21. He Buys Something For The Baby

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Jinyoung 💜

Me and Jinyoung are chilling at home together this evening. We love our chill days. We love our chill evenings together. It's Friday so that means it's the weekend and we are going to start decorating our little girls nursery. Can't wait. We have everything ready to start. "I can't wait to do the nursery tomorrow" Jinyoung said. "Yes me too. Well we'll be doing it tomorrow. Don't you worry" I say pinching his nose. We carry on chilling for a bit longer. Jinyoung had to go up for something. He didn't say what. He takes a few minutes upstairs so I go up to wonder what he's doing. He has something in his hand. Something for our baby by the looks of it. "What are you doing, Jinyoungie?" I ask. "Nothing just sorting something out" he said. "Awwww that's for our baby girl" I say. "Yes it is. Well I wanted to give it you in a special way but I guess you've already seen it" he said. "I have and it's so cute. I love it. Adorable" I reply. Jinyoung has got our little girl a lovely little pink dress with a spotty top. "I knew you would love it, jagiya" he said. "I do. Jinyoung, you're so kind, sweet and thoughtful. I love you so much" I say. "Awe I love you so much too. When I saw this. I just had to get it for our little angel" he said. "Well I love it. She's going to look so pretty and adorable in it" I reply. "She is indeed" he said touching my bump. Jinyoung smiles and kisses me too. Awe I love the little dress he got for our baby girl a lot. That's the kind of guy Jinyoung is. So kind, sweet and thoughtful. He's just the best

 He's just the best

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BamBam 💙


Me and Y/ N have been in Korea for a few days now. She has moved into my apartment with me and us settling in just fine. She is missing home and her family but is going to be in contact with them since we got here. It was a long flight but we are here now. A few weeks ago I went out and bought something for our baby boy. Something Scottish themed. A cute pair of Scottish tartan shoes for our son. Y/ N is going to love them and they will remind her of home too. I've been finding the right time to give them to her. Y/ N is laying on our bed in our room and I'm laid next to her. She's tired and keeps on yawning so I think she'll be heading to bed soon. I think now could be the right time to give her the gift. I get up off the bed and go into my closet and grab it. I wrapped it in a cute little box with sheep on. That will remind her of home too. "Ohhhh. What's this?" Y/ N said. "If you open it. You'll see for yourself" I reply. I hand it to her and she opens it. "Awwww, Bammie. Some adorable little tartan shoes for our little boy" she said. "Yes I bought them a few weeks ago back in Scotland and I thought you would love them and they would remind you of home" I say. "Awwww that's so sweet of you, Kunpimook. So cute" Y/ N said. "I knew you would baby. It's important to me that our son learns about his Scottish roots too as well as his Thai roots. We can teach him about both cultures" I said. "Yes we can" she smiles kissing me. So I'm glad I gave Y/ N the shoes today and she loved them. Reminded her so much of Scotland

 Reminded her so much of Scotland

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