50. Baby's First Birthday

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Jinyoung 💜

We are having a party for Hyejin today. We can't wait to celebrate her first birthday with our family and closet friends including the boys of course. The theme of her party is Mickey & Minnie Mouse. Me and Jinyoung are big Disney fans so our little girl is too. What little girl doesn't love Disney. The party is in our backyard. We have a lot of space and it's great for parties. It's going to be the perfect day for Hyejin. People are starting to arrive now. Our parents are already here. My dad is holding Hyejin and playing with her. Awe. The boys arrive with gifts for Hyejin. Yugyeom has a huge Minnie stuffed toy in his arms. "Where's the birthday girl?" Mark said. "Ohhh she's there" BamBam said. "Happy birthday, Hyejin. Minnie wishes you happy birthday too" Yugyeom said. "I don't know where the hell we are going to put that" Jinyoung said. "You'll find somewhere. It's her gift from all us" Youngjae said. The party kicks off when everyone else arrives. Hyejin was of course the centre of attention. She was playing with other children her age from nursery. Aawww it's so cute to see her playing and having fun on her birthday. That's our precious baby girl. Disney music plays in the background as people talk and socialise. Hyejin loved her big Minnie Mouse from the boys. Her uncles mean so much to her. The boys kept on playing with her too. The main part of the party is Hyejin's cake. It's Mickey and Minnie of course and it's made by friend of mine. My friend brings out the cake and presents it to Hyejin. "Wow! It's incredible. Almost looks too good to eat" Jinyoung said. "It does" I say. "Right cake time a few minutes but me and Y/ N would like yo say something" he said. "Yes we would" I say. "We can't believe our little princess, Hyejin is a year old today. It's been the best year if our lives with this little angel. Hyejin, mommy and daddy love you so much" Jinyoung said picking up Hyejin. "Awwww we love you so much, baby girl" I say. "Y/ N and I would also like you to know that we are trying for another baby. Hopefully Hyejin will be a big sister soon" he said. Oops I didn't really want him to say that but oh well. Anyway everyone dived into the cake and it was delicious. Hyejin's first birthday party was amazing and we can't wait to try for another baby

BamBam 💙

It's Maxwell's first birthday and my family from Scotland arrived just in time for his special day. They arrived yesterday. They are still very tired but they are so glad to be here for our little mans first birthday. It wouldn't be the same without them at all. We are not having a huge celebration with him. Just a little or at our place. BamBam's family is also here too. His mum and his siblings. BamBam has a nephew Gent from his brother Beer who is older than Max. All the family is at our place now ready to celebrate Maxwell's birthday. Beer, his wife and Gent arrive. "Hey, guys. We're here" he said. "Hey, bro. Gent, you're getting so big" BamBam said. Gent goes to Maxwell and they play together. Max opened his things from BamBam and I this morning. He's open presents from my family now. They couldn't bring anything big over as they had to think about space and weight. They got him an adorable teddy bear dressed in Scottish clothes. "He loves that, mum and dad" I say. He opens the rest of his presents too and loves everything. "So, Kunpimook when are you and Y/ N going to get married" BamBam's mum said. "I don't know. I haven't asked her yet. Maybe in like a year or two" he said. "Ask her. You know I want you to get married" she said. His mum always brings up marriage. I was busy making a cake for Maxwell the other day. I bring it into the lounge and BamBam lights it then we all sing happy birthday to him. We had to help him blow out the candles. "Yay! Make a wish, Maxwell" I say. He gives us a huge smile. I cut into the cake and offer it round to everyone. I like baking. It's a hobby and I have to say I made a bloody good cake for my sons first birthday. Everybody loved in. BamBam's family stayed till later so did my family before going back to their hotel. "Wow! That was great" BamBam said when everyone left. "It was. I'm so glad both of our families were together for Max's special day" I reply. "Me too. Did you have fun, Maxie?" BamBam said. Max smiled. We has such a great day for little Maxwell's first birthday. Can't wait to celebrate many more with him

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