43. Cute Family Time

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Jinyoung 💜

Hyejin is coming up to two months old now. She is doing amazing and me and Jinyoung fall more in love with her everyday. She's the sweetest little girl ever. Our precious baby girl. We are at home with Hyejin. We've been at home a lot since she was born as we haven't really wanted to go out too far. Jinyoung loves his cuddles with our little girl. We are sat on the couch in the lounge chilling now. Jinyoung is holding Hyejin of course. "Hey, baby girl. I think you're looking at me" he said. "She is. Soon she'll be smiling. I can tell she's focusing pretty well" I reply. "She is. We'll be seeing that gorgeous smile soon. Eh. Won't we, Hyejin?" Jinyoung smiles. "Oh yes we will"
I say to her. Jinyoung kisees Hyejin's cheeks. "Daddy loves you so so much" he said. "And Mommy loves you so so much too" I reply. Jinyoung smiles at me and Hyejin too. I love seeing my husband and our daughter bond. I love them both so much. They make me the happiest and we love our family time together

BamBam 💙


I absolutely love being a daddy to little Maxwell. He's the sweetest kid ever and I love him and Y/ N with everything i have. They are my worlds. I couldn't imagine our lives without Max now and I wouldn't want to. He's our little boy. We are having some cuddling time in bed as we are having a lazy day and doing nothing because why the hell not. Y/ N is holding Max and I'm sat next to them both with my arms around her. "Awe, Bammie. I'm still tired even though I slept pretty good" she said. "I know, baby. You will be. You'll still be getting used to the whole motherhood thing" I reply. "Yeah I know I am but I absolutely love being a mother to this little guy" Y/ N replies. "I absolutely love being a father to this little guy too. He's the best boy ever" I reply. "He certainly is. We are so blessed with him, BamBam" she said. I pick him up and place him in my arms. "Hey, Max. It's daddy" I say. "You have the best daddy in the world, little boy" Y/ N said. "Awwww" I reply. I look at Max and make a funny face at him. Haha. He doesn't make one back as he's not smiling yet. We have some more family time in bed before getting up. I love time with my two favourite people in the world

Jackson ❤️

Me and Jackson are having a lot of bit of family time with little Lily. She's our baby girl and we love her so much. She's the sweetest little thing ever. She especially likes laying on her play mat we got her and touching the toys on it. We are going to try tummy time with her soon. Jackson likes sitting beside Lily when she's playing with her play mat. Awww it's so cute to see the two of them together. Adorable actually. What's what they are doing now. "Daddy is going to play with you, sweet girl" he said. "He is, Lils" I reply. Jackson sits beside Lily and plays with her. He likes to show her all the different toys on her play mat. Awwww so cute. Bless. I watch them play together for a while. My husband and daughter are so cute together. "You love playing with daddy. Don't you, Lily?" Jackson said. "She does. She loves playing with her daddy so much" I reply. "I'm glad you do, sweetheart" he said. Jackson lays down by Lily so he's on her level. He tickles her belly. I laugh. It's so cute when Jackson and Lily play together. My heart just melts. My two babies

Mark 🧡

The twins are two months old now and they are doing absolutely amazing and are so sweet and adorable. Me and Mark love them so much. Our babies. Melody and Myles love sitting in their motion rocker chairs. They look so cute sitting in them. It's their favourite thing to do, to sit in their chairs and rock till their hearts are content. They are so adorable and we are so blessed to have them as our kids. Melody and Myles are in their motion rockers now having some fun. Mark and I are sat on the couch watching them being cute. "Our babies love these things" he says. "Yes they do. So glad we got them for them" I reply. "Me too. Just think their lives would be boring without their rocking chairs" he said. "Yep it would I guess" I smile. We continue to watch Melody and Myles in their rocking chairs for a bit longer. "You guys are having so much fun. Ah" Mark said. "Yes they are indeed" I reply. "So so cute. Both of you" he said. "The cutest" I reply. When the twins had enough in their rockers, we pick them up and cuddle them. "Mommy and daddy love you, Melody and Myles" I said. "We do indeed. With all our hearts" he said. We kiss them and they fall asleep on our laps later. We absolutely love being parents to Melody Rose and Myles Richard

Youngjae 💗

Sunwoo is coming up to two months old now and he's doing great. We love him so much. Having him in our lives have really changed us. I don't think Youngjae would be the same people we are now if we didn't have Sunwoo in our lives. He's the sweetest little boy ever. We are in the lounge chilling with baby Sunwoo now. Youngjae is holding him now and I'm sat next to them on the couch. "Babe" he said. "Yes" I reply looking at him. "I couldn't imagine ourselves without this little guy. Like I don't think we would be married or as happy as we are today if we didn't have this awesome boy" Youngjae said. "I know right. I agree. Our lives definitely wouldn't be the same without him" I reply. "Yes it would be boring if we weren't parents" he said. "Love you" I say. "Love you too and Sunwoo. Yeah. Don't I, son?" Youngjae said. "Awe you love him very very much" I reply. "Yes I do indeed" he said kissing Sunwoo's cheek. "Awwww. Cutest father, son duo I know" I say. "I know right. Me and my boy. I'm gonna teach him so many things when he's older" Youngjae replies. "I bet you are" I smile. My boys are so cute together. I love you both so much

Yugyeom 💛

Yugyeom is such a great father to our beautiful little girl Sunhee. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend, life partner or father of my child. He's everything Sunhee and I need. We love being parents but it is hard. We wouldn't change it for the world as we have a beautiful little daughter who we love now. Sunhee went to bed a while ago and so did Yugyeom and I. We are awake with her now as she up so we are up too. We don't mind staying up with her because we love her with all our hearts and more besides. Sunhee is laid on Yugyeom's legs and he's holding her hands. Awwww so cute. They are so cute. "You're looking at daddy. Aren't you, Sunhee?" he said. "Well I think she is" I reply. "She definitely is" I reply. "You're just so beautiful. I could cry right now" he said. "Awwww, baby. Don't cry. I could cry too actually" I reply. "We gave the most gorgeous and bestest baby girl in the world" Yugyeom smiles. "We sure do" I smile. Yugyeom smiles and kisses me and then Sunhee. He loves to kiss us loads of times throughout the day. Awwww so cute. That's why we love him so much. Sunhee starts to fall asleep while she is on her daddy's legs. "Oh I think someone is sleepy and needs to go back to sleep" he said. He picks her up and puts her in her crib beside us on his side. Sunhee goes to sleep and we do too in each other's arms

Jaebeom 💚

Hosung and Hajoon are growing up a lot. They are already two months old and me and Jaebeom can't believe how much our baby boys are growing up and how much we love them too which us so much. We have wanted to start a family for so long and we finally have now and we have two perfect little boys in our lives now. The boys are sleeping now downstairs and Jaebeom and I are sat on the couch watching them. Well not in a creepy way but we are just being quiet while they sleep. Jaebeom has his arms around me and he's holding me close. Awww I love him so much. "They are so cute and precious when they sleep. Are our boys" he whispers. "I know they are. Little miracles" I reply. "Indeed" he smiles. "I still can't believe we are parents, Jaebeomie" I say. "Me too but it's the best thing ever. Love my boys and you, jagiya" he smiles. "I love all three of my boys so much" I say. He smiles and kisses me. Soon the boys wake up and we pick them up and have cuddles with them. I have cuddles with Hajoon and Jaebeom has cuddles with Hosung. Awwww they are such sweet little boys. It's the best thing being parents to them

A/ N: awwww nothing like a bit of cute family time

This book will be finished in a week but fear not I have another one coming and it's another Kpop group. The only the only Seventeen. I know they're a big group of 13 members but I'm going to split up the parts. I'll explain more when I start it

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