stop? I'm trying to relax" I say. "Why?" he questions. "Because I'm trying to relax, baby. If you don't mind" I reply. "Okay. Just a minute" Jackson laughs. We carry on sitting on the couch watching TV. "Jackson, baby. Can we talk?" I say. "Sure" he replies. "Well, we've been engaged for a few months now and I really want to start a family with you. I wanna have lots of babies with you, Jackson" I say. "Hmmmm yeah me too, babe. Of course I want to but we said we want to be married before we have babies" Jackson replies. "Yeah I know so maybe we can set a date for the wedding soon as I'd like to have a baby soon" I reply. "Okay, sweetie. Whatever you want. Maybe we can look at dates soon. Dang I'd love to marry you" he said kissing me. "Me too, baby. Me too" I say. So Jackson and I agreed to get married soon and try for a baby. Yay! I cannot wait. Exciting times ahead

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