40. Family Meeting The Baby

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Jinyoung 💜

Jinyoung's sisters, Boyoung and Sooyoung are coming over to meet Hyejin for the first time today. They really can't wait to meet our little girl for the first time and we can't wait for them to meet her. They are coming over any moment now. I've dressed little Hyejin in a cute little dress to meet her aunties in. She looks adorable. "Is my girl ready to meet her aunties?" Jinyoung said. "Yes she is" I reply. "She looks so adorable. I love her dress. It's so beautiful just like her" he said kissing Hyejin. A few minutes later the doorbell goes and it's Boyoung and Sooyoung. "Hey" Sooyoung said. "Hi, Sissy's" Jinyoung said. They give him a hug and then come into me. "Hey, Y/ N" Boyoung said. I smiled and gave her a hug. "We finally get to meet this adorable little girl" Sooyoung said. "You do. Your niece Hyejin" Jinyoung said. "She's so beautiful. Oh my gosh. She's so precious" Boyoung said. They sit down on the couch and I make some drinks. Sooyoung wanted to hold Hyejin first so we let her. "She's the most beautiful little thing ever. I'm in love with her" she said. "Thank you, sis. My baby girl is the most gorgeous little girl ever. I have the best wife in the world who brought her into the world safely" Jinyoung said. Sooyoung holds Hyejin for a while before it was Boyoung's turn. "Hey, sweetie. I'm your aunt Boyoung" she said. She holds her for a while too. Sooyoung and Boyoung stay for a while and loved meeting baby Hyejin for the first time

BamBam 💙

My family from Scotland are coming over today for a few weeks to spend some time with us and see baby Maxwell for the first time. They've been dying to see him since he was born but they obviously haven't come over yet. My mum, dad and my younger sister are coming over. In fact we are at the airport now waiting to pick them up. They don't know we are coming and we have Max with us of course. They are going to get a surprise when they see the three of us waiting. They are having to stay in a hotel as our apartment isn't big enough for them. Their flight has landed so they should be coming through anytime soon. I have dressed Maxwell is a cute little tartan shirt that obviously signifies Scotland. He looks so cute. "I can't wait to see them and for them to meet Max" I say. "Me too" BamBam smiles. A few minutes later, I see my mum, dad and sister walking to us. My sister sees us and waves. "Y/ N" she exclaims. "Hey" I say. "What a nice surprise?" mum said. "I've missed you all so much" I say. "Hey, Mr and Mrs Y/ L/ N" BamBam said. "This must be my adorable little grandson" my dad said. "It is. Little Maxwell" I say. "He's perfect, guys and he has the best parents in the world" mum said. She wanted a little time with Maxwell so I let her hold him. Awwww my family are delighted to be here and meet little Max for the first time. We go back to our place and they wanted to spend some more time with him. Can't wait to have them here for the next few weeks

Jackson ❤️

Our parents are over at our place today. They've all met baby Lily before of course but we just invited them over today because we love them and wanted them over. Jackson's brother lives in Australia so he can't be here. I don't have any siblings anyway. My parents have been over since this morning and Jackson's parents arrived about an hour ago. It's great to have them over. Jackson's mom is cuddling Lily right now. "She's so beautiful. I have another beautiful granddaughter" she said. "Awww. Thanks, mom" Jackson said. "Jackson, I've always wanted you to be a father and you're proving to be a great one" she said. "Awww, mom" Jackson said. Jackson's mom continues to hold Lily for a bit longer. My dad holds her next. "She really is a precious angel, Y/ N. She reminds me of you when you were this small" he said. I kinda blush a bit. "Y/ N, is a wonderful mother to our little girl and a wife to me of course" Jackson said putting his arm around me. "Awwww" I smile. "I knew you'd be the best mother in the world" my dad said again. Lily was definitely the centre of attention today. Our parents just can't get enough of her just like me and Jackson can't. She's the best little girl ever and we love her so much

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