24. You're Uncomfortable And He Comforts You

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Jinyoung 💜

I am getting towards the later stages of pregnancy now so I'm feeling extra tired. I'm 6 weeks off so our baby girl Hyejin will be here soon. Jinyoung has been doing me evening baths to make me feel better. He's so sweet, kind, caring and amazing. I have the best husband ever. We are sitting on the couch now as we've just had dinner. "How are you feeling, jagiya?" Jinyoung said. "Just tired" I yawn. "Do you want me to fill you a bath?" he asks. "Yes please. That would be amazing, Jinyoungie" I reply. "Oh course" he smiles. Jinyoung goes up to till me and calls me up when it's filled. "Thank you again. This is great" I say. "Baby, you don't have to thank me. You know I do it for you everyday when you need it" Jinyoung replies. He kisses me before I get in and leaves me to get a nice hot bath. I love a nice hot bubble bath when I'm not feeling good. I spend almost half an hour in the bath relaxing and feel so much better. I get into my pjs and bath robe after and then join Jinyoung downstairs and we cuddle up on the couch till we go to bed

BamBam 💙

I've been feeling my pregnancy more recently. I'm only a few weeks away from giving birth to our son. We haven't try decided on a name for him yet. I wasn't feeling it as much, only in the last few days. But I guess that's all a part of carrying a baby. BamBam has been really sweet and cute. Well he's always like that. He's been offering to take the weight off my shoulders. Since I just moved to Korea a few weeks back and since I'm pregnant too, I don't have a job or anything. There's no point in looking for anything. BamBam is due to arrive home anytime now. I've just got a load of washing in now and I'm relaxing while it's doing. I see that he's only a few minutes off by his phone tracker. The door opens and BamBam walks in. "Hey, gorgeous. I'm home" he said. "Hey, babe" I smile. He sits next to me and kisses me on the lips. "How was your day?" he asks. "Kinda boring" I reply. "Awwww, honey. I'm here now" BamBam said putting his arms around me and kissing me. "Shoot. I haven't even done the dinner yet" I say. "It's okay, honey. Don't worry. I'll do it" he said. "Okay, Bammie. Are you sure?" I say. "Yes it's fine. I'm more than capable" he said. "Okay thank you so much" I said. "No problem, my lover" he said. BamBam goes into the kitchen and makes a start on the meal while I rest and relax. Awe he's so sweet and thoughtful like that. I love him so much

Jackson ❤️

I've been feeling really achy and tired in my pregnancy recently. I'm just a few weeks off my due date so I'm bound to be feeling it I guess. Jackson has been so sweet and comforting me when I'm not feeling good. Awwww he's the best and I love him with all my heart. Me and Jackson are in bed trying to fall asleep but it's not proving easy for me. "Honey, are you okay?" Jackson asks. "I just can't fall asleep, Jack" I reply. "Awe, honey. Would you like me to give you a back massage?"
Jackson asks. "Yes please if you don't mind, my love" I reply. "Of course not, my love. I would love to give you a massage" he said. I sit up in bed and turn my back to Jackson and he gives me a massage. He gives me the best back massages ever. "Ohhhh that feels so good" I say. "Good. I'm glad, baby" he replies. Jackson carries on massaging me for a while and it feels so good. I love it. I then try and fall asleep after. I lay down on my back and Jackson puts his arms around me. "Does that feel better now" he asked. "Yes it does. I think I can relax and get to sleep now" I reply. "Great. I'll let you sleep. I'm tired too" he said. Jackson kisses me goodnight. I always feel so much better when he gives me a massage. Jackson is the best

Mark 🧡

Now that I'm getting closer to my due date, the twins could be here soon. In the next few weeks. We can't wait to meet Melody and Myles when they are born. I might end up having a c section the doctor thinks. Mark is due to come soon. I was out doing the grocery shopping earlier but now I'm having a lie down as I'm tired and need to rest. The doctor told me to rest whenever I need to. I can't wait to see Mark when he gets home so I can cuddle him. As I'm resting, I hear the front door open a bit. "I'm home, honey" he said. "I'm just resting" I reply. He quietly opens our bedroom door and walks in. "Hey. How are you feeling?" He asked. "Tired" I yawn. "I know, baby. I know how you feel" Mark said sitting beside me on our bed. He leans in and kisses me. "I love you and I missed you today" he said. "I missed you too and I love you" I said. "I've been waiting all day to cuddle you" he said. "Awwww me too, Markie. Me too. You can cuddle me now" I reply. "Yes I can" he replies. Mark sits next to me on the bed and puts his arms around me and cuddles me. "Sorry to walk in and disturb you" he said. "Markie, you don't have to apologise. I wanted to see you" I reply. "Well I wanted to see you too. Let's just lay here for a while" he said. "Yes absolutely" I smile. Mark and I lay next to each other for a while and cuddle. We actually fall asleep in each other's arms

Youngjae 💗

I'm getting closer to my due date and our little boy Sunwoo will be here soon. We cannot wait to meet him. Youngjae is so excited to be a dad and I'm so excited to be a mom. Me and Youngjae are in the process of getting ready or just arrival of him. Can't wait to meet him. I've been feeling it more now that I'm in the later stages. I've been getting backache and my ankles have been swelling and my feet have been hurting too. I've not nice but soon our son will be here. Youngjae and I are sat on the couch watching TV. I have my legs spread out over him. "Are you feet hurting, baby?" Youngjae asks. "Yeah they are" I sigh. "How about I give you a nice foot massage?" he said. "Sure that would be lovely" I reply. Youngjae begins to give me a nice foot massage to soothe me and relax me. "That feels so good" I say. He then starts to kiss my feet in a weird way. "Why are you doing that, Weirdo?" I say. "Because I want to. You have soft feet, baby" he said. "Sunwoo, your daddy is weird?" I say touching my bump. "Your Mommy can be weird too" Youngjae said. "No I cannot" I reply. Anyway Youngjae carries on massaging my feet for a bit longer and it feels so good. He was weird kissing my feet though

Yugyeom 💛

I'm just over a month off my due date. Me and Yugyeom can't wait to welcome baby Sunhee into the world. We already know she's going to be so gorgeous and beautiful. We have decided on the most beautiful name for our little girl. Yugyeom has been so kind, sweet and supportive during my pregnancy. He's just the sweetest boyfriend ever and I'm so lucky to have him as the father of my child. I'm just getting back from work. Yugyeom should be home already. It's also Valentine's Day too so he might be doing something romantic for them. I park up outside our apartment block and get the elevator up to where we live. I open the door the place is in darkness and rose petals are scattered on the floor. Wow! The lights come on and Yugyeom pops out from the kitchen. "Happy Valentine's Day, beautiful" he said. "Awwww, Yugyeom. This is so cute and it smells so good in here" I say. "Well you deserve it, baby. Sit down and dinner will be served soon" Yugyeom replies. "Aawww thank you so much. You're the best, Yuggie" I reply. I take off my shoes and jacket and sit down at the table and Yugyeom serves dinner when it was really. "I tried something different today and made lasagne because why not. It's Valentine's Day" he said. "It looks delicious" I say. "Well me if it's not" he said. We sit and eat. Yugyeom's lasagne was so nice. "It is good" he said. "Yes it's delicious" I reply. Yugyeom did a lovely lasagne for me and the surprise was so nice. Cheered me up after a long day

Jaebeom 💚

The twins could be here in a few weeks time. Me and Jaebeom are getting ready for their arrival soon. We cannot wait to meet them and we already have names picked out for them. I'm finishing work soon which I can't wait for. I'm not going back for at least a year as I want to be there for my babies. Anyway Jaebeom and I are getting ready to go out shopping. Nothing too exciting. Only the groceries. I'm feeling tired but I want to go and help him. I get changed and brush my hair. "Jagiya, you don't have to go if you're too tired" Jaebeom said. "No I'm alright, Jaebeom. I'd rather go out with you" I say. "But, honey you don't have to" he said. "No I'm okay" I reply. "Baby, don't be so stubborn. I want you to stay here and I'll just go out" Jaebeom said. "Okay I guess it would probably do me good to rest" I say. "Yes it will. Put your pjs on, get your feet up and I'll make you a hot cup of tea" Jaebeom said. "Thank you, jagi. I love you so much" he said. "I love you so much too, my gorgeous and amazing wife" he said kissing me. I get into my pjs and Jaebeom makes me a cup of tea. "I'll be back soon. Let me know if you need anything" he said. "I shouldn't. I'll be fine" I reply. He kisses me before he leaves. Jaebeom wasn't long out doing the shopping. It probably did me better to rest more than anything. It's a good job he looks after me so well

A/ N: forgot to say in the last part that my favourite baby name I've picked is Lily. It's really pretty and sweet. I won't necessarily use it in the future when I have kids

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