42. Date Night

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Jinyoung 💜

Jinyoung and I have a night to ourselves tonight as my parents are looking after Hyejin for the night. We can do whatever we want for the night. We will miss our baby girl but we will look forward to having a night to ourselves spending sometime together just the two of us. We don't really have plans for the night. We are just relaxing and spending time together. Hyejin has been at my parents house for the last hour. We miss her already. Our precious baby girl. "So what should we do tonight?" Jinyoung asks. "Just spend some quality time together as Mr and Mrs" I reply. "Yeah good idea. What should we have to eat?" he suggests. "I don't know. Whatever you want?" I reply. We decided to do something fun and make homemade pizza because why not. We haven't done that in ages. Must've been when we first got married which was three years ago now. We made the dough and rolled it out and then figured out what we could put on the pizza. Tomatoes go on the base and chicken and mushrooms on the top as that's what we had. We like it too of course. We put the pizza in the oven to cook when it was done. "That looks one good pizza, my love" Jinyoung said. "It does indeed. Can't wait to tuck in" I reply. Soon the pizza was ready. Jinyoung took it out of the oven and we sat down on the couch and cracked open a bottle of wine and enjoyed that. "Here's to our date night and also our baby girl too" he said. "Indeed. To health and happiness too" I smile. Jinyoung leaned in and kisses me. Awwww. We had a great night to ourselves but we were so happy to get Hyejin back the following morning

BamBam 💙

BamBam and I are leaving Max for the first time tonight. Don't know it's not for long. We are just going to see a movie together while my parents and sister look after Maxwell for the night while me and BamBam go out to the movies. We will miss him but we know he's in good hands with my family. The best hands. BamBam and I are going now. The movie is at 6:30pm and it's 6pm now so we need to get there. We are all ready to go. Max was fed not so long ago. Just before I got ready. "We are going now" I say. "Okay have a great time and we'll see you later" my mum said. "We will. Call you when we're on our way home" I say. "Bye, Maxie. Daddy will miss you" BamBam said. He takes my hand and we walk out the door and get the elevator down to the parking lot. We arrived at the cinema soon and got our tickets from the foyer when we go in and find our seats which were in the middle. We munch on the popcorn as we wait for the movie to start. BamBam kept on kicking me in the dark but only accidentally of course. He didn't mean to at all. We eat all the popcorn between us. There wasn't a bit left. We then sit back and watched the movie. A couple of hours later it was over and it was really good. "Date night was fun. Ah" BamBam said as we were leaving. "Me too. Hopefully we'll get more but I'm ready to go home to Max now" I reply. "Yeah me too, babe" he said kissing my hand. We get in the car and drive home to my mum, dad, sister and baby Maxwell of course. We had a really good time tonight at the movies

Jackson ❤️

Jackson and I are going out this afternoon together. Well not really going out but we are going for a jog around the park. My best friend is babysitting Lily this afternoon while we go out. Jackson and I like to work out and be fit. I haven't really been running or to the gym since I got pregnant. I need to loose the baby weight to. When my best friend offered to babysit, me and Jackson knew we wanted to go out to the park for a jog. We used to do it a lot before we got married and had Lily. We are on our way out to the park now. "I can't wait for some time together, honey" Jackson said. "I know me too. I feel like we need a little bit of me and you time, Jack" I reply. He smiles. We arrive at the park and start jogging. I almost forgot how to jog as I haven't done it my whole pregnancy. We both have a bottle of water in our hand and we can stop when we feel tired. We jog around the entire park once, then we do it again after a rest. I feel tired when we've jogged around the park twice so we sit down for a guess. I should let my body get used to exercising again after so long. Walking us the only form of exercise I've had these last few months. "Would you like a coffee, hun?" Jackson asks. "Yes please. I'd love one" I reply. I wait on a bench while Jackson goes and gets us coffees. He comes back a few minutes later and hands me my coffee with a smile on his face. "Thank you, baby" I smile. He sits next to me and we start talking. "I miss our baby girl" he said. "Me too, honey. Me too" I reply. "It's a nice day to be here" he said. "Yes" I reply. "Baby, you're looking amazing to say you just had a baby just over a month ago" Jackson said. "Thank you. I still need to loose more" I reply. "Baby, you're so perfect just the way you are" he smiles. So Jackson and I had a great time at the park this afternoon jogging and having a coffee

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