8. Morning Sickness

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Jinyoung 💜

I've been getting a little bit of sickness so far in my pregnancy. Sometimes bad and sometimes not so bad. Jinyoung has come to my aid whenever I've needed him. He's the best husband in the world and I couldn't ask for a better one. Jinyoung and I are snuggling up in bed cuddling. It's our favourite thing to do in the world and we love cuddling. Can't wait to cuddle with our baby when he or she is born. We are close to each other and he has his arms around me. "Are you feeling okay, baby?" he asks. "Yeah alright. I feel a little bit queasy actually" I reply. "Do you want to go to the bathroom?" Jinyoung asks. "No I'll be alright for now" I say. We lay together for a few more minutes and then I go to the bathroom. I crouch down by the toilet and throw up a bit. Jinyoung crouches down beside me and rubs and pats my back. "It's okay, jagiya. You'll feel better for getting it up" he said. "Yeah I do" I say rubbing my stomach. When I finished being sick, we go back to bed and cuddle a bit more before falling asleep. Jinyoung is always there for me when I'm being sick. He's the best

BamBam 💙

BamBam is finally back in my arms and I'm so happy to have him with me. He's back with me for a while and I'm so happy. I miss him so much when we are apart. He's been back a few days and we've got a lot of time to make up for. We are on the couch cuddling and spending sometime together at my place. When BamBam is in Scotland, he's always with me of course. Why would he be anywhere else? I am sat close to BamBam and he has his arms around me. "I'm so happy to be back with you, baby. I've missed you so much. I've missed holding you like this and I've missed waking up next to you too" he said. "Awwww, Bammie. I've missed you so much too. I love you" I reply. "I love you too, baby" I smile. "Can't wait for your first scan" he smiles. I smile back. BamBam and I continue to sit and cuddle for a while longer. "Hang on I just have to go to the bathroom" I say. "Of course you can" he said. I go to the bathroom and have a pee but I start to feel a bit sick. I was gone a few minutes so BamBam came in to see how I'm doing. "Are you okay, hun? You've been gone for a few minutes" he said. "I'm fine, BamBam" I reply. "Babe, you look like you're going to throw up" he said. "I just feel a bit sick but I don't think I'll throw up" I say. BamBam stays by me till the sickness had passed. I felt okay when I took something to ease it. I gave felt sick a couple of times before but never actually been sick. Anyway we carry on cuddling and I forget all about it

Jackson ❤️

My pregnancy has been going okay so far. Sometimes I've been feeling queasy and getting sickness from time to time but nothing too bad. Jackson and I will be going for our first scan soon and we can't wait to see our baby for the first time. Jackson and I are in the car on our way to the supermarket. We need to stock up on some grocery. Jackson is driving and we are on our way. I start to feel a little sick as we are on our way. Sometimes car journeys make me feel sick anyway. "Are you feeling okay, honey?" Jackson asks. "Yeah just a bit sick like I do" I reply. "Oh, baby. You'll be okay. You can just stay in the car and rest" he said grabbing my hand. We pull up in the parking lot of the supermarket and park up before getting out of the car. I start to feel a little bit dizzy as we walk towards the store. I had to grab onto Jackson's hand. "Jack, I feel sick" I say. "Honey, lets go over here" he said. He leads me to a trash can. "I don't wanna be sick in a trash man. Ewe" I say. I then hurl into the trash can quite a lot. "Sorry. I just felt sick" I say. "Honey, you don't have to apologise for being sick" he said. I got myself into a little state and Jackson calmed me down and we did our shopping. Ugh I hate being sick

Mark 🧡

Sickness has been hitting me quite hard in my pregnancy recently. It really frustrating and disheartening when I'm really sick. Luckily, Mark is back in LA to be with me for a while. We have our first scan tomorrow. It's 8am on a Saturday morning and Mark and I are laid in bed cuddling and laying together. It's what we love to do the best on a Saturday morning. Sickness usually effects me the worst in the morning when I've been sleeping. Sometimes I'm sick on nothing which is horrible. Ugh. My head is resting on Mark's bare chest as we lay in bed together before we get up. We lay in bed for at least an hour on a weekend before getting up and having breakfast. I'm tired and I'm nearly falling asleep on his bare chest. "Are you okay, honey?" Mark asks. "I'm just tired" I yawn. "Awww, honey. We can rest for as long as you want" he said. We rest for a bit longer till I start to feel a bit sick. I sit up in bed. "I think I'm going to be sick, Mark" I say. "That's alright, babe. We'll go to the bathroom" he said. I get out of bed and Mark goes will be to the bathroom. He holds my hair back as I'm violently sick in the toilet. Tears come down my eyes too. "It's okay, baby. I'm right here" Mark said. "I know, baby" I reply. He continues to be there for me and holds my hair back as I'm sick in the toilet. When I was finished being sick we go to the kitchen and I have a slice of toast to soak up the acid even though I didn't really feel like eating. I had to feel less weak

Youngjae 💗

I haven't really been getting many symptoms so far in my pregnancy. I just get a bit tired from time to time. Im glad I haven't been getting sick as the feeling isn't nice at all. I'm cooking as Youngjae is due home soon. I'm making noodles with beef tonight. I love cooking even though I'm feeling quite tired now after working a day. Can't wait to see him and have dinner with him. I've missed him today. Youngjae always texts me when he's on his way hone from work and I reply back with lots of heart emojis. I carry on cooking till he arrives home. The front door of our apartment opens and he walks in. "Hey, jagiya. I'm home" he said. "Hey, jagi" I say. "Hmmmm that smells so good again. Delicious in fact. Can't wait to eat" he said. "Well it won't be long now" I say. He comes over to me and gives me a big hug. "Honey, you look tired. Go and rest. I'll take over and finish" Youngjae said. "No I'll be okay. Don't worry" I reply. "Y/ N" he said looking at me. I step away from the kitchen and go to the bathroom. I have a drink of water and look in the mirror. I sigh. I put my head down and throw up a bit. Youngjae comes to check on me but I told him it was okay and I was only sick a bit. He finished off the meal and it was all ready so we sat down to eat. "Thank you got finishing it. I was just tired" I reply. "No problem. You know I'd do anything for you" he smiles. Youngjae and I had a delicious dinner

Yugyeom 💛

I've been getting sick a few times but it hasn't really bothered me that much. I try to forget about it and just get on with life especially when I'm with Yugyeom. He's always there for me no matter what. I love him so much. We are having a lazy and relaxing Sunday today at his place. We are doing nothing but chilling and relaxing together because why not. We deserve it every once in a while. We are spread out on the couch. "Lazy Sunday's make you even lazier and tireder" I say. "I know right. I totally agree" Yugyeom laughs. I laugh too. We carry on sitting on the couch together. "Can I get my girl and baby momma anything to eat or drink?" he asks. "Nah I'm fine but thank you" I reply. "Imma make myself a coffee" he said. "Go on I'll have one then but not a strong one" I reply. Yugyeom goes into the kitchen to make us coffees. As he is gone, I start to feel a little sick. "Here you are" he said a few minutes later. "Thanks but I don't think I want it now. I'm feeling a bit sick. Sorry, Yugs" I reply. "Awwww it's alright, babe. I'll leave it here in case you want it later" Yugyeom said. "Okay" I reply. I sit next to me and sips his coffee. "Awe. You're not feeling well, babe" he said. "Yeah I'm not but I'll be okay" I reply. I wait a bit for the sickness to pass which it does and then I have my coffee. Yugyeom warms it up for me and it tasted good. Awwww he looks after me so well

Jaebeom 💚

I've been experiencing quite bad morning sickness recently in my pregnancy. Ugh I hate being sick so much. I try not to let it get to me but sometimes it does. It mainly effects me in the morning when I'm off to work and when Jaebeom is too. This morning I start work at 8am this morning and I usually get up an hour and a half before. I always get sick after breakfast and end up going to work with nothing in my stomach. I get up at 6:30am and go downstairs for breakfast. I always have breakfast first. Jaebeom wakes up the same time as me and we have breakfast together too. "What can I get my beautiful wife to eat this morning?" he asks. "Ummm I'd quite like waffles with maple syrup please" I reply. "Sure" he smiles. Jaebeom makes us breakfast and we sit down together at the kitchen table. I never choose anything that's hard to stomach with me getting sickness. We finish breakfast and then tidy up together. I go and get ready as I need to be at work soon. I start doing my makeup but I get the urge to be sick. Jaebeom comes up and walks in. "Are you alright, honey?" he asks. "Hmmm I feel a bit sick. I always do after breakfast" I reply. "It's okay. Just take it easy" he smiles. Then I go a little bit faint and run over to the toilet and throw up. Jaebeom comes to my aid and helps and relaxes me. It didn't make me late for work. I just got ready quick

A/ N: a week since I started this book. Next chapter is first scan. Who do you think is having twins? There are two sets of twins on this book

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