30. Labor/ Delivery- Mark 🧡

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I am 36 weeks on in my pregnancy now so the twins could be here soon. Anytime really. I'm probably going to have a c section as it's the safest option with twins. So even if I go into labor naturally without being induced, I will have a c section. Mark and I are so ready to meet our little baby Melody and Myles. It's so so exciting becoming parents for the first time especially to twins. It's also nearly Christmas too. Just a couple of weeks off and our babies are nearly here. Hope they come before Christmas. Mark and I are at home having an easy afternoon. We are sat on the couch in the lounge doing nothing. Not even watching TV. Just having some peaceful time. My head is resting on Mark's shoulder. I'm really tired and I'm probably going to go to bed soon. "Honey, why don't you go to bed soon" he said. "Yeah I will probably" I reply. About an hour, I head up to bed. Mark heads with me even though he wasn't tired yet. I go into the bathroom and get ready for bed first. I take off my makeup and put my pjs on. Mark is sat on our bed waiting for me. I finish a few minutes later and join him. "Hey, baby" he said. "Hey" I say. As I lay down in bed and try to fall asleep. I feel a contraction come on. "Ohhh ohhh" I say sitting up. "You okay?" Mark asks. "Yes I think that was a contraction" I say. "Is it finally happening?" he asks. "Might be" I reply. "Yes yes" Mark said. We didn't go to the hospital straight away we waited till the contractions were closer together. When they were, Mark takes me to the hospital. We collect all our belongings so we didn't have to come back. I could be in the hospital for sometime when the twins are born. Anyway we are on our way to the hospital now

We arrived at the hospital soon and they got me into a room. I'm not having a c section just yet. They are going to see how I go on before they jump in and give me a c section. I might not need one anyway. Mark sits by my side and smiles and holds my hand. "So exciting. Our babies are coming today" he said. "Yes they are. Well hopefully" I reply. "The doctor said they are" he said. He smiles and grabs my hand. We stay for a while and the midwives kept on checking on me to see how I was doing. Later on I got transferred into the operating room for my c section. One of the babies was in the wrong position and they needed to get both of them out. They weren't in danger but they just needed to get them out. I knew I was going to have one anyway. Mark is allowed into the operating room with me. He got to wear scrubs. I get taken into the operating room and prepared me for the c section. I was out under a local anaesthetic so I was awake during the procedure. "This is the moment. They will be here soon" Mark whispers. "They will be" I whisper back. I feel the surgeon cutting into me a bit. "The first baby is coming" Mark said. A few minutes later our first baby was born, our baby girl Melody. She was the one who was in the wrong position. We heard her cry. It took a few more minutes for our baby boy Myles is born. "The umbilical cord is wrapped round this neck. He's not breathing" the doctor said. "Is he okay?" Mark asks. "Oh God" I say. Mark grabs my hand tightly. The doctor didn't answer and we feared the worst. He unwrapped the chord from Myles's neck and he cried a few minutes later. Thank God. He's breathing. We didn't want to loose one of our babies. When both babies were born, they were taken into neonatal unit to keep an eye on them. They needed to keep an eye on Myles especially but both of them as they came early

Later we could go into see the babies, a couple of hours after they were born. We were told they were doing well. I am in a wheelchair as I'm quite sore after the c section. We get taken to where Melody and Myles are in the neonatal centre. He wheels me to where they are. "Awwww, Mark. They are both absolutely gorgeous" I say. "They are indeed. Hi, Melody and Myles" Mark said. A few minutes we got to hold the babies. I held Melody and Mark held Myles. They were wrapped snug in blankets with little hats on. "Aren't you two amazing?" he said. "Yes they are. I'm just glad they are both here safely" I say. "Me too. I feared the worst when they said the umbilical cord was wrapped round his neck and he wasn't breathing" Mark said. "Me too but God protected and saved him" I reply. "Honey, this is the moment we've been waiting for. We are finally parents. This is the best Christmas ever" he said. I look at him and smile. We spend a bit more time getting to know our newborn baby boy and girl. Melody and Myles are so beautiful. Just what we've been waiting for. They could be in the neonatal unit for a few days but they are doing good. They are finally here and we are finally parents. Our little Christmas miracles

Melody Rose Tuan 💗Born December 11th @ 7:18pmWeight 5lbs 7oz

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Melody Rose Tuan 💗
Born December 11th @ 7:18pm
Weight 5lbs 7oz

Myles Richard Tuan 💙
Born December 11th @ 7:23pm
Weight 5lbs 11oz

A/ N: so the first set of twins are here and they are adorable. I thought these two little babies were extra adorable

Just one update today as it's the Dancing On Ice final tonight so I'll be watching that (UK moots will know what I mean)

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