36. He Changes A Diaper

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Jinyoung 💜


Hyejin is now a week and a half old and there's nothing more Y/ N and I love doing than being parents to our little princess. She's the best thing that's ever happened to us and we are so lucky to have Hyejin in our lives. She's the sweetest little angel ever and we love her so much. I would say I've been a hands on dad so far since Hyejin came home. I haven't been afraid to change diapers or anything like that. Hyejin will be going to bed pretty soon. Me and Y/ N are sat on the couch with her in the lounge. I'm cuddling her in my arms. "Jinyoungie, you're such an amazing father" Y/ N said. "Yeah I love my baby girl so much and you too of course, darling" I reply. "Yes I love you too and our sweet little angel" Y/ N replies. About half an hour later we go upstairs with Hyejin and get her ready for bed. Y/ N already fed her downstairs to save a bit of time. "I'll change her now" I say taking Hyejin from Y/ N. I lay her down on the changing table and start changing her. Y/ N is stood by us. "Oh you're an expert at changing diapers" she said. "Yeah I know. Haha" I reply. With Hyejin all changed, she was all ready for bed now so I laid her down in her crib and she went to sleep

BamBam 💙

BamBam is proving that he's being a good dad so far by changing some of Maxwell's diapers. He hasn't changed a lot but he's changed some to give me a break when I'm tired. Max is not even two weeks old yet but so far we are enjoying being parents to him. He's a sweet little boy. It's 7:30am and I've just woken up. Maxwell woke up a couple of times during the night so obviously I had to feed and change him. BamBam wakes up and puts his arms around me. "Hey" he yawns. "Morning" I yawn. "How's my baby this morning?" he asks. "I'm alright" I reply. A few minutes later Max wakes up. "I'll go and get him" BamBam said. "Okay. You sure" I reply. "Absolutely" he smiles. He gets out of bed and goes over to Maxwell's crib which is next to me. "Morning, son. What's up?" he said. I love the way he talks to him. BamBam rocks Maxwell for a few minutes but he's still crying. "You've done a stinky, little man. Daddy's gonna change you" he said. He takes Max over to the changing table is in our room for the time being and changes him. I watch him as he sometimes forgets what to do. "Doing good, Bammie" I say. "Haha. Thanks" he replies. When BamBam had changed Maxwell, he gives him to me. "How's my beautiful little boy this morning?" I say. He gets back into bed next to me and cuddles up to me and Max. It was nice of BamBam to change Max this morning

Jackson ❤️

Little Lily is more than a week old now. She's doing amazing and is such a joy for me and Jackson. She's the sweetest and we love her so much. Jackson is a great father to Lily and does a lot to help me when I'm tired. Being a new mom is tiring but we really wanted to start a family and we have our beautiful baby girl now. I am resting on the couch as I'm tired now. Jackson is on his phone texting the boys and Lily is asleep in her Moses basket. I am resting my head on Jackson as I sleep. He's being very quiet for the both of us. About half an hour later, Lily wakes up waking me up. Jackson picks her up and settles her down. "I think she could do with a change" I yawn. "Sure I'll do that" he smiles. We have set up a changing station downstairs so we don't always have to be going upstairs. It's a better idea. He goes and changes Lily on the floor while I continue to lay on the couch and rest. "There we go. All clean, my beautiful" Jackson said kissing Lily on her cheek. He sits back down on the couch next to me with Lily in his arms. "Thanks for doing that" I say. "No problem. You don't have to thank me" he said. Jackson smiles and kisses me. I rest for a bit longer and Jackson spends sometime with Lily

Mark 🧡


The twins are almost two weeks old and it's just a few days off Christmas. We can't wait to celebrate with our friends and families. Although most people will be coming for New Years and we can't wait for everyone to meet Melody and Myles. We've been out buying some Christmas things today. We've taken the twins out to get them out and also for ourselves to get out too. We're not making a meal or anything. We just wanted to get some things. We got back not so long ago and are unpacking now. The babies are just waking up from their nap. They were asleep pretty much the whole time. Bless them. Me and Y/ N are in the kitchen putting things away in the fridge and cupboards. Myles wakes up and starts fussing. "Hey, little man. What's up?" I say lifting him out of his car seat. "Do you need a change or a feed? Eh. Ummm a change a I think" I say. "Can you do that, Mark?" Y/ N asks. "Sure thing" I reply. I take Myles upstairs into the nursery and change him. I'm more than used to changing diapers now. I lay him down on the changing table and start changing him. "Now let's get you changed, son" I say. A few minutes later I finish changing Myles and then go back downstairs to the girls. A few minutes later Melody needed a change so I went and changed her while Y/ N sorted things out downstairs. We can't wait for Christmas with our Christmas babies

Youngjae 💗

Youngjae has been okay at changing diapers so far. I had to teach him how to change Sunwoo at first though. I think he's got more used to it now. Well he has to. We are married and have a baby together so he'll have to change some diapers. We are chilling at home now with baby Sunwoo. He's almost two weeks old now and is doing great. We love him so much. He's the best thing that's ever happened to us. Sunwoo is in between us on the couch. Youngjae looks at him and tickles his belly. "You're always tickling him" I say. "I know and I think he likes it" he replies. "Do you think so?" I ask. "Yeah of course. I know you like being tickled" he laughs tickling me under my armpits. "No I do not" I laugh. He does it for a minute before Sunwoo wants attention. "Aye. Don't you like mommy and daddy messing about" I say. "No I don't think he does.  He's jealous, babe" Youngjae said. "Yeah" I reply. Youngjae smells Sunwoo and realises he needs changing. "I think he needs changing, babe" he said. "Well you can do that" I say. "Alright then. Seen as it's you" he said. I smile. Youngjae takes Sunwoo into the nursery and changes him. I follow in. "Can you remember how to do it?" I ask. "Yes I can" he replies. He lays Sunwoo down on the changing table and takes off his onesie and his dirty diaper to begin with. He wipes around him with a few wipes till he was clean and put some cream on him as he was getting a little rash and then put a clean diaper on him. "There we go all done" Youngjae said. I smile. He just Sunwoo and did it really good

Yugyeom 💛


I absolutely love being a daddy to my little princess Sunhee. She's the best thing ever. Having her was the best thing that Y/ N have ever decided to do in our relationship. So happy to have little Sunhee in our lives. I've been changing lots of her diapers too and giving Y/ N time off when she needs to like any responsible partner and father would do. Y/ N is relaxing now and I've offered to watch Sunhee while she catches up on some rest. We both have been having restless nights since Sunhee was born but Y/ N has been feeling it more than me. Anyway I'm having sometime with my little girl now. "Just me and you, Sunhee. Mommy is having some rest. She'll be back soon" I say. I can't take my eyes off my gorgeous little girl. She's the most beautiful, just like her mommy. Y/ N changed Sunhee before she went for a lie down so I realise that she could probably do with another change. We keep things for changing in the lounge so we don't have to go into our room all the time. I grab a clean diaper and wipes and change Sunhee on the couch. That's how we do it. I take off her clothes and dirty diaper and change her in no time as I know what I'm doing now. "There we go, my princess. All clean, baby girl" I say kissing Sunhee's forehead. Y/ N wakes up soon feeds Sunhee before we have some family time

Jaebeom 💚

The boys are now two weeks old and they are doing amazing. Me and Jaebeom are so in love with Hosung and Hajoon. Our boys are so adorable and make us so happy. Jaebeom is an amazing father and husband. He's the best. He's been at home all the time with me and the boys. He's only been going out when we need things. We have more than enough diapers to last us for a few weeks. Jaebeom is out at the supermarket now and I'm home with the boys. Hosung is sleeping and I'm feeding Hajoon right now. It's good when I don't have to feed them at the same time. He'll be home soon to give me a hand. About 15 minutes later the front door opens and Jaebeom walks in. "Hey. I'm home" he whispers as he knew one of the babies were asleep. "Hi" I smile. He comes over to me and kisses me. He then brings the bags in. Hosung wakes up in the meantime but I was feeding Hajoon so I couldn't do anything. "Jaebeom, I think Hosung could do with a change. Could you do it please?" I say. "Of course, honey. Just a moment" he said. "Thank you, jagi. You're the best" I say. "No problem" Jaebeom smiles. He takes Hosung upstairs to change him while I finish feeding Hajoon. A little later on Hosung needed feeding. Jaebeom is the best and does anything I ask

A/ N: hope this part is okay. I think it is. Loving this book like all my others

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