20. Prenatal Class

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Jinyoung 💜

Jinyoung and I have been enjoying going to prenatal classes for the last few weeks. We have learnt a lot more about babies than we did before. We are going for our fourth class tonight. There are six in total. We are looking forward to the next one tonight. We are on our way in the car now. We are almost there. "I'm looking forward to this class as we get to learn more about labor and delivery" Jinyoung said. "Yes me too. I feel like I need to learn more too" I reply. We arrived shortly and parked up and took a seat inside with other people. The two ladies who run the class walk in and start talking. The class begins with an introduction on labor and delivery. "So we are going to talk about labor and delivery" one of the ladies said. "Yes so we are just going to talk about simple things to do it" the other lady said. They talked about getting ready for labor like getting your things ready well before in case you go in labor early, stay focused on coping with going into labor, stay active, eating healthy etc. The talk was over and we could ask questions at the end. "We were thinking about having a home birth but we are not sure in case anything goes wrong but we are not anticipating" I say. "Well as midwives we always recommend hospital births but it's your choice if you want a home birth" one of the ladies said. Jinyoung and I will probably end up going for a home birth as it's safer. Anyway the class went well tonight

BamBam 💙

BamBam and I leave in a few days for Korea. My family are throwing a party for us tomorrow before we leave. Aldo BamBam and I have been to a couple of prenatal classes. We can't go to anymore as we are leaving. I am looking forward to go to Korea to live with BamBam and raise our baby. We have been to our last prenatal class tonight. It was good. We have met a few nice people but we had to tell them that we are leaving. Most of my things are packed up in boxes ready to go, BamBam and I arrive back at my apartment from our prenatal class. "That was good but I'm sad we're not having anymore" he said. "I know, Bam but I think we know more now that we did before" I reply. "I can't wait for you to love to Korea and I can't wait to be a daddy too" he said. "Yes me too. Not long till we will be in Korea" I reply. "I'm sorry you're having to leave your family and life behind here. I sorry for getting you pregnant" BamBam said. "No no, Bammie. Don't be sorry. This baby is the best thing to ever happen to the both of us" I reply. "Awww, babe. I'm just thankful I fell in love with you, a beautiful Scottish girl" he said. "Awww, double B I love you so much" I smile. BamBam smiles too and kisses me. In a few days we'll be in Korea starting our lives together there

Jackson ❤️


Me and Y/ N have decided to join prenatal classes to learn more about pregnancy and babies. We have our first one this evening and we are looking forward to it. We will be a lot more confident when our own baby comes into the world. Me and Y/ N are about to leave home anytime now. "Are you ready, babe?" I ask. "Yes I am. Let's get going" Y/ N replies. We grab our stuff and walk out the door and get in the car. Soon we arrive at the place the prenatal classes are held at and walk in together holding hands. We take a seat with the other couples. I think one or two people recognised me. You know I'm pretty famous. Anyway the leader came in and the class started. "Hello, everyone. I'm Andrea and I'll be running your prenatal classes for the next few weeks" She said. Everyone had to introduce themselves. "Hi, I'm Y/ N and this is my husband Jackson. We got married a couple of months ago. And we are having a baby girl in two months" Y/ N said. "Yep that's right. I'm Jackson Wang" I say. "Ohhhhh we have a celebrity in the building" Andrea said. The rest of the people introduce themselves and we get on with the class. We also shared a little story about our relationship too. "Y/ N, is the best wife in the world and she's going to be the best mom. We can't wait to welcome our baby girl" I say. "He's making me blush now" Y/ N said. The class went on for a bit longer and it was good. We will definitely look forward to more pregnancy classes in the next few weeks

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