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"miss cage, you have a visitor."

"do they have an appointment?"

"he said that it was a rediscussed business arrangement."

"send him up." she clicks the office phone off as she continues writing names on envelopes. it was nearing mid afternoon, and the office seemed to get stuffier with time.

her door opens slowly moments later, head perked up towards the door until she sees the curly haired friend. her body relaxes, continuing down to what she was working on.
"i seem to see a lot of you these days."

"well get comfortable with it." finns sits in the seat on the other side of her desk, wooden and cold. empty.
"i thought you were working from home now?"

"its paycheck day." she clicks her pen on her checkbook, staring up to him.
"what can i do for you, finn?"

"if this is a bad time i can stop by later-"

"what is it?" her eyebrows raise in lack of amusement.

"once i settle into the new house, i think we should put luna in daycare."

violet drops her pen, eyebrows screwed in confusion,

"i promise i'll pay for everything, and i'll make sure its a good place-"

"im not, worried about that. i can watch her while youre busy."

"vi, you have an entire company to manage."

she sighs, shrugging as she signs off another check and sticks it into an envelope.
"if thats what you think is the best decision then im okay with that."

"and, i was wondering if you were busy for lunch."

"uh, yeah" she stares down to the mounds of documents she had before her.

"i wanted to take you to see the house."

her eyes flicker to him, a slight smile that she couldn't seem to contain, hints to her lips.

"just, you know." he shrugs, staring to her in the ever silence of the room.
"see how you like it."

"i dont see why it matters if i do or not." she switches back to her work in front of her.
"luna seems to like it enough."

she could sense the disappointment radiating from him as his smile fades. he was excited for the new step of his life, he wanted to share it with her. he wanted to share everything with her.

"i'll go with you, finn. i'll meet you at your place in an hour."

she watches his face light up in a smile, his body standing from the seat in the large office.
"i'll see you then, vi."

she didnt get much work following their interaction. the clock continuing to tick by for the next half an hour as her name loops in cursive to check after check. nothing but her name made it to those checks. tacking in a late night for her later; she knew it would be a long lunch.

she makes it back to the all too familiar parking lot, meeting him at his jeep that laid in melted snow from the warm feburary morning.

she doesnt exchange words, only smug smiles and the light hum of the neverending radio. it was a comfortable silence between the two adults. being together for so many years, they didnt feel the need for communication to be comfortable.

a large metal gate opens at the pin entered from finns fingertips. it opening to a warm welcome of rich houses and expensive cars. it was quiet, calm for the afternoon. he drives to the end of the community, rounding the last corner to the house that seemed to be even more promising than it seemed online. this, was a house that violet had expected finn in from the beginning; his short life-long hard work had finally paid off for him.

her eyes dance across the green yard to the realators sign, a four letter word printed across it in bold letters. her head turns to him in slow shock as he stops his jeep in the driveway.
"its sold?"

"i was kinda riding on the hope that you do like it." he grins to her, unbuckling his seatbelt.
"come on, let me show you around."

she follows him out, up the cement stone stairs to the iron front door. modern, clean.

his key opens into the clean air of the building, the front room swallowing violet whole. the marble floors and white walls continuing itself throughout the entire tour of the house. it was large, but simple. comfortable in a discomforting feeling. and in a lot of ways, it hurt violets chest. she almost wished that she could be going forward in her life like finn was going ahead in his. he was accomplishing so much, she was at a stand still.

"this place is beautiful, finn." she follows him into the open kitchen, furnitureless and clean.

he leans against the countertops across from her, his eyes meeting hers that reflected the sun leaking in.
"it will be an adjustment but, i needed to get out of that apartment. it was okay when it was just you and i, but i dont want luna having a room out in the livingroom. she deserves more than that."

she loses herself in his endless eyes again, lightheaded and heavy hearted.
"im proud of you. you've worked so hard for this."

his head nods aimlessly.
"thanks, vi."

he wished she would be getting ready to move in with him. sharing the true excitement that him and luna were feeling. he couldnt give that to her, but he would give her what he could. his hand digs into the pocket of his jeans, pulling out a single brass key, naked in the sunlight.

her eyes attatch to it, eyebrows furrow at the sight of the key between his fingers.

"i asked for an extra key." he nudges it towards her,
"just in case."

"you asked for an extra for me?" she takes it hesitantly, her eyes hardly daring to leave him. his freckles that remained on his face from his teenager years sit vibrantly upon his cheeks; skin soft, airbrushed.

"we've been closer lately, and thats really nice. i want you to know that if you ever need anything then; you know, you have a place to stay."

she hesitates,
"i take it that maddie isnt moving with you?"

he laughs,
"maddie is not coming with us, no."

she stares at the brass key between her fingertips, a flutter in her chest as the butterflies flew around the room and into finn.

"thank you."

"you dont need to thank me, vi."

"seems like i will never stop thanking you." her face searches for a response in his. instead his emotionless eyes lock to her lips; impossible to read.

things were complicated, violet supposed. it was hard, being attached to someone she couldn't have. violet had hoped things would start looking up. that maybe, there would be a shift in the stars and things would be straight forward from then on.

but nothing in violets life had ever been straight forward.

they never would be.

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things are about to pick up for this book so be ready

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