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the doorbell was always unexpected to violet. for what ever reason it may have been, she typically forgot that it was her job to answer it.

it was even more so expected that morning, for the sun was barely up; and her hell raiser of a child was still asleep peacefully.

violet crawls dreadfully out of the warmth of her sheets, lips parted to release a heavy groan. the cool air of morning hit her bare legs immensely; causing her to dig around in the drink of daylight for a pair of sweatpants in her drawers.

she tries to rub the sleep from her face as she limps down the hall towards the front door. the doorbell goes off once more and she grumbles at the inconvenience.

she knew she had to have looked rough that morning, for she had been up all night unable to sleep.

the door opens, her naked shoulders traced in immediate goosebumps as her bland eyes stare blankly like a statue at him.

"are you serious? its five in the morning."

"i didnt wake you, did i?"

violet throws her arms up, giving him a look of disbelief and a moment to really take in what she had looked like.

"sorry about that, love." finn welcomes himself in, throwing himself to her couch with a sigh. violet stares at him, still standing in front of the opened door with her hand on the doorknob.

"you know, lunas not even up yet."

"jesus, youre really that upset?"

"yeah well, i hardly got any sleep last night." violet takes herself to the kitchen to pour herself a cup of old coffee she had made yesterday; eventually sitting herself next to him on the couch, his arm resting above her.
"had a lot to think about."

"vi, you dont have to give me an answer today."

she sighs, knowing full well that he had come over first thing that day in hopes that he would get an answer.

"ayla came over yesterday." her head rests lazily to his chest, coffee in her hands.

"oh, she did?"

violet nods, holding back what she so desperately wanted to tell him. but she would respect the wish to keep it in.
"we were talking about you, about me moving in."

"with ayla?"

"she doesnt hate you, you know." she sits up, glancing to him.
"anyway, she told me something. she told me not to worry about disappointing you too much because you know the way i am; and what i tend to pick over other things."

"wait a minute, youre afraid to disappoint me?"

"and it had me thinking" she disregards him.
"you're willing to change so much for me, and you did. and whether you think that i need to change things or not, i want to, for you."

"you cant want to change things for me, violet." his fingers trace through the ends of her hair, focusing on his actions rather than to her eyes.
"the only way you can make things change, is if you want it for yourself."

she nods, taking in his gentle words.

"and by the way, dont ever feel like you have to change yourself for me. i love who you are, and if theres ever anything that gets in the way again, we'll deal with it when then the time comes."

violets eyes meet his, unsure of how to respond to his kindness. so instead he continues.

"i thought about how you had told me you were proud of me for going back to therapy a few days ago. you know i hold onto that because, in the beginning i was just going so that i didn't overthink when i got back to my day. and then you told me that and suddenly, i wasnt afraid to overthink because it was good overthinking. and in those thoughts i realized that i should have told you how i felt about you working so much instead of expecting you to understand."

"im sorry for doing that to our family, for doing that to you." violet stares to the floor, it was the first time she had admitted she had messed up the relationship aloud.

"im sorry for letting you."

she smiles to him, despite the past ups and downs they always seemed to be a good team.

"so anyway, i'm ready to start compromising. because that was something that i couldn't ever seem to do. and, im ready to start packing."

"you're moving in?" he smiles gently in relief, truth was he didnt want to wait any longer.

"i have conditions."


"i want to clean and mow the lawn, don't hire anybody for that because i want to take care of my own house."

"sure" he shrugs, understanding.

"i want to tell luna the truth about whats going on. and i dont want to miss too much work so id really appreciate your help with getting my things moved and the house put on the market."

"i told you i'd take care of the house for you, no worries. we can spend the weekend getting everything packed, you can work from the new house and i'll hire movers next week to do the rest. you wont miss a day."

she stares to him, a smirk to her lips as her eyes inspect him.
"almost like you were expecting me to say yes."

"i was also ready to turn the radio up to drown out my crying on the way home if you said no, raise less questions for luna that way." he jokes, knowing well that he knew she would come around to moving in one day if it werent to have been that friday morning.

"and you also have to have dinner with james, ayla, and i some night next week."

"oh, violet listen i dont know if thats a good idea."

"it was aylas idea."

"it was?" he looks to her in disbelief as she nods.

"she has some things to talk to you about and, she misses you."

"huh." he sighs in realization, it would feel so good to get his friend back.

"so, are you okay with everything i had to say?"

he laughs to her in an obvious answer, his hand meeting her thigh as he stands himself up.
"lets go! hurry up we have to wake up luna and tell her that moms moving in"

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