18. He Sings To Your Bump

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Jinyoung 💜


I love serenading Y/ N and our baby girl inside her. We are so excited to meet her when she is born in the next 3 months. Yep Y/ N is now 6 months on in her pregnancy so three quarters of the way through so she is approaching the third trimester. Me and Y/ N are sat on the couch cuddling and are having a drink of hot chocolate before we go to bed. A milky drink before bed always relaxes us and helps us sleep better. We are sipping on our drinks and cuddling at the same time. Y/ N keeps on yawning and apologising for it. "Sorry" she yawns. "Awww, honey. You don't have to apologise for yawning, sweetie" I say. She laughs and I tickle her. "I'm going to have to tickle you for that" I say. "Haha you know how much I hate being tickled" Y/ N said. I tickle her for a few minutes and she screams. She always does. "Now I have to sing to you and our baby girl" I say. "Certainly" she replies. I rest my head on her bump and start singing my song My Youth. Y/ N loves it when I sing that. She smiles so much as I sing to her and our baby girl. I kiss where the baby is and Y/ N smiles and kisses my forehead. "Beautiful as always" she smiles. I smile back and kiss her lips. I love singing so much to the two loves of my life

BamBam 💙

BamBam and I went baby shopping a few days ago for our baby boy. We had so much fun and bought some great things that we loved. In just over a month I will be making the big move to Korea and I can't wait. I'll obviously be sad to leave my family behind but BamBam and I need to be together when we are having a baby. Can't wait to meet our son when he comes into the world. BamBam and I are laying in bed waiting to fall asleep. We don't fall asleep straight away. We always wait till we are tired enough to. BamBam has his arms around me. "Babe, you know I was just thinking. I think our son is going to be a rapper just like his dad" he said. "Hmmm maybe" I reply. "Why? What do you want him to be?" he replies. "I don't know. We'll see what he grows up to be" I reply. "Yep but it would be pretty cool if he grew up to be just like me" BamBam said. "Yeah it would be" I reply. "I can teach him a few things now" he said. BamBam bends down to my bump. "Now, listen up, son. This is your daddy. To be a good rapper you need to have swag and coolness" he said. "Awwww" I reply. "This is how you rap, boy" he said. BamBam starts freestyling a bit. I love it when he freestyles as he can expresses himself. "Haha awesome. I'm sure our son will be taking a left out of your book when he's older" I say. "Yeah he will do" BamBam smiles. That was great. I'm sure our son is listening and taking it all in even though he's not born yet

Jackson ❤️

I am waiting for Jackson to arrive home from the studio. He's been working on some new solo music. He spends a long time writing and recording solo music. I love to hear anything new that he makes. He's always including me in his music which is awfully sweet of him and I love that. I'm sure he'll be writing songs about our daughter when she comes into the world. I have put dinner in the oven to cook so it will nearly be ready for when Jackson comes home which it will be soon. I have my feet up on the couch. The door opens and Jackson walks in. "I'm home, honey" he said. "Hey, baby. How was your day?" I ask. "Great. Guess what" he said. "What?" I asked. "Well I wrote a song for our baby girl today" Jackson says. "Awe, Jackson. That's so cute. I would love to hear it" I say. "Of course you can and our princess can too" he said. He shuffles closer to me and holds my hand and starts singing and rapping the song that he wrote for our baby girl. "Awww it's so cute. I love it. Baby girl is kicking me like mad" I say. "Thanks, babe, Awe is she. She must love her daddy singing" Jackson said. "She does indeed. She's letting me know" I say. "Hmmm she is" he said. "You can sing that song to us every night" I said. "Haha I can" Jackson said kissing my neck. Jackson is so talented. He wrote an amazing song for our little girl and she loved it

Mark 🧡


I love resting my head on Y/ N's bump and talking and singing and rapping to our twins. It's amazing to think our little boy and girl will be here soon and we both can't wait to meet them. They are so special to us already. Me and Y/ N are chilling in our backyard enjoying the nice weather as there isn't long of summer left. The twins are due in December just before Christmas. Christmas babies. We are sat on our lounger chairs. That's the most comfortable position for Y/ N atm. She's definitely feeling the pregnancy on her body. I smile at her and grab her hand. "Baby, I love you so much and our babies too" I said. "Awww, Markie. I love you too and our babies of course" she said. "I love y'all more than anything" I say. "I know you do" Y/ N smiles. I shuffle my chair closer to hers and smile and sing a little song to the babies. It was Eclipse. It always soothes and eases Y/ N. "Awww, Markie. You know I love it when you sing to our babies" Y/ N said. "Awww I do too, I'm glad you love it" I reply. "Of course I do and the babies do too" she said. "Awe, honey. I love you so much" I say kissing her bump. Me and Y/ N had a great afternoon in our backyard enjoying the last bit of summer. I carried on singing to her and our babies and she loved it

Youngjae 💗

Youngjae and I are getting married in a few days. We cannot wait for our wedding.  Not long now. A few days till we'll be husband and wife and we can't wait. We don't have a honeymoon planned. We will go on one another time. Youngjae hasn't seen my wedding dress yet. He's not going to see it till the day. He's patiently waiting to see me in my wedding dress. He's so excited to see me in my wedding dress. We are chilling in the lounge. One of the last days we'll chill before get married. "Jagiya, I can't believe our wedding is in just a few days" Youngjae said. "I know, jagi. Me neither. It's not long now" I reply. "Not long till you will be my wife and I'll be your husband" he said. "Yes I will be and you will be too" I reply. "Love you and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" Youngjae said. "I love you too" I reply. "I wish our son was here now" he said. "I know, baby. He will be here soon. He'll be here in three months" I reply. "Yes and i can't wait. Y/ N this is such an amazing few months" he said. I smile and kiss him. Youngjae and I can't wait to get married in a few days. It's going to be an amazing day with our friends and family. Can't wait to become husband and wife

Yugyeom 💛

I am in the recording studio with Yugyeom and the boys watching and listening to them record new music. I love watching them in the studio. It's one of my favourite things to do. They are recording some amazing new songs. They are just so talented. Especially my Yuggie. I am sat on the chair near the producers watching Yugyeom record his verse for the next song that we are doing. I smile at him and he smiles at me too. The music stops and he says "Baby, come here" he said. "Okay" I reply. I go over to Yugyeom in the recording. I stand next to him. "I would like to sing to our baby girl in there" he said. "Yes of course you can" I reply. Yugyeom sings into the mic and places his hand on my bump and sings. I can feel our daughter kick as he sings to her. "That one was for you, my darling. Daddy can't wait to meet you and spoil you" Yugyeom said kissing my bump. "Awww, Yuggie. That's so adorable. I love you so much" I said. "I love you and her so much too" he said kissing me. The guys thought it was adorable that Yugyeom was singing to our unborn daughter. So beautiful. I had a great time in the studio with Yugyeom and the boys today

Jaebeom 💚

Jaebeom has this sweet and special thing of serenading me and the twins before we go to sleep. Awww he's so sweet. I love him so much. We can't wait to meet our twins. I am laid in bed trying to fall asleep. I'm so tired but I never fall asleep without Jaebeom singing to me. He is downstairs sorting things out and turning off lights and stuff. He should be up in a few minutes. A few minutes later the door opens and Jaebeom walks in. "I'm here, baby" he said. "Hey" I yawn. "Awww you're so tired, jagiya" he said. "I am" I yawn. Jaebeom gets in bed and lays next to me. He shuffles closer to me. "Don't fall asleep just yet. I need to sing to you and the babies" he said. "Of course" I smile. Jaebeom starts to sing GOT7's song Lullaby. That's one of my favourites of theirs. He rests his head near my bump as he sings. Jaebeom's singing always sends me off to sleep. I absolutely adore it when he sings to me. Jaebeom falls asleep beside me too and we both go to sleep for the night

A/ N: cute and sweet. Awwww. Next I'm doing the pregnancy photoshoot and I'm doing the descriptions this time

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