44. He Babysits While You're Out

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Jinyoung 💜


Y/ N is going out tonight to the bar with her group of friends so I'm going to be at home looking after Hyejin while she's out. I can't wait to have a night with my little girl and spend some special time with her while her mommy's out. Y/ N deserves sometime to herself and with her friends as she's been super busy being a mom the last two months. She's looking forward to going out. She'll be going soon. Hyejin and I are downstairs waiting for Y/ N to be ready to go. I have her on my lap and I'm holding her close. A few minutes later, Y/ N comes down looking all gorgeous to go out. "Are you ready to go, honey? You look gorgeous" I say. "Yes I am. You two have a great time" she said. "We will and you two, sweetie" I reply. Y/ N kisses me and Hyejin goodbye before she leaves. With Y/ N gone. It was just me and my little girl. "What should we do while mommy's out, Hyejin?" I say. She obviously doesn't answer. Haha. Awwww bless her. She's the cutest little girl ever. I soon fed Hyejin a bottle, milk that Y/ N expressed earlier. She gulped it down and then I had to change her. Y/ N was back after 9pm but Hyejin was in bed then. She had a great night out with her friends and I loved being at home with Hyejin

BamBam 💙


Y/ N is out having sometime to herself. She's doing her favourite thing. Shopping. I told her she should go out and have sometime to herself. Maxwell and I are having some father, son time at home just the two of us. I love time with my son so much. Not that I don't love it when Y/ N is around. She's an amazing girlfriend to me and great mom to Max and she deserves to have sometime to herself. Since moving here she hasn't really made any friends.  All her friends are still in Scotland but she's still in touch with them. She's been out about an hour and a half now. She'll probably be back in a couple of hours so Max and I still have sometime together for a while longer. He's laid next to me on the couch on his couch sleeper thing. He keeps looking at me. He's definitely focusing on me. Awwww bless him. "You're looking at me. Aren't you, son?" I say. He keeps looking at me intently. Yep that's my boy. Less than two hours later, the front door opens and Y/ N walks in with a few bags of things in her hand. "Hey, honey. You're home" I say. "Hey, boys. I am home" she said. "Did you have a good time? I can see you have" I say. "Yes it was really nice but I missed you two" Y/ N replies. "Awww we did too. This little guy has been so good" I say. "I'm sure he has" she smiles. Y/ N sits on the couch next to me and kisses me. "Nice to have you back, babe" I smile. She smiles back. I'm glad Y/ N had a nice time out shopping today. Maxwell and I had a great time together too

Jackson ❤️

I am out right now with my two best friends Amanda and Jocelyn. We are having a girls night out for the first time in months. Jackson is at home with baby Lily. He's babysitting her tonight while I'm out and I'm really thankful that he can do that. I have the best husband in the world and I love him so much. I've been out for a couple of hours with the girls. I'm planning on staying another hour before getting home to Jackson and Lily. I know everything is fine at home but I still want to get back. "I wish you could stay with us all night, Y/ N" Jocelyn said. "I know me too but I have to get back, girls. I have a husband and a young baby at home" I reply. "Oh Jackson will be fine" Amanda said. "Yeah I know but I still want to get home. Sorry. Hope you understand" I say. "Of course we do, silly" Jocelyn said. I leave about an hour later and text Jackson when I'm on my way home. I had a great girls night tonight. When I arrive home, I open the door and walk in. Jackson and Lily are not downstairs. He's probably getting her ready for bed. I go upstairs and walk into Lily's room and Jackson is sat in the chair feeding her. "Hi. I'm home" I said. "Hey, beautiful" he said. "How's everything?" I reply. "Good. I'm just feeding her but she's almost asleep" Jackson replies. "Awwww I know. Bless her. I'll leave you to finish feeding her" I say. I go into our room and get ready. Jackson comes in when he's fed Lily and put her to sleep. He gives me a big hug and a kiss and tells me they've missed me. Awwww that was so sweet

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