47. Baby Crawls

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Jinyoung 💜


Baby Hyejin is 7 months old now and still an absolutely joy to me and Y/ N. We love her so much. We think she could be crawling soon as she's been showing a few signs. Yay! We can't wait for our baby girl to crawl and take her first steps. We are at home with Hyejin now. Y/ N started back at work a couple of months ago. I'm at home with Hyejin when I'm not in the studio with the boys. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else then with my baby girl. I love her so much. She's shuffling around and playing with her toys in the lounge by the TV. "You're enjoying playing with your toys. Aren't you, Hyejin?" I say. "Yes you are" Y/ N said. "You shuffle all the time. When are you going to crawl for mommy and daddy?" I say. "She'll do it soon. Don't you worry, Jinyoung" Y/ N said. We continue to watch Hyejin play round for a bit longer with her toys. A bit later she gets on all fours and starts crawling around the room a bit. "Look, Y/ N. She's crawling. Yeesss I can't believe it. She's crawling" I say. "See I told you she would. Look at her. She's going like crazy" Y/ N said. "She is. That's why girl. Daddy loves you, Hyejin" I smile. I get on the floor and crawl with her. Hyejin is crawling. Yes I knew she would

BamBam 💙

BamBam and Maxwell love playing together. It's their favourite father and son thing to do together. I always leave them for a couple of hours day to play and go off and do my own thing. Usually reading, knitting or going on my phone and texting my friends and family. I am going to leave them to play now in Max's room for a bit. "I'll leave you boys to play. Have fun" I say. "Okay, baby. We'll come and find you when we're done having fun" BamBam said. I go downstairs and do some knitting. I'm quite an avid knitter and I'm making some cute for Max right now. I'm making him a knitted jumper for the winter months which is coming up soon. I sit on the couch and do it quietly while the boys play in Max's room. "Y/ N, come here" BamBam shouted about an hour later. "What's up?" I reply. "Max is crawling look. He just did it all of a sudden" he said. I talk into the room and Maxwell is crawling across his bedroom floor. He grabs onto the bottom of his crib too. "Well done, my love. You're crawling" I say picking him up. "He is. I'm so proud of you, son" BamBam said. "Me too. Our boy" I say. "He's so clever" he smiles. We have a family cuddle and celebrate Maxwell crawling for the first time today

Jackson ❤️

Jackson and I are such proud parents of our little girl Lily. We love her very very much. We can't believe she's already 8 months old and she's doing amazing. We are certainly not ready for her turning a year old in the next few months. We love being parents to our little angel. We gave decided to go to the park with Lily for a bit but today. Even though she can't play on things yet, she loves going on the swings with her daddy. Jackson loves pushing Lily on the swings. I love the way she giggles while she's being pushed. That's what she's doing right now. Jackson is pushing her and I'm watching. "You're loving that. Aren't you, baby girl?" I say. "She is. She's laughing so much, Y/ N?" Jackson said. "Lily, you're so funny" I say. Lily continues to be pushed on the swing by Jackson. Then we find somewhere to sit on the grass. "Was that fun, Lily" I say. "It was so much fun, mommy" Jackson laughs. I slap him. Lily sits on her button and looks at us. A few minutes later she starts crawling to us. "Yay! You're crawling, Lily" Jackson said. "She is indeed. Amazing" I reply. Lily crawls to Jackson and picks up Lily and kisses her. We had a great day in the park today. Lily loved going on the swings and she crawled for the first time today too

Mark 🧡

The twins are 8 and a half months old now and they are as sweet and cute as ever of course. They will soon be walking we think. We love Melody and Myles so much. With all our hearts and more besides. They are the best things that have ever happened to us and we love them so much. Mark and I are at home with the twins now and they are playing with their toys together. Melody and Myles love playing together and they share really well. No fighting. We love to see them sharing and playing nicely together. They like playing with blocks. They are not stacking them yet but they like shuffling them around and playing with them which is cute. "Are you going to stack, guys?" Mark said. "They will do it in their own time. I don't think they are at the age babies start stacking blocks" I reply. "Ah right" he replies. "I know they love playing with them" I say. "Yes they do" he replies. We continue to watch Melody and Myles play with their blocks and play together. They are loving it. Myles picks up a block and throws it and then he gets on all fours and crawls towards it and pocks it up. "Y/ N. Did you see that?" Mark said. "Yes I did. Myles just crawled and picked up the block" I say. "Well done, Myles. That's so good" Mark cheered. "Well done, baby boy" I reply. Later on that day, Melody crawled for the first time and it was amazing. Both babies are crawling now. Yay!

Youngjae 💗

Sunwoo has been in our lives for 9 wonderful months now and it's been the best 9 months of our lives with our little boy in our lives. Today we are at Youngjae's parents house seeing them and his sister and brother. We love seeing them and spending time with them. It's really important to us that Sunwoo gets to see his dads family as well as mine. Sunwoo is playing in the lounge with some new toys that Youngjae's parents have bought him. He loves getting new toys and playing with them. Awwww bless him. He's a very inquisitive little boy. "Can uncle Woojung join in?" Youngjae's brother said. "Yes I think he'll let you as long as you play nicely with him" Youngjae said. "You know me, bro" Woojung said. Woojung gets on the floor and plays with Sunwoo for a while. Awwww uncle and nephew bonding. Woojung definitely can't wait to have kids with his wife one day. We watch him play with him for a while and it was so cute. I think Youngjae was a bit jealous that his brother was playing with our son. Sunwoo enjoying playing with his uncle. Woojung grabs one of his toys and Sunwoo crawls towards it. "Look he's crawling" Youngjae's dad said. "He is. My boy is crawling. Yay!" Youngjae said. "Look at him go" I say. "I know. He's fast. Maybe he'll be an athlete one day" he said. We had a great day at Youngjae's parents house with his family and little Sunwoo crawled for the first time

Yugyeom 💛

Sunhee is 8 months old now. We can't believe our little girl is 8 months old. It's so crazy how much she's growing up. She's getting so big too but we will forever be our baby girl. Especially Yugyeom's little girl. I know how much of a daddy's girl she is. She is the apple of his eye. We are currently in the US as GOT7 are touring out there. I've never been to America before but it's a great country and I love it. Sunhee does too. We are on the beach today as it's the boys day off. Sunhee is a beach baby. She loves the beach. It's just the three of us. He boys wanted to give us a day to ourselves which was sweet of them. They are the best. We've been at the beach in California for a couple of hours now and it's a really hot day. I keep having to put sunscreen on Sunhee so she doesn't burn. Babies skin are very delicate. Yugyeom is playing with her on the sand. It's always so cute to see the two of them play together. She's picking up the spade and putting bits of sand in the bucket. Not a lot so Yugyeom is helping her. "Are you enjoying that, Sunhee?" I say. "She is. My baby girl is having fun with daddy" Yugyeom said. Yugyeom and Sunhee continue to build sandcastles together and have fun on the beach. I join in too. "Are you going to crawl to daddy, baby girl?" he says. "Crawl to daddy, sweetie" I say. Sunhee looks at Yugyeom and starts crawling to him a few minutes later. "Yes you did it. Dada is so proud of you, Sunhee. I love you" he said picking her up who kissing her. Sunhee crawled again. We had a fantastic day on the beach today in California and we can't wait to experience more

Jaebeom 💚

Earlier today, this afternoon. Hajoon crawled for the first time in the kitchen. Me and Jaebeom were so proud of him. We hope Hosung will do the same. Can't wait till he does. Our boys are getting more and more adorable everyday and they are only 9 months old. Can't believe they will be one years old in three months time. Love them so much. We have just finished dinner now and we are tidying up. We have let the boys back in the lounge to play as they get fidgety and not happy when we leave them in their high chairs. The kitchen is right next to the lounge. They love playing together do our boys. We keep on watching them to see if they are being good. "They are playing nicely" Jaebeom said. "Good" I reply. We carry on tidying up in the kitchen till we were done. When we walked back in the lounge, we noticed that Hosung was crawling around the room. "Y/ N, Hosung is crawling" he said. "He is. Just like his brother" I say. "He must've seen Hajoon crawling this afternoon" I say. "Yes he must've" he said. "How clever are our boys?" I say. "They are so do cleaver. I'm so proud to be their daddy" Jaebeom said. "They are al lucky to have you as their daddy" I smile. Both of the boys were crawling around the room together. I videoed it and spent it to my friends and family and they were very happy

A/ N: hope this part is okay and not too repetitive

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