7. Telling His Family

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Jinyoung 💜


My family are over at mine and Y/ N's place today. My mom, dad and sisters Sooyoung and Boyoung. It's great to have them over and we are going to tell them about our baby news. We are finding the right time to tell them our amazing news. Can't to tell them. So excited. Me and Y/ N and I are sat together holding hands. "Can you get anyone anything?" I ask. "No I'm fine thanks, sweetie" mom replies. We carry on talking and hanging out with my family at our place. "Guys, me and Y/ N have something we'd like to tell you" I say. "Sure we can't wait to hear" my dad said. "I hope it's what I think it's going to be" my mom said excitedly. "Well recently we found out some amazing news. After trying for a long time. We are having a baby. Y/ N is pregnant with our first child" I say. "Oh my gosh. That's exactly what I wanted you to say. Amazing. I'm going to be a grandma" my mom said jumping for joy. "Yay! I'm gonna be an auntie" Boyoung said. "Me too. Awww I've been wanting you to have a baby for so long" Sooyoung said. "We are so excited for this next chapter in our lives" Y/ N smiles. "We certainly are" I smile. "I'm so happy" my dad said. They all smiled and congratulated us with a hug. So we had a great day with my family day and told them our baby news and they are all so happy for us

BamBam 💙

I am still in Scotland and BamBam is in Korea. His family are visiting from Thailand but I can't be there as I'm home. Soon we will be reunited when he comes over to see me in Scotland. Can't wait to see him then. So exciting. I would have loved in be in Korea when BamBam's family came to visit. I am going to call BamBam now as I'd like to say hi to them. I am close with BamBam's sister Baby. I pick up my phone and FaceTime. "Hey, baby. I was gonna call you later" he said. "Hey, Bammie. I just thought I'd call you to say hey to your family" I reply. "Yep they are all there" he said. "Hey, Y/ N" his mum said. "Hey" Beer said. "Yo" Bank said. "So how are you, my beautiful?" BamBam said. "I'm great are you" I reply. "Yep me too but I'm missing you, baby" he replies. "I'm missing you too, baby" I reply. We talk to each other and his family for a little while. I know BamBam hasn't told his family about our pregnancy news yet but maybe it will be a good time to do now. "Is it a good time to tell them our news?" I say. "Yeah sure it is. Familia, do you wanna here some  news?" BamBam said. "Ohhhh what news?" Baby replies. "Well you're about to find out in a moment" he said. "Are you getting married?" his mum said. "Nope even better than that, mum. Y/ N, do you want to tell them" he said. "Yes. I'm..... pregnant" I say. "What? Seriously. You guys are having a baby" Baby said. "Yeah it's true. I really did put a baby in Y/ N" BamBam replies. "Kunpimook" his mum said slapping him. I had to laugh. "Congratulations on the kid. He's gonna be cute" Beer said. "We don't know if it's gonna be a he yet" I say. "Awwww that's amazing, guys. I'm so happy for you" Baby said. So it was great seeing BamBam and his family on FaceTime baby and we told them our news too

Jackson ❤️

Jackson and I got back from our honeymoon in Barbados a few days ago. We had an amazing wedding and honeymoon but it's nice to be back home in Korea now. I told Jackson I'm pregnant too and he's really happy. We told his parents the news when we were out there too. Jackson has an older brother Winston who lives in Australia with his wife and their daughter Aimee. We don't get to see them that much but we keep in touch with them when we can. Unfortunately they couldn't come to our wedding. We try to FaceTime them at least once a month. In fact that's what we are doing now and we are going to tell them our baby news. Jackson sets up his laptop and calls Winston. "Hey, bro" he said. "Hey, Jackson. Hey, Y/ N" Winston said. "Hey" I say. "So how are you both?" he asks. "We are. We're great" Jackson said. Winston's wife and Aimee come. "Hey, cutie" Jackson said. "Hi, sweetie" I say. "So me and Y/ N have something great to tell you" Jackson said. "We do" I reply. "Ohhh sure" Winston's wife replies. "Well Y/ N told me so pretty amazing news when we were on our honeymoon. She told me she was pregnant" Jackson said. "Awww. You're having a baby. Congratulations, guys. You'll be great parents" Winston. "Congrats that's amazing. How far along are you, Y/ N?" his wife asks. "About two months" I reply. "Aimee, you're going to have a little cousin" Winston said. Aimee smiles and cheers. We spent a whole longer talking to them and telling them about our honeymoon. We love catching up with Jackson's family in Australia

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