29. Labor/ Delivery- Jackson ❤️

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I am still two weeks off my due date so it could still be a bit of time before our baby girl, Lily comes into the world. Me and Jackson cannot wait to meet her. After thinking long and hard, I have decided I want a water birth in the hospital. I've been looking into them and they are meant to be relaxing and soothing. I think it would both help me and the baby. Jackson will be allowed in with me. So when I go into labor, I will have a water birth in the hospital. Might not be for another two weeks yet. We hope it's soon though as we just want our baby girl to be here. Jackson and I have gone to the local mall today just to get a last few minute baby things. We want to make sure we have a big stock of the essential things like diapers and wipes as we know we'll be going through a lot with a newborn. We are taking it easy though and not rushing. We are browsing round the stores too. We took the diapers back to the car to free our hands up. "Babe, do you want to stop for a coffee break" Jackson asks. "Yeah sure. I'm getting a little tired now" I reply. "Of course. Sit down and I'll get the drinks" he said. "I want tea please, Jackson" I say. He smiles. I sit outside the coffee shop and wait for him to find back. The line was rather long. Jackson was about 15 minutes altogether. "Thank you" I say as he brings the coffee back. He sits next to me and smiles. As I was drinking my tea, I start not to feel good. Jackson could see it in my face. "Are you okay, love?" he said. "Yeah I just feel a bit uncomfortable" I reply. "Don't tell me you're going into labor" he replies. "I don't know, Jackson. I might be" I say. "We go can look if you want" he said. Soon we leave to go home. As we were driving I start getting contractions. "Jackson, I just had a contraction" I say. "Okay, sweetie. I'll pull over" he said. He pulls over in a lay-by. "Is it bad yet?" Jackson asks. "Of course it's bad, Jackson. I'm in labor" I say. "You're not due for another two weeks" he said. "I know but it happens" I reply. When the contractions get worse, we go to the hospital but my waters break on the way in the car

We get to the hospital soon and I get taken into the maternity unit. They said I can't go in the water yet till I'm further on in labor. 8cm at least so we still could be sometime. We will just have to wait and see. Our little girl will be here soon though. Jackson sits by me and holds my hand. He just went home for our things. We will need them because our bathing suits are in there for the water birth. "I'm looking forward to this water birth thing" Jackson said. "Jackson, you're not the one giving birth" I reply. "I know but I still can't wait" he replies. We carry on waiting and I keep on getting checked by midwives. The time doesn't pass to slowly tbh. I just want that water birth and our baby girl to be here. When I was around 8cm dilated, I was transferred into the water birth centre. I hit my bathing suit on ready and Jackson did too. I got into the water and he got in with me. The midwife was there too. I couldn't push yet as I wasn't fully dilated. We had to wait a bit till I was. The midwife was telling me when to push. Jackson was sat right behind me in the pool holding my hips. "Baby, you can do it" he whispers in my ear as I was about to push. I took a deep breath before I did the first push. "You're doing so well, Y/ N" the midwife said. I push again. I hyperventilate and scream a bit. I was running out of breath. "Take a breather for a minute" the midwife said. I took a breather for a couple of minutes before pushing again. "You're doing amazing, my love. Our little princess is nearly here" Jackson said. I pushed a few more times until we heard the cry of our newborn daughter. Wow! The midwife grabbed Lily and handed her straight to us. I had to deliver the placenta

Baby Lily is in our arms now. She's just been born and she is so gorgeous and beautiful. Jackson and I are already so in love with her. Our precious baby girl. "I can't believe she is finally here. Welcome to the world Lily Lola Wang" Jackson said. "She us and she's amazing" I reply. "She certainly is, my little angel" he said. We take some moments with our newborn daughter. Later we get out of the water and I get into a hospital room. Lily is wrapped up in a blanket with a pink hat on. "Lily, you're so beautiful. Mommy and daddy love you so much" I say. "We do. You have always been daddy's girl" Jackson said. He held her a bit later. I passed her to him very gently. "Hey, baby girl. Daddy's got you" he said. "Look at you. You're already a natural" I say. "Yeah I guess so and you are too" he replies. We hold Lily for a bit longer then I had a little go at breastfeeding her. It took a little while get to latch on and feed but she did in the end. Lily is so beautiful and we are so happy she's finally here. Water birth was great. I forgot about the pain when I was in the water. Can't wait to take Lily home in the next few days

Lily Lola Wang 💗Born July 1st @ 9:04pmWeight 6lbs 11oz

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Lily Lola Wang 💗
Born July 1st @ 9:04pm
Weight 6lbs 11oz

A/ N: baby Lily is here. Awwww. Jackson will be a great father one day. So will the other boys. Mark's chapter tomorrow

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