41. The Boys Meeting The Baby

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Jinyoung 💜


The boys are over at our place meeting little Hyejin for the first time. They are meeting our precious little girl if the first time and they love her already. They are being really good with her and taking extra care with her. She's only 6 weeks old and too many people can be a little too overwhelming for newborns. Hyejin is always as good as hold. Youngjae is holding her now. "Jinyoung, your baby girl is so precious. I might just kidnap her and make her mine" he said. "Thanks but no way. She's my princess" I say. "Yes she is. Our little princess" Y/ N said. "She's the cutest baby girl. I've ever seen" BamBam said. Me and Y/ N both smile. Jackson holds her next. "Hey, Hyejin. It's your uncle Jackson. Aka the coolest of all the guys" he said. "No I'm the coolest" Yugyeom said. "Nah Ah" Jackson said. All the guys got a turn holding baby Hyejin. She was so good for every single one of them. Y/ N put her down for a nap and went upstairs herself to rest so me and the boys had some time together but we kept quiet for the first. They had a great time meeting our little princess today

BamBam 💙

The boys are meeting our boy Maxwell for the first time today. My family is still over from Scotland but they are not around today as the boys wanted to come and meet Max for the first time. They are over now meeting our boy. Jinyoung is holding him right now. "Can I hold him?" Yugyeom asks. "Yeah when I've finished but I haven't had my turn now" Jinyoung said. "You're having your turn now" Yugyeom said. "Okay, guys. Let's not fight. You'll upset my son" BamBam said. "Okay sorry, mate" Jinyoung said. Jinyoung let's Yugyeom hold Max a few minutes later. "He really looks like you, double B" he said. "Yeah you can definitely tell he's your son" Youngjae said. "Yeah I know. He's a mini me" BamBam said. "He really is. The spilt image of you, Bammie" I say. "Awwww you two are so cute and you made a cute baby" Jaebeom said. "Yeah you need to make more adorable babies soon" Mark said. "Not that soon. Me and Y/ N want to live our lives too. But Max is the best thing that's ever happened to us" BamBam said. I agreed. We were both embarrassed then. Youngjae was the next one to hold him. "Hey, little guy. You're such a dude" he said touching his tiny hands. The boys kept on helping themselves to drinks and things too while they were over. They really enjoyed meeting little Maxwell too and he enjoyed it too. I was important to us that they came over today

Jackson ❤️

The boys are coming over first to meet little Lily for the first time. They can't wait to meet our little angel for the first time. The are dying to meet our sweet little Lily. We are getting the house ready for them now. They will be here soon and we can't wait to see them and meet our baby girl. Jackson is vacuuming the lounge and tidying up while I'm getting Lily ready. I feed, change her and put her a cute outfit. We here the doorbell ring. I answer it as I was ready with Lily. "Hey" BamBam said. "Hi, Y/ N" Youngjae said. "Awwww this is your gorgeous little girl" Jinyoung said. "It is. Little Lily" I reply. "She's so cute" Yugyeom said. I smile. The boys hug us and take a seat in the lounge. "We've been dying to meet this little one. Well since you told us you were pregnant" Jaebeom said. "I know. She's here now and doing marvellous" I reply. "She's the best thing ever" Jackson said. The guys wanted to hold Lily. They tossed a coin to see who would hold her first and that was Mark. "Hey, little one. You're so cute and beautiful" he said. "She is. I tell her that every time I cuddle her. She's just like her mother. I married the greatest woman in the world" Jackson said. I blush. The boys took it in turns to hold Lily and had a great time doing so. She was tired so she went for a nap and the boys stayed a while longer and we had a great time with them. They are already the best uncles in the world

Mark 🧡

Three of the boys are coming over to meet the twins. Youngjae, BamBam and Jackson are coming over today. The other three will be coming over next week to meet Melody and Myles. They all didn't want to come at the same time as we didn't want loads of people around as the babies are only a few weeks old. That's kind and considerate of them. The guys are due to arrive any moment now. Can't wait to see them and for them to meet the babies. They are so excited to meet them. Melody and Myles are ready and raring to meet three of their uncles today. Both the babies are in their motion rockers waiting. We use those to put them to sleep. The doorbell goes and it's the boys of course. Mark opens the door. "Hey, bruther" Jackson said. "Hey, man" Mark said. "Hey, new daddy" BamBam said. They come in. "Hey, cuties. So nice to finally meet you guys" Youngjae said. "Yes they are cuties" Mark said. The boys sit down on the couch. "I can't believe you're a dad to these two, Mark" Jackson said. "I know me too. Sometimes I have to pinch myself that I have the most amazing wife and kids in the world" he said. A bit later the boys wanted to hold Melody and Myles so we let them of course. BamBam holds Myles and Youngjae holds Melody. Jackson will have his turn later. "They're so cute" Youngjae said. Me and Mark both smile. "They are the cutest little babies ever" Jackson said. "I wanna adopt them both" BamBam said. Jackson held Melody when Youngjae was done. It was great having Jackson, BamBam and Youngjae over today. Can't wait for Jaebeom, Jinyoung and Yugyeom to come over next week to meet the twins

Youngjae 💗

The boys are over at our place and they are meeting Sunwoo for the first time. It's absolutely great to have them here meeting our little boy for the first time. They love him already and they haven't been here an hour yet. It's great that Sunwoo's has six amazing uncles to watch over him. Jinyoung is holding him now. "He's so cute" he said. "I know. Cute and handsome like me. You can tell he's my son" Youngjae said. "Big head" I laugh. "You know it's true, baby" he said. "Yes I do" I reply. "He's pretty awesome. Isn't he, Youngjae?" Yugyeom said. "He is, guys. It's the best thing ever being a father to this little guy. Y'all will know some day" he said. "Ohhhh I can't wait to be a dad" Jaebeom said. "Me too" Jinyoung said. "This boy is the best thing ever" I say. "He is. I love you and him" Youngjae said. BamBam holds him next. "He has Y/ N's eyes but he looks like his daddy" he said. "I know me too. He has his beautiful mamas eyes" Youngjae said. "Babies are so cute. I definitely do want one" BamBam said. "Errrr dude. You need to find a girl" Jackson said. The boys are so funny. Haha. They stayed for a bit longer and got to know Sunwoo. We loved having them over and meeting our son for the first time

Yugyeom 💛


Today the boys are coming over to our place to meet our little princess Sunhee for the first time. Me and Y/ N can't wait for our little girl to meet her uncles for the first time. It's so exciting and we know they are going to love her. They are probably going to stay a couple of hours so not too long. Sunhee is all ready to meet her uncles for the first time and we can't wait. I know she's only a few weeks old haha. I am holding Sunhee in my arms ready to answer the door when the guys arrive. "She's all ready to meet her uncles" Y/ N said. "She is indeed" I say kissing Sunhee. There is a knock on the door and it's the boys of course. They arrive with gifts in their hands for our little girl. "Hey, boys" I say. "Hey, y'all. We told you not to bring anything" Y/ N said. "Well we just had to spoil our beautiful little niece" Mark said. "There she is. Hello, Sunhee" Jinyoung said. The boys come in with the gifts and they give them to us and we look at them. "Thank you so much for everything, guys. We really don't know where to put everything" Y/ N said. "No problem" BamBam smiles. "She really is so gorgeous, guys" Jackson said. "She is. My baby girl is so beautiful and gorgeous" I reply. Jackson was holding her. "I can't believe you're a dad, man. I thought it was a joke at first when we told us" Youngjae said. "Well it's not. I really am a daddy to a gorgeous little girl" I say. "And you're the best daddy in the world" Y/ N said. I smile. The boys brought some lovely things for Sunhee and absolutely loved meeting her for the first time today

Jaebeom 💚

We have taken the boys on their first small outing to the park this afternoon. The GOT7 guys have joined us to see the boys for the first time. They are loving meeting our little munchkins for the first time. We will be heading back soon as we don't want to stay out with them for too long as they are only a month old. We are sat on a picnic table with the babies and the boys. The boys are meeting our boys. They are both sleeping now in their twin stroller. "I can't believe how cute they are" Yugyeom said. "Yes me too. They are so much cuter and adorable in real life" Jinyoung says. "My boys are the cutest babies in the world" Jaebeom said. "Oh yeah" Youngjae said. "I love them" BamBam said. "But not as much as we do" I reply. We talk about Hosung and Hajoon more while they were asleep. I'm surprised their ears weren't burning. We left soon and went home. The guys understood as we wanted to get Hosung and Hajoon home. They walk to the car with us. "Bye, bye, babies" Mark said. "Bye. We'll see you boys soon" Jackson said. "Thank you for coming today" I say. We hug the guys goodbye and get the boys in the car and go home. We had a really nice time at the park today with Hosung and Hajoon and with the guys too of course. Can't wait to see them again

A/ N: next is date night. Can I just say this part and the previous part for my next book I will do together as it's gonna be a longer one. It's another Kpop group with a lot of members. Can you guess who I'm doing next? I will reveal later

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