9. First Scan

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Jinyoung 💜

Me and Jinyoung are heading to the hospital for our first scan this morning. We've been counting down the days till our first scan. We are finally going this morning and we can't wait to. It's such a exciting time seeing your baby for the first time and listening to their heartbeat. We are in the car on our way to the hospital now. We'll be there very soon. "Jagiya, I can't contain my excitement much longer. I can't wait to see baby Park for the first time" Jinyoung said. "Me too, jagi. Well not long now. We are nearly there" I reply. Soon we arrive at the hospital and park in and walk in holding hands. I check in then we take a seat on the waiting room. "I hope we don't have to wait long and you get called in soon" Jinyoung said. "Yeah I know. Me too, Jinyoungie" I reply. About 15 minutes later, just a few minutes after my booked appointment time we get called in by a nice midwife. "Morning and welcome" she smiles. "Morning" I reply. "How are you okay, Mrs Park?" she asks. "I'm good thank you. Are you?" I reply. I roll up my top and she puts the jelly stuff and takes a look. Jinyoung stays by my side of course. We both look intently at the screen. "Baby seems to have a strong heartbeat" the midwife said. "Great. That's great to hear" Jinyoung said. "You have a healthy baby, Mr and Mrs Park. Congratulations" she said. "Thank you" I smile. "You can book your next scan on your way out if you wish" she said. "Okay we will" I reply. Jinyoung and I left the hospital feeling very happy that I had my first scan and everything was just fine with the baby. We booked my next scan for another 7 weeks on our way out

BamBam 💙


Me and Y/ N are at the hospital for her first scan today. I'm so happy I'm back with her for her first scan. I wouldn't have wanted to miss it for the world. She said we should get little printouts of our baby in the womb when we leave which is great. I'll keep it in my wallet if we do. We are sat in the waiting room at the hospital waiting to be called in. Hospitals in the UK are different to hospitals in Asia where I grew up. I am getting a bit fidgety while we are waiting. I do that when I'm nervous and excited. "Bammie, you're getting so fidgety. Stop" Y/ N said as we are waiting. "I know. I can't help it, baby. I'm so excited" I say. "It's alright. I know you are" she replies. "Love you" I smile. "Love you too" Y/ N smiles. Soon we get called in and Y/ N lays on the bed thing. I wasn't quite sure how a scan works so she had to explain it to me a bit. "I assume this young man is your boyfriend, Miss Y/ L/ N" the lady said. "Yes this is BamBam" Y/ N said. "Hey" I said. "Where are you from, BamBam?" she asks. "Thailand" I reply. "Wow! You guys have a long distance relationship" the lady said. "Yeah we do. BamBam is quite a superstar. He's in a band" Y/ N said. "I am" I laugh. Anyway Y/ N gets examined and we get to see our little baby girl the first time. "Hey, baby boy or girl. Nice to meet you" I say. Y/ N found that so cute. Our first scan went so well and I'm so glad I was there with Y/ N. We left with little printouts of the baby too which was great. We will treasure it forever. Can't wait for the next one in a couple of months time

Jackson ❤️

My first scan is this afternoon at 4pm and Jackson and I can't wait to see our baby for the first time. It's so exciting seeing your little one for the first time. It's been the best year for us so far. Getting married and finding out we are expecting our first child too. We put our shoes on and grab our jackets before leaving. "Do you want me to drive?" Jackson said. "Sure if you want to" I reply. "I do" he said. We get in the car and drive to the hospital which isn't far from us. "Our first scan today. Can't wait" he said. "I know. Me too. I'm so excited, Jack" I reply. He smiles and I smile too. About 15 minutes later we arrive at the hospital and check in and take a seat. "Exciting this, babe. Can't wait to see our baby for the first time. I cannot wait" Jackson said. "Me too, J. I'm so excited too, babe" I reply. He smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek. We wait outside for a bit as my appointment was overrunning but it was okay thought. I was seen eventually. The doctor greets us and I lay down on the bed. "How have you been so far in your pregnancy?" he asks. "Yeah alright. I've been getting a bit of sickness and aching but I've been alright" I reply. "Well that's good" the doctor smiles. He examines me and he looks pleased. "Aye. That's our baby there" Jackson said pointing to the screen. "Yes it certainly is. So beautiful as well" I say with a tear in my eye. "So beautiful indeed" he said. The doctor said everything was absolutely fine with the baby and he or she is strong or healthy. We said we'd like to know the sex next time when I go for my second scan. Can't wait for that. Will we have a boy or a girl?

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