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the parking lot sent chills to her spine, not from the weather, it wasnt the snow. it was simply the lot. the vacancy, the daunting street lights all caged in by a metal fence and a gate from the road.

her legs trail from the surrounding walls by the door, opening up the sight of the entire lot, where she sees the black vehicle to her left. the only other car there other than her own.

she pretends not to notice, continuing to the back to her car until her name is shouted through the blizzard sheets falling from the sky.

she squints through the reflective snow to the vehicle that suddenly became clear in her mind. he stands at the drivers side, body propped by his arms resting to the top of his door and the roof of the jeep. she could hardly see his face, simply the outline of his hair but it was enough to trigger it all back.

the parking lot, the familiar shouting back and forth across the pavement as the snow fell to his curly hair. the sound of his voice for the first time was stapled to her memories, specially how it sounded echoing in that exact lot. and there it was again.

"what are you doing here, finn?" she calls, fingertips frozen as shes at a standstill in the center of the parking lot.

"i wanted to come see you" he shouts back, a smile that was unseen by her.


"are you gonna come over here or are we just going to shout?"

violet sighs, heals tapping on the snow covered ground as he hops down to ground level. meeting her face to face by the open door of his jeep.
"did you plan on coming?"

"yes." he speaks, violet watching the words escape his lips tentatively.

"why didnt you tell me? wheres luna?"

"i wanted to surprise you. jacks picking her up from my moms tomorrow to take her to chuck e cheese. shes staying the night with her."

"i wish you would have told me ahead of time."

finns taken off guard by her cold tone.
"i didnt think it was a big deal?"

"i would have liked to know that your plan was to leave luna with someone else."

"she goes over to my moms all the time. violet, whats the issue?" he tries not to grow so defensive so soon, watching the snow fall to her hair.

she sighs,
"im going home finn, we'll talk about this tomorrow."

he watches her begin to walk away, face twisted in confusion.
"violet! wait a minute."

"in case you didnt notice, finn, things didnt really go that well for me tonight. i lost my biggest client."
she turns back to him, only a few feet away.

"im sorry to hear about that, vi."

"im sure."

"why do you have an attitude towards me?" he came off angrily defensive quite fast, but truthfully he didnt mean it that way.

"you never came to support me when we were together, finn. or any time leading up to now; so why are you here?"

it truthfully didnt matter to her, but her emotions were rocky having had the night she did. and suddenly there was very little that didnt upset her in that moment.

"youre mad at me for coming to support you?" he scoffs, staring at her distance that she had from him.

"im mad at you for never coming before!" she shouts, her voice echoing off the empty cement.

"that wasnt my job!" he yells back.

"it was when we were together!" her voice cracks, she was fed up with that evening; everything piling on top of each other and she was about to break.

"it was always on a show day, violet for fuck sakes! you know that i tried."

"you never tried."

"i never tried?" he could feel the heat suddenly arose from his skin despite the cold weather.
"you were the one that picked work over our family, violet. not me."

"you never supported me through that decision."

"because i didnt agree with it! i just wanted to spend time with you and our daughter. but you could never fit that into your schedule could you." he mocks her, finn didnt go there planning on a fight; he never planned on one, it had been a while since they had fought.

"fuck you, finn."

"fuck me?" he chuckles, slamming his car door and approaching her under the bright street light above. the snow separating the air between them as they continue to yell.
"i came here for you! to support you because i do fucking care!"

"well stoping caring! you havent ever cared about what i do and i dont want you to start now!"

"i love you, violet."

the argument stops projecting from her lips. silence falling over them as the snow absorbed the city noise and theyre left there in quiet peace. she processed it, unable to wrap her head around what was said.

"and i came here to show you that, at least thats what i thought i was doing." his voice pulls back in volume, searching her eyes for any answers he could find.

but it was impossible, for violet didnt really know the answer herself. there were too many thoughts scrambling through her conscious to piece together words to speak. she had waited for this unpredictable moment, this perfectly grasped moment.

his eyes seemed shades darker as they did years ago where they stood in that parking lot. he was the same boy that kept her out of the snow, the same one that cared as he always had. he didnt always show it, but he had always cared.

violets hands meet the fabric of his jacket, holding onto it tightly to pull herself to him and press her lips on his. she felt the way he melted into her, his cold hands wrapping around waist to hold her closely as if her actions where what he was hoping for that night.

he didn't hesitate, didnt pull away. he took it in, for with her he never knew if this was her pushing him out of her life or bringing him in.

she pulls away from him ever so gently, leaving the warmth with him though she doesnt move her hands from him.

"im sorry, finn." she sighs gently,
"its been a really shit day, i didnt know how to handle it."

"its okay, violet. i understand how that can be."

"i really love you." her eyes never dared to pull from his, a strict tension between the two.

"i know youre stressed tonight, would it be alright if i came over tomorrow morning so we could talk?"

he watches the thoughts processing on her face, always maintaining the harsh eye contact with him as he always expected from her. she had been waiting a while to talk to him about how she felt, she knew that it was the best time to tell him.

"can i come over tonight to talk?"

"yeah, of course you can." he whispers, pulling close to her lips again.

"i'll meet you there."

1200 wc
its about time this happened my god

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