49. Baby's First Steps

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Jinyoung 💜

Hyejin is one years old now and we can't believe she is a year old. It was her birthday a few days ago and we are having a party for her at the weekend with friends and family coming. Our little precious girl is one. Jinyoung and I have been loving and devoting parents to our little girl for a year. We want another child soon and we have been tying. We wanted to wait till Hyejin was a year old. She's a year old now so we might have a second child soon. Anyway me and Jinyoung are at the park today with Hyejin. She loves being in the beautiful weather. She's not taken her first steps yet but she could soon. We have found a place to sit on the grass. We will be getting ice creams soon. Hyejin loves ice cream but she gets it all over her face. Hyejin is sat by us in the park looking at us. "Hey, beautiful" Jinyoung said. "Dada" Hyejin said. "Awww you're so adorable. Oh yes you are" I say. A minute later Hyejin gets into her knees and pulls herself up onto her feet all by herself. "Baby girl, you're standing" Jinyoung said. "Hyejin, look at you. You clever girl" I say. She reaches her hands out to Jinyoung and takes her first towards him. "She's walking, Y/ N. She's walking. That's our girl" he said. "Well done, sweetheart. What I clever girl, my love" I say. "Hyejin, you made daddy so much again. I love you so much" he said. Hyejin smiles and laughs at Jinyoung. We had a really nice afternoon in the park today and Hyejin took her first steps too. We are so freaking proud of her

BamBam 💙

Maxwell will be turning 1 years old next week. My family is over from Scotland for his first birthday. The last time they saw him was 6 months ago as they haven't been able to come over but they are here for a few minutes to celebrate Max's birthday with us. We are having a little party for him next week and we can't wait to. It would be really special if Maxwell took his first steps while my mum, dad and sister are here. That would be really special for them. Max is such a cutie and it's a joy being parents to him. BamBam and I are so lucky and blessed to have such a bonny little boy. My parents are watching Maxwell tonight as BamBam and I are going out to meet the boys for dinner so they've offered to babysit him for us which is nice of them. We are getting ready now and leaving soon. We are looking forward to getting out for a bit. We don't really want to be leaving our son just before his birthday but we couldn't really turn dinner down with the boys. When we were ready we into the lounge where my family is with Max. "Hey, we're about to go" I say. "Okay have fun. Everything will be fine here" mum said. Max looked at me and grabbed onto the chair in the kitchen and stood up. He's been standing up but he hasn't taken his first steps yet. He lets go of the chair and walks a few steps to me and BamBam. "Yay! You did it, son. You just took your first steps" he said. "Max" I say picking him up. "My clever and adorable grandson" mum said. "Well done, Maxwell. Grandpa is very proud of you" dad said. We all cheered It was lovely of Maxwell to take his first steps before we went out. That's our boy

Jackson ❤️

It's Lily's first birthday next week and we can't wait for our baby girl to turn a year old. She's growing up so much and she's learning new things everyday. She's standing up and almost taking her first steps now. We will be so proud when she takes her first steps. Jackson and I are already such proud parents of little Lily. Me and Jackson are sat in front of the TV watching something. Lily is playing with her toys. She's not interested when it's something we are watching. She can sometimes make noise when she's playing with her toys but that's okay as she's having fun. We love her to have fun. She's playing with her telephone. She liked pressing the buttons and putting it to her ear. "Hello, Lily. Who are you talking to?" Jackson said. She looks at him and smiles. "My girl is playing on her phone. You ain't getting a real one yet" he said. "Nope not till she's much much older" I reply. Lily drops the phone and shuffles and crawls on the floor. She's so funny when she does that. A few minutes later, she holds onto her little chair and stands up. She moves it and takes her first steps. Me and Jackson were so ecstatic that we paused the TV. "She's walking, Y/ N. She's walking" he said. "She is. Lily, look at you" I say. "She's off" Jackson said. "She is indeed. I knew she'd be walking soon" I smile. We were so happy that Lily took her first steps today. She'll be a year old next week

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