27. Labor/ Delivery- Jinyoung 💜

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My due date is just a couple of days off. Our little angel Hyejin will be here anytime and we can't wait to meet her. Everything is ready. The hospital bag is by the door if I go into labor suddenly. Hopefully she'll come on time as me and Jinyoung just can't wait to be parents and hold her in our arms. It's 5am in the morning so like the middle of the night. I was sleep up until a few minutes ago where I was woken up by a sharp pain in my stomach. I turn onto my back without disturbing Jinyoung who is still sleeping. A few minutes later he wakes up and turns on the lamp and looks concerned that I was awake. "Are you okay, baby? Can't you sleep?" he said. "No, Jinyoung. I think I might be having contractions" I reply. "It's okay, baby. I'm here. Don't worry. Just stay calm" he said. He shuffles closer to me and holds my hand and calms me down and it works. The contractions begin to get worse and Jinyoung times them for me. I really didn't want as it was the middle of the night and I'm tired. The midwife said to take me to the hospital when my contractions become frequent. He gets my shoes and coat and grabs the stuff we need and take me out to the car. We are both going on out pjs but we don't care. I need to get to the hospital. "I will get you there as quick as I can" Jinyoung said. "Don't rush. It's okay. I'm not going to have this baby right now" I reply. "We will be there soon. I promise" he said. Luckily the traffic was quiet at this time in the morning. Luck was on our side as we passed through green lights. When we pulled up at the hospital we found somewhere to park and we got out of the car and Jinyoung carried me in. "We are here and our little girl will be here soon" he said. "Yes" I say nodding my head and clenching my stomach. He takes me into the maternity department and they check me in

I have been in the hospital room now for a couple of hours and I have a hospital gown on. The midwives keep on checking on me regularly. I'm about halfway dilated so if still could be a while longer. Our beautiful little girl will be here soon enough anyway and we cannot wait to meet her. Jinyoung gets something to eat for himself for breakfast and stays by my side. I didn't really feel like eating right now. I will have a bit of something later if I feel like it. Jinyoung makes me some tea for us. "Not long now, my love" he said. "I know, Jinyoungie. I love you so much" I say. "I love you too and our precious baby girl will be here so soon" he smiles. "She will" I reply. We spend some time playing the waiting game. It's around 1pm now and I'm 8cm dilated. We have been told it could still be a bit more time before baby Hyejin makes an appearance into the world. We cannot wait to meet her though. Jinyoung is so sweet and would not leave my side no matter what. Several hours later and it was about time to push. I got into an almost comfortable position to push even though it wasn't greatly comfortable. I squeeze onto Jinyoung's hand as I get ready for the first pushes. The midwives were telling me to breathe as I was pushing. Sometimes I forgot to breathe. "Jagiya, you're doing so well" Jinyoung said. "Not there yet" I say. "You will be soon. I can see her head" the midwife said. "Yay!" he cheers. I continue to push until I gave birth to our baby girl. "She's here and she's beautiful" the midwife said. Me and Jinyoung caught a glimpse of Hyejin as they held her up. "You did it, jagiya and she's amazing. You're amazing" he said. "She is" I pant. Wow! J was so exhausted after that but it was definitely so worth it. We wait for them to clean up our newborn daughter before we got to hold her

A few minutes after Hyejin was both me and Jinyoung got to hold her. She is so beautiful and gorgeous. The midwives cleaned her off and wrapped her tightly in a nice warm blanket. "Y/ N, we have been blessed so much. She's absolutely beautiful" he said. "She is. She's so beautiful and perfect" I reply. Jinyoung looks at Hyejin and kisses her forehead. "I can't believe she's here. Jagiya, you did so well" he said. "Thank you. I did well because I knew our little girl was going to be born soon" I reply. "Baby, you're the best" he said. I let Jinyoung hold Hyejin soon. He was so careful and gentle with her. Awe bless him. "Hello, darling. I'm your daddy and you're my little princess" he said. "Awwww. You're such a natural. Jinyoungie" I reply. "She's the most beautiful thing I've never seen. She definitely takes after you, jagiya" he said. "She is. Our little Hyejin" I said. "I'm going to be the most overprotective father in the world. If anyone ever hurts her, I will hurt them back. She's not dating till she's 30 at least and any guy who likes her will have to get my permission first" Jinyoung says. "Yeah that's right" I laugh. So baby Hyejin is finally here. She is beautiful and a blessing. We are so so in love with her. She's the best thing ever

Park Hyejin 💗Born May 18th @ 5:33pmWeight 6lbs 9oz

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Park Hyejin 💗
Born May 18th @ 5:33pm
Weight 6lbs 9oz

A/ N: so the first baby is here and she's absolutely gorgeous. Awwwww. Hope you liked the first part because I loved it

NCT 127 dropped their second album today. I can say it's amazing. Elevator, Love Song and Dreams Come True are instant favourites of mine. Can't wait to for my version to come. I need GOT7 to make another comeback soon

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