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"luna, wake up baby."

violets arms cross over herself as she leans to the bedroom door frame; watching finn gently nudge their daughter awake at her bedside.

lunas head felt light in her awakening, not much of an expression as she sits up and holds onto her dad by his shoulders.

finn takes in her hug, arms wrapping around her small body in comfort. the silence falls over the three of them, a gentle smile to violets face.

"why are you here?" her small voice mumbles to his shoulder before pulling away, both hands to his cheeks.

"im supposed to come get you today, remember?"

"not until later i thought."

"well, mom and i need to talk to you about something." he glances over to the tall girl in the doorway, back to his daughter.
"are you hungry? you want some breakfast?"


"how about some cereal."

"fine." she sighs, hugging him once more in the comfort of the morning.

"go brush your teeth and we'll meet you in the kitchen, okay?"

luna agrees, crawling her way off her bed and past violet to the bathroom. finn stands, approaching her to follow out to the kitchen.

violet pulls the cereal from the top shelf, pouring the bag of sugar to a bowl. finn stands next to her, his back resting against the counter as he sighs into the silence.

"its weird that im nervous, right?"

"yes" she pushes the bowl across the counter where she expected luna to sit, turning to him.
"just call it a surprise."

"okay." he sighs, kissing her gently.
"just, i dont want to confuse her."

"she'll be okay." her hands fall from his face, watching as luna approaches from the hall to the counter for her breakfast.

"sleep okay?"

"sure." luna shrugs, looking at the both of her parents across from her.

"listen, luna we have to talk to you." finn sighs, eyes trailing from violet to their daughter.

"we have a surprise for you!" violet rephrases, watching the smile pull at her lips.

"do i get to go back to daycare?!"

"well, no." finn tries to reason,
"not exactly."

"we're moving, luna!"

the young girl scowls at her mom, a heavy sigh from her body as she drops the spoon in her hand to the bowl in aggravation.
"daddy just moved, now i have to move my stuff here?"

"well, youll be moving your stuff here to my house." he speaks in attempts to help.

the young girl looks between her parents in confusion, coming off almost as disgust with the lack of fluidity in the conversation.

violets hand finds finns that rest to the counter in a gentle squeeze, a smile to remind him not to over complicate the explanation.

"im going to move into dads house to stay with you guys!" violet watches luna, her sassy expression fading into a blanket of sheer happiness.

"youre coming to live with daddy and i forever?!"

"something like that, yeah." she smiles to her, feeling the breath of relief from finn,

she screams, jumping from her spot to run between her parents.
"where are the boxes?"

"well, we're actually going to pack your stuff up for you. how does the weekend at grandmas sound?"

"yes!" she jumps, running to her room to throw what she thought necessary for the weekend.

violets raised eyebrows glance to finn in the new silence of the room.
"i didnt know she was going to your moms."

"i figured she had just gone through a move, kind of a lot for someone so young, right?"

"no yeah, definitely."

"i'll drive her over there in a bit and be back to help you pack up." he kisses her forehead, hands skimming her waist.

it was a strange feeling but it was prominent; finally being about to love one another without sneaking around a five year old.

it took a couple of hours, though violet didnt worry much. the roads had finally let up as the winter weather seemed to let up and only rain was to come. she knew the hour long drive to his moms was safe enough for him.

she always seemed to wonder if she was doing the right thing when she was alone, for finns presence seemed to reassure every decision she ever made. but regardless, she pulls the dull boxes from her unfinished basement and the tape from the closet.

she knew it wouldnt take long for her, for she hardly had a lot of things as it was. it had bothered her before, but convenient in that time.

the front door clicks, finns voice following to let her know that we was back. she continues to fold clothes to the box, stacking them inside neatly.

"hows packing going?"

"so far so good." violet sighs, taking in the fact of how fast things seemed to be moving.
"how is your mom?"

"shes good, excited for us." he smiles gently, squatting down beside her to help fold her clothes.

"we should take a weekend trip down there sometime, i'd love to see them again."

"we can definitely do that." he nods,
"maybe even take a trip to the states to see nick sometime."

violets eyes shoot up to him, a smile forming.
"that would be, great finn."

"lets get you settled into the house, maybe we'll look at flights once you're comfortable."

her smile stays, watching him kindly as he continues to pack. she was so in love with him, she was glad she was following through with her decisions.

"will you stay tonight?"

he pulls his concentration away from folding her clothes and to her gentle pleading expression.

"i'll make you dinner once we're done packing for the night. we can watch a movie or something."

he smiles, head shaking gently. it would he nice to have a night to themselves, for luna always seemed to be just around the corner.

"yeah of course i will, baby."

she returns the smile, pulling herself back to packing what was left of her clothes and taping the box shut.

it was a lot of work, but she was ready for it. ready for a change in everything she used to have, everything she wanted.

she was ready.

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