17. Baby Shopping

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Jinyoung 💜

Jinyoung and I are going out to start buying some things for our baby girl. We can't wait to make a start to our little girls wardrobe. We are going to mainly but clothes today but we might get a few other things too. We are going round a few shops in our area that sell good baby things. We kinda know what we are looking for. Jinyoung and I are now in the car on our way to the first place. "I can't wait to start buying some things for our baby girl, jagiya" Jinyoung said. "Me too. I have a feeling we'll buy a lot today" I reply. "Yeah" he replies. We pull up outside the first place and go in and start looking at the baby girl things. We think we will get newborn things to start off with. "Awwww this is so cute" I say to a cute onesie with teddy bears on. "Yep that is cute. Let's get it" Jinyoung said. We place it in the basket and carry on looking for other things too. This is a great store. Some really adorable baby things. We buy everything we want from there and get in the car and drive to the next place which isn't too far. We drive and park up and get out and explore inside. This store sells strollers and bigger stuff. We look at strollers to get some ideas. We are not necessarily going to get one today. "What do you think of this one?" Jinyoung said pointing to a pink stroller. "Ummm I don't really want a pink one. I like this navy one" I say. "Yeah I like that too but the pink one more. Our baby girl can have her own pink stroller" he said. After sometime of debating we decide to get a stroller and we go with the pink one. Jinyoung persuaded me to get it. We went to one more place after and got a few things. We had a great baby shopping trip today

BamBam 💙


Y/ N and I are out doing some shopping for our baby son today. We want to buy a few things before she moves to Korea with me. Just a few clothes and smaller things that are easy to transport. Nothing like a stroller, crib or anything big like that. We'll get those kinda things when she moves with me. We know it's not really necessary but we want to buy a few things to start our collection. Anyway we have been to one place now we are on our way to one of the supermarkets in the UK, Sainsbury's. She said they have nice baby things at the supermarkets. We arrive and walk in. Y/ N takes me to the baby section. "Here we are. You can choose some things as well" she said. "Thank you" I say. We look for a few minutes and see a few cute outfits for our son that we like so we put them in the basket. I was really impressed with what they had. We bought a lot of nice things. We only got clothes as they only had clothes but Y/ N showed me round as well. It was good. We go to the car and next she takes me to Tesco, another British supermarket. We go in there a pick up a couple more baby outfits. We enjoyed our baby shopping trip today. It was a lot of fun. "I think we got some really cute things for our boy today" I say. "Yes we did. We did indeed" Y/ N replies. "It makes me even more excited to meet him now and for you to move to Korea with me" I say. "Yes me too. I can't wait for both of those things" she smiles. We go back to Y/ N's place for the rest of the evening and chill

Jackson ❤️

Jackson and I are going to buy a few things for our little girl today. We bought a few things last week but we are getting more things today as it's our day off. Can't wait to. We want some more cute clothes and possibly a stroller or a crib if we see what we want. We are at one of the places right now. Jackson loves looking at baby clothes and choosing out outfits for our daughter. I have to say I do too. "Babe, what else should we get?" Jackson asks. "Ummm let me see. Huh. Well bottles, pacifiers, breast pump. You know stuff like that" I reply. "Okay" I reply. I see some of the stuff I need and put it in the cart as we walk around. "Let's get some more clothes. I wanna get my daughter some cute outfits" Jackson said. "I know. That's what we're doing" I reply. So we go to the baby clothes section, the newborn section. I pick up a few packs of onesies as you know you always needs those for a newborn. "Babe, I thought we were looking for outfits" Jackson said. "We are. Hold your horses" I say. A minute later we go to look at sons cute outfits for our baby girl. Jackson picks up a couple of cute dresses. He consulted me before putting them in the cart. He has a good taste in baby clothes actually. He finds some cute little shoes too. "Jack, I'm really impressed with your choices" I say. "Why wouldn't you be? You don't trust me?" Jackson replies. "Of course I do. I don't know" I laugh. "Only the best for my little girl" he smiles. So we carry on shopping for a bit longer and we also got a nice pink crib too. Baby shopping was very successful and fun today

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