33. Labor/ Delivery- Jaebeom 💚

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I'm 37 weeks on now in my pregnancy with the twins. They will be coming soon. Probably anytime. The doctor said I probably won't need a c section. I will probably have a vaginal birth if everything goes according to plan. Most twins usually come around 37 weeks anyway. Jaebeom and I can't wait to go welcome our little ones into the world. We've been dying to know the genders of our babies for months. We are about to find out soon though. I am taking my daily shower soon. Jaebeom doesn't like me showering now that I'm this far on in my pregnancy but I told him I'm okay. A shower relaxes me before I go to bed anyway. I get stripped off ready for my shower. Jaebeom is in our room as our bathroom is an en suite. I jump in the shower and start getting showered. I'm not washing my hair tonight. Just a rinse down and a freshen up will do. I step out of the shower carefully holding onto the grab rail. Jaebeom put a grab rail in so I'm safe. He worries about me too much. As I get out of the shower, I start to feel funny. "Ohhh" I say. "Are you okay, jagiya?" Jaebeom asks. "Yeah I will be" I say. I carry on getting dried and dressed as I didn't want to worry him. I get my pjs on and go into our bedroom when I'm done. "Are you done, honey?" he asks. "Yes I am" I reply. "Good" he said. "I think I might have had a contraction getting out of the shower" I say. "Really? Did you?" Jaebeom asks. "Yes I think it was" I reply. "Well lay here with me and we can monitor them if you have anymore" he says. "Yep that's what I'm going to do" I reply. As I get onto the bed to lay next to Jaebeom, I have another contraction. "Was that another one" he asks. "Yep" I reply. I lay next to him and I gave more contractions a few minutes later. My waters haven't broken yet. Jaebeom was good at monitoring my contractions. About an hour they got worse and became more frequent so we made the journey to hospital

We arrived at the hospital and Jaebeom gets a wheelchair to take me in as I was struggling to walk. "Everything is going to be fine, baby. Our twins are coming today" he said. "I hope so" I reply. We arrived at the maternity unit soon and I get checked in. I could feel that labor was progressing quite significantly. I put a hospital gown on and they examine me. "Mrs Lim, you are now 5cm dilated so you're halfway. Are you going for a natural birth and delivery?" one of the midwives said. "Yes i would like to if possible" I reply. "It should be possible if you are comfortable with it" she said. "Can I maybe get an epidural?" I ask. "I'll talk to the doctor" the midwife said. Jaebeom waits with me by my side. "I'm glad I can have a normal birth" I say. "Me too. It will all be fine" he said kissing my hand. "Yep" I reply. We continue to wait a while longer and the midwives keep on checking me. We hope it won't be long. They will give me an epidural when I'm a bit further along. "Soon we will be parents" Jaebeom said. "We will be" I reply. A few hours have passed and I'm getting closer to giving birth now. They administer the epidural now by injecting it into my spine. I flinched when the needle went on but I won't feel much pain when I give birth. When I was fully dressed, I got ready to push. They are two midwives and a doctor around. "Okay, Y/ N. You're ready to push now" the midwife said. I start pushing slowly. Jaebeom sits beside me and I hold onto his hand. "I can see baby number ones head" the midwife said. About 15 minutes later the first baby was born. "It's a boy" the midwife said. "Yes a boy" Jaebeom said. I push again so I can deliver the second baby. Will it be a boy or a girl? I push again in the same way. One final push and our second baby was born. "Congratulations. It's another boy. You have two beautiful boys" the midwife said. "We have twin boys. I'm so happy" Jaebeom said. "Yes we do indeed" I smile. He smiles and kisses me on the lips. We have two little boys

Soon we got to hold our newborn little boys. The midwives passed them over to us. "Congratulations. They are both absolutely perfect" one of them said. "Take as long as you want with them" the other lady said. They hand us a baby each. They are adorable boys and have a lot of hair. They are identical too. "Thank you" I smile. "Here they are. Our boys" Jaebeom said. "Our beautiful and handsome boys" I say. "So we agreed on the names Hosung and Hajoon. Didn't we, jagiya?" he said. "Yes we did" I reply. "Welcome to the world, Hosung and Hajoon. Our boys" Jaebeom said. I smile. We spend sometime holding the boys and getting to know them. They are both absolutely perfect and amazing. We can't believe they are here. We swapped so we got to hold the other twin. I was holding Hajoon and Jaebeom was holding Hosung now. "Baby, I really glad we did find out the genders. It was the best surprise ever" Jaebeom said. "I know me too. It was so worth it. Now we have these two precious boys to love forever" I reply. "We do indeed and I'm the luckiest man in the world" he smiled. We are so blessed to have two little boys. Hosung and Hajoon. They are the most beautiful babies ever

Lim Hosung 💙Born April 26th @ 7:16amWeight 6lbs 6oz

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Lim Hosung 💙
Born April 26th @ 7:16am
Weight 6lbs 6oz

Lim Hajoon 💙
Born April 26th @ 7:19am
Weight 6lbs 4oz

A/ N: it's twin boys. I was good to keep it a secret. Really happy I did. Adorable twin boys they. Not newborns technically

Next the babies come home. Yay!

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