25. Getting Ready For Baby

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Jinyoung 💜

I am 37 weeks now so 3 weeks from my due date. Me and Jinyoung can't wait to welcome our daughter Hyejin into the world soon. We are just so ready to be parents and we can't wait to meet our beautiful little girl. Jinyoung and I are in the process of getting things ready for the baby so everything is ready in case she comes early. Me and Jinyoung are checking if we've got everything organised. All of Hyejin's clothes are in her closet and drawers. Well we think they are. The hospital bag is ready too. "Jagi, I just need to check if we've got everything" I say. "I'm sure we have. Everything is in the hospital bag so don't you worry" he said. "I know but I need to check the clothes and stuff" I reply. I look in the closet and find another bag full of things. It had clothes in from my baby shower. "I can't believe I forgot about these" I say. "It's alright, honey. You've got a lot on your mind. We'll sort it out together" Jinyoung said. "Yeah" I sigh. We get the clothes out of the bag and hang them up on the closet and put them in the drawers too. "Okay all done. Panic over" I say. "Yeah. I didn't want you to get stressed, babe" Jinyoung said. "Yeah I know. I shouldn't. Oti little girl is nearly here" I reply. "She is indeed" Jinyoung said touching my bump. So in just a few weeks little Hyejin will be here

BamBam 💙

In just a few weeks our little boy will be here soon. We still haven't decided on a name for him yet but we will when he's here. BamBam and I think we are ready for the big responsibility of having a baby. We are going to love our little boy with all our heart when he's here in our arms. We are in the nursery putting some finishing touches to things as we need to. Our little boys nursery is more than half complete. We just want to make she we've got everything though. A put a cushion on the chair and also a cute teddy bear just to make it look more interesting. "The nursery looks great. I don't think we need to do much else, babe" BamBam said. "Yeah I think we are nearly there" I reply. We put the last few finishing touches to the nursery before we were done. "We done it" BamBam said. "Yeah we have" I reply. "I love you" he said. "I love you too" I say. I put my arms around him and say "Bammie, do you think you're definitely ready to be a father?" I say. "Yes of course I am, baby. What a silly thing to say" BamBam said. "I'm glad you are because I'm really ready to become a mother" I reply. "Well I wouldn't want to be sharing this special journey with anyone but you" he smiles. "Love you, Kunpimook Bhuwakul" I say. "Love you too, Y/ F/ N" he smiles putting his arms around me and kissing me. Maybe it was silly of me to ask BamBam that. I know he loves me and he can't wait to be a father soon

Jackson ❤️

I'm about a month off my due date now and me and Jackson can't wait to be parents to our little girl Lily. We are busy getting things ready for her just in case she comes early. It's been quite hectic actually but we love doing it. It makes it feel a whole lot more real. Jackson and I are in Lily's nursery now getting the hospital bag ready for when I go into the hospital to give birth. I am definitely having a home birth as it's a lot more safer for me and our baby girl. We put a cute little outfit for Lily when she comes home as chosen by both of us, things for me, breast pads, change of clothes for me, also some diapers and wipes just in case we need them. I pack lots more stuff too. The list goes on. Jackson double checks with me. "Yep I think that's good, baby" he said. "I feel like I've forgotten something" I say. "No no, honey. Don't stress. I think you've got everything you need for now" Jackson said. "I don't know" I say getting into a state. "Y/ N, calm down. I know you're hormones are all over the place and you're tired but everything is good" he said holding my hand. "I'm sorry, Jack. I'm just overthinking and worrying for no reason" I say. "Don't worry, honey. It's alright. I'm here for you and our little girl" Jackson said. "I know you are, darling and you're the best" I say. "Awwww. You're the best too" he said. He holds me close and kisses my forehead. Anyway I think we are mostly ready for the arrival of baby Lily

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