48. Baby's First Word

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Jinyoung 💜

Hyejin will be turning a year old in the next few weeks. Me and Jinyoung cannot believe our beautiful little princess is going to be a year old so soon. She is so adorable and lights up our lives every single day. Our beautiful baby girl. Jinyoung is coming home from the studio tonight. I'm at home with Hyejin and I'm making dinner now. We are having kiddies with dumplings all made with my two hands. Hyejin will he having something different. She is sat in her chair in the kitchen while I'm cooking. Jinyoung will be back soon and he always can't wait to see us. I am on with making the dumplings. Hyejin always watches me intently when I'm cooking. Haha bless her. I'm gonna teach her to cook when she's older. About 15 minutes later the front door opens and Jinyoung walks in with a big smile on his face. "Hey, my girls" he said. "Hey, jagi" I say. "Hey, jagiya" he said. Hyejin smiles as soon as she sees her daddy. "How's my little princess?" he said. "She fine. Always dying to see you" I reply. He grabs Hyejin out of her chair and kisses her and squished her face like usually does. A couple of minutes later, Hyejin says her first word. "Dada, dada" she babbled. "Y/ N, she just said dada dada. Did you hear?" Jinyoung said. "She is. I did hear. Awwww that's so cute. I knew her first word would be dada dada" I reply. "It is. Dada is so proud of you, little girl" he says kissing Hyejin. Aawwww so cute. Hyejin just said her first word. Dada dada

BamBam 💙

Max will be turning one soon. BamBam are undecided what to do for his first birthday as my family in still in Scotland. BamBam's mom and siblings are in Korean now so we'll probably have a celebration with them and the GOT7 boys. Anyway we still have almost two months to think about it. We can't wait believe Max's has been in our lives for 10 months. He's so perfect. The best decision me and BamBam ever made. He's the best thing in our lives and will be forever. BamBam is trying to teach Maxwell to sing even though he can't talk yet. He's bought him a little kids guitar which is cute. He loves playing with it. He's sat on BamBam's lap playing it right now. So cute. "He's definitely going to be a musician when he's older" I said. "Yeah I think he is. Hopefully a rapper but I wouldn't mind if he became a singer or guitarist. Either is good" BamBam replies. I smile. Max continues to play his guitar with BamBam. He's not really playing it. He's just messing about with it. It's so cute to see him do that. "Are you going to play me something, Maxie?" BamBam said. "Yeah play daddy something" I said. "Daddy" Maxwell said pointing. "What? He just said daddy. Wow! No way" BamBam said. "He did say daddy. Well done, Maxie. Your first word" I say. "His first word is daddy. I'm such a proud daddy of this kid" BamBam said. "I know you are" I smile. Maxwell continue to play with his guitar for a bit longer. So cute. He just said his first word today. That's our boy

Jackson ❤️


Lily is almost saying her first word which is obviously Dada. She's a daddy's girl and me and Y/ N love her so much. She's 1 years old in a few weeks. We will be having a big princess party for our little princess. Can't wait to. Lily means the absolutely would to Y/ N and I. Our baby girl is growing up so so much. Too much actually. It's Saturday morning and me and Y/ N have just woken up. Now that Lily is almost a year old, she is sleeping through pretty much the whole night. She sometimes only wakes up once a night. I get out of bed and go into Lily's room to get her up like I usually do. "Good morning, baby girl. Time to get up. Daddy is here" I say. Y/ N follows me in. "Morning, darling" she said. I lift Lily out of her crib and kiss her good morning. She yawns and rubs her eyes. "Awwww someone's still sleepy" Y/ N said. "She is but breakfast time, Lils" I say. She smiles a bit. We go downstairs to the kitchen. I sit Lily in her high chair and me and Y/ N get on with making breakfast. "Dada" lily said as i was giving her eggs. Her favourite thing in the morning is scrambled eggs. "She just said dada, Jackson" Y/ N said. "I know she did. I heard her. Well done, my little princess. I knew your first word would be dada" I say. "Awwww, Lily. You're such a clever little girl. I love you so much" Y/ N said. "I love you too. Oh my love. You make me such a proud man" I say kissing her. Lily eats her eggs for breakfast and she says dada again later. Awwww so cute. My girls first word is dada. I almost had a tear in my eye

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