45. Family Day Out

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Jinyoung 💜

We are going on our first family day out today and we are going to some of the local shops in our area. We live in a nice town in the outskirts of Seoul. We are taking Hyejin out for her first day out. We do go for walks most days but this will be the first time she is going to be out for a long period of time. Can't wait to take her out. I just fed and changed Hyejin so she's good for when we are out. "Is my baby girl ready for her first day out with mommy and daddy?" Jinyoung said. "I think she is. We are good to go" I reply. Jinyoung picks up Hyejin and takes her out to the car and puts her in her car seat and we set off into town. It's only a 10 minute drive but it's longer walking distance. We find somewhere to park on the road and get Hyejin and her stroller out. Jinyoung puts her in and we start walking around and looking in the shops. Most of the shops are gift shops but it's a nice place to go and look. Hyejin was chilling in her stroller just being cute. We looked in a few shops and then decided to go to a cafe for a drink and a cake. There's a nice cafe where they make all their own sweet treats. I get a table with Hyejin while Jinyoung gets us some drinks. "Thank you" I say as he comes back with the drinks a few minutes later. "You're welcome. How is she doing?" he asks. "She's doing great. She's enjoying her first family day out with mommy and daddy" I reply. Me and Jinyoung enjoy our coffee and cake. We had a great little family day out with little Hyejin today in town

BamBam 💙

We are at the park again this afternoon with baby Maxwell. We've been to the park once before a couple of weeks ago and did a little photoshoot there but we are here today as it's a nice day and we wanted to take our little boy out for a while too. We have been there for about half an hour. BamBam is pushing Max around in his stroller and I'm walking beside them. "It's a beautiful day, babe. Even more beautiful that you're here" BamBam said. "Awww I know. You're so sweet" I smile. He turns to me and smiles. A bit later and we stopped as Maxwell was getting hungry. Luckily I pumped some milk earlier to feed him. I don't know how I feel about breastfeeding in public. We sit down on a bench and I get out Max's bottle and I feed him. "I think someone is thirsty" BamBam said. "He is. He's a growing lad" I reply. "My growing lad" BamBam said. When I fed Max I burp him and hand him to BamBam. "I'm really glad we came here today. The part is one of my favourite places to go" I say. "Yes me too, my love. I love family times with both of you" he said. "Awww me too, Bammie" I smile. Me and BamBam decide to get ice creams a bit later to eat. I got vanilla, my favourite and he got chocolate chip with sauce. I don't like sauce on my ice cream. BamBam goes to get the ice creams and comes back a few minutes later. "Thanks, double B" I smile. "You're welcome, my muffin" he smiles. We sit and eat our ice creams together while Max is in his stroller. Bet he wanted some but obviously he's too young. We spent a bit more time in the park when we had our ice creams. Me, BamBam and Maxwell had a great time in the park today

Jackson ❤️


We have just started taking little Lily swimming. We want her to learn at a young age. Babies can learn to swim from a few weeks old. Lily is only 9 weeks old. We are taking Lily to the pool for the second time today. Me and Y/ N are teaching her to swim as we are both pretty good swimmers. We are on our way to the pool this morning. Lily can't wait to go swimming again. "Our baby girl is going swimming for the second time" Y/ N said. "She is and she's gonna love it like the first time" I reply. Y/ N smiles. We arrive at the pool and get Lily and ourselves ready for swimming. She's in her cute little bathing suit. We get in the water when we are ready. Lily likes the feel of the water when she gets in. She spends some splashing in the water with us. "Lily, you love that" Y/ N said. "She does. Awwww that's my girl" I say. Y/ N takes Lily and splashes around with her a bit. "She's a real water baby, Jackson" she said. "She is. Aren't you, Lily. My love" I reply. There were other babies and children swimming around us too. She loved it today even though she was getting used to it more. We swam with Lily about an hour before getting out as she needed changing before she had an accident in the pool. We go back into the changing rooms and I have a rinse down in the shower while Y/ N gets herself and Lily ready. I meet them back outside about 15 minutes later. "That was fun. Can't wait to go again in a couple of weeks" I say. "It was. I'm glad she's swimming" Y/ N replies. "Me too" I smile. Today's swimming session was a lot of fun and I'm such a proud daddy of my little girl

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