13. Babysitting For A Friend/ Relative

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Jinyoung 💜
Jinyoung and I are babysitting tonight for some of our friends. They have a 9 month old son called Minjun and he's so cute. His parents have been friends of ours for a long time and we love babysitting their cute little boy. They will be back in a couple of hours and we are over at their place now. Jinyoung is sat on the floor with Minjun on his lap. "Hey, buddy. You're so cute. Aren't you?" he said. "Awww he is. Jinyoung, you're going to be such a great father" I reply. "Thank you, babe. This little guy makes me want to be a daddy right now" Jinyoung said. I watch Jinyoung play with Minjun for a while. He's so cute with him. Minjun wanted to see me after. "Hey, cutie. I know you love to see your aunt Y/ N" I say. "He does. Babe, you're the best with children" Jinyoung said. "Awww thanks, baby" I smile. We play with Minjun till he gets tired and falls asleep. Awww he's so sweet and we loved babysitting him tonight. It was a joy. Jinyoung an I fell asleep on the couch when our friends arrived home. They found it cute that we fell asleep together. We said we will babysit again in a few weeks time

BamBam 💙

Tonight BamBam and I are doing some babysitting for my cousins little girl Florence while he goes out with his wife for the night. Florence to 2 years old and she's so cute. I love her. BamBam has never met her before and she's usually a bit shy around new people. My cousin and his wife are dropping Florence off at my place for a couple of hours while they go out. The doorbell goes and they arrive. Florence arrives. "Hey, sweetheart" I say. Her mum gives me her bag before they go. "Hi, Florence. I'm BamBam" he said getting down to her level. She says away behind me. "Don't worry. She'll get used to you" I say. I put the TV on for Florence to watch. She loves the Disney channel. "She's so cute, Y/ N. I love she likes me" BamBam said. "She will. Don't worry. Florence is so sweet and loveable" I reply. About an hour later and Florence came to sit with BamBam. She's taking a likening to him. "Hey, cutie. Have you come to cuddle with me?" he said. Florence nods her head and sits on BamBam's lap. They sit together for a while as I make something to eat. Awwww so cute to see BamBam with kids. I know he's going to be a great dad to our baby. Florence had some chicken nuggets to eat and BamBam and I had something to eat too. By the end of the night BamBam and Florence became best friends. Awwww so cute to see. We had a great time with her tonight

Jackson ❤️

Jackson's brother, his wife and their daughter Aimee are over from Australia for a week and a half. It's great to have them over as we don't see them often. They've brought us lots of baby things over from Australia for us which was kind. We are looking after Aimee tonight while Winston and his wife go out. We recommend a nice restaurant for them to go to. They've been gone about half an hour. "Who wants to watch a movie?" Jackson asks. "Meeeee" Aimee exclaims. "A Disney movie I guess" he said. "Yes. Can it be Moana?" Aimee asks. "Of course, baby girl. We will see if we got it" Jackson said. He looks for the movie and we do have it on Netflix. We heard that Aimee's favourite movie is Moana so we made sure we had it. We all sat down on the couch together with our feet up and Aimee in between us. She snuggles up to Jackson. Awwww she loved her uncles Jacksie as she calls him. We all watched Moana intently. It's a really good film. I like it. We watched all the movie just in time for her parents coming back. They had a great meal out. Me and Jackson loved babysitting Aimee tonight. We just wish we could do it more often. Maybe one day we will but we can't wait till she has a little cousin

Mark 🧡

Mark and I are babysitting our neighbours kids today while they go to parents evening at school. They have two boys Sam, 10 and Jake, 7. They are nice kids and we get on well with their parents. They do a lot for us. We offered to watch the boys while they are out as they are too young to be left alone. We are over at their place now. Mark is playing video games with Sam and Jake. I'm not really into games so I decided to sit out and just watch. Mark gets really competitive when he's playing games. I told him to let the kids win but he won't. "Mark, why do you always get so irate when you don't win?" I ask. "I don't. Just excited" he replies. "Okay fine" I reply. I continue to watch Mark and the boys play games. They finish after a while. "Do you boys want anything to eat?" I ask. "Yes pizza" Jake said. "Well let's see if it's okay with your mom and dad" I reply. I check with their parents if they can have pizza and they said yes as a one off. So we orders two large cheese pizzas from the local pizza place and waited for them to come. The boys parents don't let them have pizza and fast food often so I thought it was best that we checked with them. The pizza came and we all sat at the table and tucked in. Especially the boys. Kids of their age get really ravenous. Sam and Jake devoured most of it but there was still some left for me and Mark. When the boys parents came back we went home. We didn't have far to go as they only live across from us. Yeah it was fun babysitting Sam and Jake today

Youngjae 💗

Today we are taking my niece Hwayoung who's 4 to the park while my brother and his wife go out. We love spending time with her. She's such a sweet little girl. We love her. It's good practice for Youngjae and I when our own baby comes into the world. We are on our way to the park with Hwayoung. "Are you looking forward to going to the park, sweetie?" I ask. "Yes I can't wait" she replies. A few minutes later we arrive at the park. It's a beautiful sunny day so just the right time to go and have fun with Hwayoung. Youngjae and I hold her hand as we walk around the park. "So what do you want to play on, baby girl?" Youngjae asks. "Ummm the zip line" Hwayoung replies. "Make sure you're careful on that" he said. We let Hwayoung go on the zip line but we supervise her to make sure she's okay. She enjoyed the zip line for a while and we enjoyed watching her. Next she wanted to go on the timber trail. We sat down and watched her as she had fun with other kids. Youngjae wanted to join in but I told him not to as she was having fun. We let Hwayoung played for a while. "Are you ready for some ice cream?" he said picking her up. "Yay!" Hwayoung exclaims. We go to the ice cream stand and let Hwayoung choose what she wants. She gets chocolate and Youngjae and I get ice creams too. We all sit down on the bench and eat ice creams. "Is it good?" I ask Hwayoung. She nods her head. After we go for a while around the park. We had a great day in the park with little Hwayoung

Yugyeom 💛

Me and Yugyeom are babysitting for my niece and nephews Heeyoung, Daehyun and Joowon. They are 7, 4 and 2. I am close with my sister who is their mother. We lone hanging out with them. They are the best kids and I love them. We are over at my sisters house as she's gone out for the night with her husband and we are watching the kids for the evening. The boys are watching some superhero thing on the TV. Heeyoung is sat there looking bored. "Aunt Y/ N, don't you find boys annoying" she said. "Yeah sometimes. I grew up with two brothers too and your mommy" I reply. "Can we go and do something else?" she asks. "Sure let's go up to your room" I reply. Me and Heeyoung went up to her room to do some girly things. We did some craft as she's a creative kid. Yugyeom and the boys stay downstairs of a while. About half an hour later Yugyeom comes up. "Hey. What are you girls doing?" he asks. "Making princess things" Heeyoung replies. "Yeah we are" I reply. "Do you want one, Uncle Yuggie?" she asks. "No thanks. I'm okay, sweetie" Yugyeom replies. "Are you sure? It will suit you" she said. "Alright then" he said rolling his eyes. Heeyoung makes a princess crown for Yugyeom. "You're a pretty princess" she said. "Oh yes I am" he laughs. Daehyun and Joowon walk in and found it funny. Me and Yugyeom had a great evening babysitting my niece and nephews tonight

Jaebeom 💚

Me and Jaebeom age babysitting for the little boy who I babysit every now and then. He's 4 and he's called Byeongcheol. He's a little cutie. His dad is away on a business trip and his mom had to go out so we are babysitting him. His mom is a friend of my moms. Me and Jaebeom have baby sat him a couple of times before. I've know him since he was a year old. Byeongcheol looks up to Jaebeom. He says he wants to be like him. Awwww that's so cute. He is playing in the backyard. He's playing soccer with Jaebeom. My husband is a good player but he doesn't play often. "You're doing good, buddy" Jaebeom said. "Thanks" Byeongcheol replies. I watch as they play soccer in the backyard. I make some snacks and drinks for them. Just biscuits and stuff. "Are you busy, boys hungry" I say. "Yesssss biscuits and juice" Byeongcheol said. He helps himself to some biscuits and blackcurrant juice. "Thanks, babe. Just what I needed" Jaebeom said kissing my cheek. "When you're twins are older. I'll be able to play soccer with them" Byeongcheol said. "Yes you will, buddy. You can teach them" Jaebeom replies. We hung out in the garden for a eating and drinking and Jaebeom and Byeongcheol played together again. We had a great time with him today. Can't wait to babysit him again

A/ N: aawww that was a good one. Enjoyed it. Next is finding out the gender. Any predictions for the genders of the babies? One of the twins genders will be kept a secret

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