46. Baby's First Smile

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Jinyoung 💜

Hyejin came into the world 9 weeks ago and me and Jinyoung haven't been happier since. We love her so much. Our baby girl is so so precious. We love her with all our hearts. She's the best little miracle ever. She is almost smiling at us too which is amazing. We just want to see our little girls smile. We are having a relaxing even and watching a nice move together. We are watching a Dog's Purpose. So cute. Hyejin is laid in the middle of us on the couch looking cute as always. She's obviously not watching the movie as she's too young. Jinyoung and I are sat enjoying it together. He keeps on smiling at me and touching my hand. "How are you doing, baby girl? What do you think about those dogs?" Jinyoung said to Hyejin. "I don't know, hun" I say. "Maybe she'll want a dog when she's older but only a cute, sweet natured one" he said. We pause the movie and look down at Hyejin and smile at her. A few minutes later she smiles back at us. "Awe, darling. You just smiled at us, baby girl" Jinyoung said. "You did, Hyejin. Wow!" I say. "How beautiful are you?" he said. "She's so beautiful, Jinyoung. So very beautiful" I smile. "Our baby girl just smiled at us for the first time" he said. We carried on watching the movie but feeling elated that our baby girl smiled at us for the first time this afternoon

BamBam 💙

Maxwell is the cutest little boy ever. Me and BamBam love him so much. With everything we have. BamBam is a great father to our little boy. He loves being a father best in the world and he's the best guy I could ask for. We are a happy family of three with little Max. BamBam has four cats called Pudding, Latte, Cupcake and King and they are all really good around Max and they love him too. We've had no troubles with them. They are good kitty's. Max is sat in his little seat now and me and BamBam are on the couch and the cats are wondering around the room. "I think my cats love our boy" BamBam said. "Yes they both do" I smile. "Who wouldn't? Max is a loveable little boy" he replies. I smile. We keep our eyes on the cats around Max. "Cuties. You're still my babies even though I have a real baby now" BamBam said. "I know" I reply. He crouches down near Maxwell and tickles him. "I think he's a bit ticklish" he said. "Yeah he is. Haha" I laugh. As BamBam was tickling Maxwell, he smiled at us. "Maxie, you just smiled at daddy" BamBam said. "Our little smiler" I say. "So cute, my boy" he said picking Maxwell up and kissing him. "I'm so proud of you, son" he said. "Me too, Maxwell darling" I reply. Little Max just smiled at us for the first time today and it was amazing

Jackson ❤️

Earlier today we took Lily for her second swimming lesson and she loved it. We got back not so long ago and Jackson is in the shower now. I had a shower when we got home and Jackson watched Lily. I'm with her now while he's in the shower. We'll be bathing her later when Jackson has finished himself. Lily is sat in her bouncy chair minding her own business while I look at my magazine a bought yesterday. It's just a celebrity magazine. I look down at Lily and she's smiling at me really widely. OMG she's never smiled before. "Awwww, baby girl. You're smiling at me. Daddy needs to see this" I said. I pick up Lily and take her into our room where the bathroom is. "Jackson" I say. "Yeah just finishing up" he said. "Lily just smiles at me for the first time a few minutes ago" I say. "OMG did she really?" I say. "She did. I would really like to see you do it" I reply. Jackson opens the door and comes out with a towel round him. "Lily, you smiled at your mama. Will you do the same for dada" he said. I hand Lily to Jackson. He smiles at her for a few minutes till she does the same back. "Awe. That's my girl. You just smiled at daddy" he smiled. "I knew she would, Jackson. She's a daddy's girl after all" I smile. "Oh she is. She is" Jackson said kissing Lily's cheek. We had a great day swimming and little Lily smiled for both of us which is amazing

Mark 🧡

The twins bring so much joy to our lives and we love them so much. Melody is already smiling at us and awww she's so cute. Myles hasn't smiled at us yet but hopefully he will soon if his sister is. But we love them both so much like I said though. They still love their rocker chairs and play on them all the time. They are sitting in them now looking cute. Mark is sat next to me on the couch. "They are just the cutest, babe" he said. "They are indeed. The cutest kids ever" I say. "Love them so much. I can't believe you carried them for almost 9 whole months, my love" Mark said. "I know it was the longest 9 months waiting for them to be here" I reply. Melody and Myles are still rocking in their chairs and being cute. Melody is smiling at us. "You're so cute when you smile, baby girl. I wonder if your brother will do the same" Mark said. "Myles, will you smile for us like your sister" I say. We tried to get Myles to smile but he wouldn't. Oh no but eventually he did. "Y/ N, I think he just smiled a little" Mark said. "Yes I think he did. Well done, Myles. You just smiled like your sister" I say picking him up out of his rocker. "We knew young would, son. Daddy's so proud of you both" he said. "And mommy is too" I reply. Both of our beautiful babies smiled for us and it was such an amazing feeling for Mark and I. We are a proud mommy and daddy of Melody and Myles



Sunwoo is almost smiling at us and me and Y/ N are so proud of him. We can't believe he is our son and he's been in our lives for two months now. Our boy who we love so much. He's the best little thing ever in the world. We don't go out much but we love being at home with him and wouldn't have it any other way. Our boy is so cute and he means the world to us. Y/ N and I are laying on bed. We haven't woken up yet. We are having a lie in because why not. I think we deserve one anyway. Sunwoo is laid between us on bed looking at us. "Hey, little man. How are you doing?" I say. Y/ N laughs. She always laughs at me when I'm talking to Sunwoo. He's a happy little baby and we love him. I tickle him and make funny faces at him hoping he'll smile at me and do the same back. "You're so silly" Y/ N says to me. "No you're so silly too" I laugh. I carry on tickling and making funny faces at Sunwoo. It eventually works as he does it back. "Yes, my boy. You smiled. Well done. I think you have your mommy's smile" I say. "You did. You have my smile" Y/ N said. "Awwww. Yessss I knew you would do it" I say picking Sunwoo up and rubbing his nose against mine. Our boy just smiled at me for the first time today and I couldn't be happier or prouder of him

Yugyeom 💛

Sunhee smiled at us for the first time earlier and me and Yugyeom were so happy our little angel smiled. Awwww she's so cute. Our baby girl who we love so much just smiled at us for the first time today. Yugyeom was so happy when Sunhee smiled because she's such a daddy's girl. She's a mommy's girl too but mostly a daddy's girl she is. She's been smiling all day since. Awwww. It's made us so happy seeing her smile. Sunhee is definitely a little smiler. "I can't believe she's smiling. I'm honestly so happy. My baby girl is such a little smiler and I love her so much" Yugyeom said. "She is indeed. I know you're such a proud daddy" I say. "I am. Are you such a proud mommy" he replies. "Of course I am" I smile. "She's beautiful just like her mommy" he said. "Awww. Just think what you'll be like when she takes her first steps and says her first words" I reply. "I know right. I'll be a mess" Yugyeom laughs. "Sunhee, your daddy can be silly but I love him and you love him too" I said. "Awww, baby girl" Yugyeom said. He looks at Sunhee and she smiles at him. "You have such a beautiful little smile, my love" he smiles. I smile too. We are one big happy, smiley family with our little girl in our lives

Jaebeom 💚

The boys are growing up and coming on a lot. Jaebeom and I are the proudest parents in the world of Hosung and Hajoon. We can't believe we are parents to two amazing little boys. They are almost smiling and we can't wait till they give us their first smiles. We are having dinner with Jaebeom's parents tonight at a family favourite restaurant and it's amazing food. Hosung and Hajoon are in their car seats next to Jaebeom as they are not yet old enough to sit in high chairs. "It's lovely to have dinner with you all" Jaebeom's mom said. "It is, mom. Me and Y/ N love being with you and dad" he said. "We love spending time with our adorable grandsons too" his dad said. "You do. Mom and dad, Hosung and Hajoon would like a cuddle" Jaebeom said. The boys have cuddles with Halmeoni and Hal-abeoji. "You boys are so cute. Halmeoni loves you so much" Jaebeom's mom says to Hajoon. Hajoon then smiles at her. "Awww, guys. He just smiled at me. Has he done that before" she said. "No he hasn't. His first time" Jaebeom replies. "Ohhhh Hosung just smiled at me too. Look" Jaebeom's dad said. We looked at the boys smiling and we were so so happy and proud of them. Our little babies just smiled and it was amazing. What a night for them to smile too?

A/ N: awww baby's first smile. Next chapter is a few months later

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