37. First Bath

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Jinyoung 💜

Hyejin is now two weeks old so me and Jinyoung can give her first bath. We have bought a purple baby bath did her. We are going to bathe her for the first time this afternoon as her umbilical cord stump has no fallen off. We are doing it in the kitchen as there's more room there. We have everything laid and set out on the bench for Hyejin's bath. Towel, clean clothes and diaper and cotton wool is wash her. Jinyoung is filling the bath now. I told him to test with his wrist to see if it is warm. "I think that should do it" he said bringing it over. "Yep just right" I say sticking my wrist in. I already undressed Hyejin so she's ready to go in. Jinyoung lifts her in as he wanted to. "Let's see how you like it" he said. He places Hyejin gently into the bath. He holds her firmly and I splash water over her. I grab some cotton wool and wash her face gently. I also wash down her arms, legs and her bottom two. She stays in for a couple more minutes before we lift her out. I wrapped her in the nice fluffy towel as Jinyoung lifted her out. "You just had your first bath, Princess" he said. I smile. So Hyejin had her first bath and it went really well

BamBam 💙

Me and BamBam are going to give little Max his first bath this morning. He's two weeks old so why not and his umbilical stump has come off to so it's a good time to give him a bath. Me and BamBam are slightly nervous about giving him a bath but we are still doing it of course. We don't have a baby bath yet so we'll have to bathe Maxwell in the kitchen sink. We will get one soon. It just totally slipped our mind moving and everything. We set up in the kitchen. BamBam just fed his cats. He has four of them and they've all been fairly good round Maxwell since we brought him home. Anyway I fill the sink and BamBam undresses Max and brings him over to me. "Is he all ready?" I ask. "Yep and the cats are happy too" he replies. BamBam hands Max to me as he wanted me to lift him in. "Hey, little boy" I say. "Mammas got you, Maxie" BamBam said. Max paddles in the water for a bit and we get him used to the water. "I think he likes it" BamBam said. "Yeah so far he does" I reply. A few minutes later I let BamBam take over as he wanted to. We didn't want Maxwell to stay too long as it's in the kitchen sink. We'll give him a proper bath when we've got a baby bath. BamBam lifts him out and we wrap him in a towel and get him dressed and put a diaper on him. Maxwell had his first bath today in the kitchen sink. We'll give him another one in the next few days

Jackson ❤️

Jackson and I have been giving baby Lily quick washes since she came home from the hospital but today we are going to give her a bath for the first time. We are excited to give our little girl her first bath. We are getting ready in the kitchen for Lily's first bath. She just woke up from a nap not so long ago so she probably won't be too happy. Jackson is running the water and then filling the sink after. "I think that's warm enough" he said. "Yeah" I agree. He brings the bath over to the main bench of the kitchen and I place Lily in. "Our girls first bath" he said. "It is indeed" I reply. I hold Lily in the bath as we bathe her. "Ohhhh she likes it" Jackson says. "Yes she does" I reply. Lily isn't smiling yet but I could tell she was grinning a bit. I let Jackson bathe her for a bit too. I wash her gently with a sponge and some gentle lotion. Lily enjoyed her first bath this afternoon. Jackson lifted her out gently and I wrapped her in a nice warm towel that I was warming on the radiator. I dried her off and then we get a clean diaper on her and a fresh onesie. Lily was a happy little girl after her first bath thus afternoon. We can't wait to bathe her in the next few days. We're sure she'll enjoy it again

Mark 🧡

It's Christmas Eve so the twins are two weeks old tomorrow. They are doing great and Mark and I are going to do give them a bath for the first time. Tomorrow is Christmas Day so we won't have chance then. We are going to do it now. We have everything set up in the kitchen for Melody and Myles's bath. We only have one baby bath so we'll have to bathe one baby at a time. We are going to do Melody first. I run the tap and make sure the water is warm. Mark is getting Melody ready for her bath. "Are you ready for your first bath, sweetheart?" Mark said to Melody. He lifts her into the bath and I stand beside them. "There we go. Nice and easy" he said. Melody doesn't really like the temperature of the water at first. She flinches a bit and cries but we settle her down. "See it's not so bad now" Mark said. I smile. We bathe Melody for a few minutes and lift her out and dry and dress her. Mark changes the water for Myles's bath. Fresh water of course. I get Myles and undress him while Mark is getting the bath filled for him. When the bath was ready, Mark lifts Myles in. "Your first bath, little man" he said. "Yep it is. Your sister didn't like it very much" I say. Myles liked the bath more than Melody. Awwww. We bathe him for the same time and lift him out and dry and dress him. So we gave Melody and Myles their first baths today and it went really well. Can't wait for Christmas with our babies

Youngjae 💗


Y/ N and I are giving our little boy Sunwoo his guest bath today. He is over two weeks old so his umbilical cord stump has come off. We can give him a proper bath. We haven't got a baby bath yet. It was one of the things we forgot to buy so we will have to bathe Sunwoo in the bath tub. That's okay anyway. Y/ N is bringing Sunwoo in a few minutes when I've filled the bath and got things ready. "Ready whenever you are" I say. "Sure just a moment" Y/ N replies. She brings Sunwoo in soon. She already undressed him and he was wrapped in a towel. "My little man is ready for his first bath" I said. "He is indeed" Y/ N said handing Sunwoo to me. I lift him into the bath and start splashing water over him gently. I hold him firmly in my arms so he doesn't slip. "How'd you like that?" I say. "Yes he likes it. He likes it" Y/ N said. Y/ N washes him gently with a face cloth. Sunwoo really enjoys his first bath. I lift him out and wrap him in a towel and we dry him off. "There we go. You just had your first bath" Y/ N said. "He did and he enjoyed it very much" I smile. Y/ N smiles too. Sunwoo's first bath was great

Yugyeom 💛

Me and Yugyeom have been giving baby Sunhee washes every other day since she came home from the hospital. You're not meant to bathe a baby till their umbilical stump has come off. Sunhee's is still on so we are still washing her for the meantime. We are going to do it now since it's a couple of days since we last did it. I lay Sunhee down on the changing table. Yugyeom is in the bathroom filling a basin of warm water for Sunhee's bath. He's almost done. "Here we are" he said bringing it in. "Thanks, babe" I reply. "Is baby girl treat for her wash" he said. "She is" I reply. "Can daddy do it today?" Yugyeom asks. "Sure of course you can" I reply. He stands by the changing table and grabs some cotton wool dipping it in the warm water and starts washing Sunhee's face. He's seen the way I do it and he's done it before. He does that and dries her off with dry cotton wool. Then he washes down Sunhee's body and arms and then onto her legs and bottom. He does down her legs too and dries her with fresh cotton wool too. Soon Sunhee was all ready and we put a clean diaper on her and her clothes. "There we go, my love. All done" Yugyeom said. When Sunhee was washed we go and have sometime together as a family

Jaebeom 💚

Jaebeom and I are going to give Hosung and Hajoon their first baths today and we can't wait to. Our boys are now two weeks old and they are doing amazing. We have two baby baths for the babies so we can both baths a baby each. We start by setting up in the kitchen. We have a towel, clothes and a fresh diaper out for the babies. I run the tap in the kitchen with warm water and fill the baths while Jaebeom gets the babies and undress them. I take Hajoon and Jaebeom takes Hosung. "Let's get you boys bathed" he said. We lift them the baths at the same time. We get them used to the temperature of the water before giving them a little wash. "You like it" I say. Jaebeom smiles. "Shoot. He just peed" he said. "Did he. Oh, Hosung" I reply. A few minutes later we lift the babies out of the baths and wrap them in nice towels and dry them off. We then put diapers on them and clean clothes. "Our boys just had their first baths" Jaebeom said. "Yes they did and they liked them" I say. "Hosung, promise daddy you'll never pee on him again" he said. I laughed. The boys enjoyed their first bath today

A/ N: another update later as it's a short one

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