11. Starting To Show

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Jinyoung 💜

Jinyoung and I are getting ready to go out for dinner with his family. We are going to a nice restaurant. We love going out for dinner with his mom, dad and sisters. Can't wait to. I'm starting to show a bit in my pregnancy as I've hit the 3 month mark now so I hope I have something that's not too clingy and tight and shows it off too much. Jinyoung and I will be leaving soon for the restaurant. I've just about finished doing my hair and makeup now so I go into our room where Jinyoung is. He is getting his shirt buttoned up and his tie on. "Do you need some help deciding what to wear, babe?" she asks. "Yes I could do with a little please" I reply. Jinyoung follows me into our walk in closet and helps me decide what to wear. "I have a maroon dress that might be okay" I say. "Ohhhh yes I remember that. Let's see" he replies. I slip the dress on and Jinyoung zips me up. "It clings a bit" I say. "But babe. You look so pretty in it" he said. "I know but I wanna dry another one" I say. I try on a cream dress that's a bit more on the loose side. "I think this is the one. It's not as clingy" I say. "Okay whatever you want, honey but I kinda wanted you to show off your baby bump" Jinyoung said. "Jinyoung, your family know I'm pregnant" I say. "I know but I want the whole world to know" he said. "Awe, I love you" I smile. "I love you too, my beautiful" he smiles putting his arms around me and kissing my neck. Awwww he's so cute. Jinyoung and I left and had a great dinner with his family

BamBam 💙

I am taking BamBam to meet some of my college friends this afternoon. He hasn't really met any of my college friends yet so I'm going to introduce them since we are having a baby together. I might only be in Scotland for a few more months but I'm still introducing BamBam to a few of my close friends. We are getting ready now to meet them. I just finished my hair and makeup now I'm getting dressed. What to wear? Ummmm. I go with some jeans and and a t shirt with my favourite jacket and trainers. I look in the mirror and notice that I'm starting to show a bit. "Bammie, you don't think I'm showing too much. Do you?" I ask. "No not at all, darling. You look perfect as always" BamBam replies. "Thank you" I smile. "Baby, you know I love you in anything and I love you in anything a little extra now that you're carrying my child" he said. "Awww, Bammie. I love you so much" I reply. "I love you too, Y/ N" he said putting his arms around me and kissing my neck. He makes a heart shape with his hands on my bump. "Awwww, you're wee little baby bump" BamBam said. "Yeah" I laugh. "So cute. Just like our baby in there" he smiles. He bends down and kisses my tiny bump. Awwww BamBam is so cute. Soon we leave to meet my friends and we had a really good time

Jackson ❤️

I went to the mall earlier to buy some new clothes as I'm starting to show more in my pregnancy so I need some maternity clothes that are bigger and loose fitting to accommodate my growing baby bump. Jackson hasn't seen yet as he's out with the boys. I was out with my friends for a few hours. When I buy new clothes, he always wants me to model them for him. I'm in our bedroom when I hear the front door open. "I'm home, baby. Where are you?" Jackson said. "In our room, baby" I reply. He comes in a few minutes later and smiles. "Hey. I missed you today, my gorgeous wife" he said. "I missed you too, my amazing husband" I reply. He kisses me for a few minutes. "So what did you buy today?" Jackson said collapsing on the bed. "A few maternity things" I reply. "Baby, I told you you don't need to wear maternity things. You're sexy in your own clothes" he said. "But, Jackson I told you I have to wear maternity clothes when my bump progresses" I reply. "Oh, honey. I'm joking. Don't worry. You look amazing in anything" Jackson replies. I try on the things I got. "I like that" he said to one of the tops I got. "Thanks" I smile. I try on the other things I got and he liked them. "Babe, you look perfect in anything" Jackson said as I laid on the bed next to him. "Thank you. I love you" I reply. "I love too and I love that you're starting to show too. Makes me even more excited to be a dad" Jackson smiled pulling me close and kissing me. I'm glad he liked all the stuff I got myself today. I will still wear my normal clothes too till my bump gets bigger

Mark 🧡


Y/ N is really coming on in her pregnancy now and has a cute baby bump. I still can't believe we are having twins. She looks so beautiful while pregnant. She looks so beautiful anyway but extra beautiful as she's pregnant with my babies. Y/ N is taking her evening shower now and I'm laid on our bed waiting for her to finish so we can have some snuggle time before we go to sleep. The bathroom door opens and Y/ N walks in with her underwear. "Hey, honey. Are you done?" I say. "Yeah almost. Just gonna get dressed" she replies. I get up off the bed and go over to her. "Mark, I'm trying to get dressed" she said. "I know but I can't I cuddle my beautiful wife and tell her I love her" I say. "Of course you can" Y/ N replies. "I love your baby bump and our baby inside it" I say. "Awwww, baby. You're so cute" Y/ N said. "I love you and our babies too" I say. "I love you too with all my heart" she smiles. "Baby, you're the most beautiful woman on this earth" I say. "Awwww, Markie. You're forever complementing me" she said. "Awwww I always do, baby" I said kissing her neck. Y/ N gets dressed then we lay on our bed and cuddle for a while till we fall asleep

Youngjae 💗

Me and Youngjae are having a chilling evening at home. Sometimes it's nice just to do nothing but relax and spend more quality time together. We are laid on the couch with our arms around each other. "Babe, I love having relaxing time with you" he said. "Aawww me too, Youngjae. I love this too and you" I reply. "Baby, I love you more than anything" Youngjae said. "Awwww I love you too" I reply. "You're so hot, my love" he said. "You're so hot too" I reply. "Thank you" he said placing his hand on my tummy. He starts kissing me. "Youngjae, not now. We're relaxing" I say. "I know, baby. I just want to kiss you" he replies. "Me too" I reply. Youngjae and I kiss for a few minutes. "Jagiya, you're starting to show a bit. I think" he said. "Yeah I know. I think I am" I say. He lifts up my top and looks at my small bump. "Baby, you're skinny anyway but I think that's a little baby bump" Youngjae said. "Yep I know" I reply. "Love it just like I love you and him or her" he smiles. "Awww, Youngjae. You're so sweet. You're going to be the best daddy in the world" I reply. "I hope to be and you'll be the best mommy in the world too" he smiles kissing my neck. Youngjae and I had a great evening relaxing. Yay! I'm starting to show a bit. I'm so proud of my little baby bump. Still can't believe we are having a beautiful baby

Yugyeom 💛

I am 14 weeks on in my pregnancy now so I'm starting to show. I gave a cute little baby bump which Yugyeom admires all the time and makes me blush. Awwww he's so cute. I love him and he can't wait to be a dad to our baby. So exciting. Yay! I finally feel like I'm pregnant now that I've got a bump. I am now living with Yugyeom which is great. I moved in a few days ago which was amazing. We are laying on our king sized bed now cuddling. He got a bigger bed when I moved it. "Honey, I'm so happy you're living with me now. It's a dream come true" Yugyeom said. "I know, Yuggie. I can't believe it too. It's amazing" I reply. "I bet you'd rather be waking up to me every morning than in a lonely and empty apartment on your own" he said. "Yes definitely. Absolutely" I smile. "I still can't believe we are having this baby. Him or her is going to have a nice big room just next door to us" he smiles. "I know. They are a very lucky little boy or girl" I reply. "Yes to have a Mommy like you" Yugyeom said. "And to have a daddy like you" I reply. "My wallpaper on my phone is of your bump" he said. "Awwww that's so cute. I love it" I reply. "I love it too but I love you more too" he smiles. "No i love you more" I reply. "Come on I have to see that bump again" Yugyeom said sitting up and kissing my bump. "Hey, baby. I'm your daddy" he said. Awwww that melts my heart. It's the cutest thing us having a baby. It's definitely brought us closer together

Jaebeom 💚

I am 15 weeks on in my pregnancy with the twins now and me and Jaebeom can't wait to welcome our little ones into the world. We still can't believe we are having twins. It's wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. My bump is quite significant now and I love it. Our two little babies are inside of me. I am getting dressed in our room when Jaebeom walks in. "Hey, jagiya. Are you okay?" he asks. "Yeah I'm fine just getting dressed" I reply. "Okay, baby" he said. "Do I look okay in this?" I ask. "Yes of course you do, baby. You look amazing in everything, my darling" Jaebeom said. "Awww. I love you, Jaebongi. You're the best husband in the world" I reply. "Aawww, Y/ N. I love you. You're the best wife in the world" he replies wrapping his arms around me and kissing me. "I can't get over your adorable little baby bump" Jaebeom said. "Awww, baby. Our beautiful twins are in there" I reply. "They are indeed" he replies. "Let's take a picture of us and the bump by the mirror" he suggested. "Sure thing" I reply. We stand by the mirror with Jaebeom's arms around me and he takes a photo of us together. "Awww. That's one for the gram" he said. "Yep" I reply. He kisses me on the neck. Awww I love Jaebeom so much

A/ N: that was a cute one. Another update later

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