39. Family Photoshoot

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Jinyoung 💜

Hyejin is almost a month old now so Jinyoung and I are going to have some family photos taken with her. We want photos with our beautiful baby girl and we can't wait. His mom is doing the photos for us today at our home in our bedroom. We can't wait. We dress casually. Jinyoung is in a t shirt with his pj bottoms on. Don't ask me why. I'm in a nightdress thing but it doesn't really look like a night dress. Anyway Jinyoung's Mom gets her phone ready to take some photos of us. We sit on the bed holding baby Hyejin. I hold her and Jinyoung sits next to me. We smile as Jinyoung's mom takes pictures of us together as a family on our bed. We sit close together holding little Hyejin who is closing her beautiful eyes. We had several nice photos taken of us in our room. We will put some in Hyejin's photo album. Jinyoung's mom did a really good job. We have some beautiful family pictures with our beautiful baby girl

 We have some beautiful family pictures with our beautiful baby girl

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BamBam 💙

BamBam and I have decided to go to the park for a short time today. Why not? It's not spring yet but it's a nice day. Maxwell is with us of course looking adorable as always. We wouldn't leave our boy at home not on a day like today. We've been at the park for about an hour or so far. We were talking about it before and we are going to take some photos of us in the park with Max. We want some photos of us as a family. BamBam takes a selfie of us with Maxwell. He's holding him in his arms as we look at the camera. He takes a few more too. We prop BamBam's phone up against my bag so we can get more photos of us together. It works and we get some more snaps of us with baby Max in the park. We look back at the photos and they turned out really good. BamBam made our favourite picture his new lock screen. We had a lot of fun in the park today with our little boy and took sone nice photos of us all as a family

 We had a lot of fun in the park today with our little boy and took sone nice photos of us all as a family

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Jackson ❤️

Today me, Jackson and baby Lily are at a photography studio doing a photoshoot. We wanted some professional photos taking of us as a family with our sweet baby girl. Can't wait to see how they turn out. We have just got ready at the studio for the shoot. Jackson is dressed is a blue buttoned up shirt to look smart and I'm in a blouse. Lily is wrapped up in a blanket with a cute little headband in her hair. She looks so beautiful and adorable. The photographer gets set up and takes the photos. I hold Lily in my arms and Jackson stands behind me and puts his arms around me as we smile for the pictures. Lily was getting sleepy and she falls asleep. The photographer gets quite a lot of shots of us together with Lily. He showed us the finished shots and we were really pleased with them. We had a great family photoshoot with our little Lily today

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