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"thats all the kitchen stuff?"

"should be." violet stands at the marble countertops, fingers tapping lightly.
"youre going to need to buy a whole hell of a lot more furniture to fill this place."

finn glances over to the empty dining room with a sigh.
"yeah. thank you again, for helping me these last couple of days; i really appreciate it."

"anyway," violet starts to head for the front foyer where her bag and her coat awaits her.
"i should get going, its late."

she could feel his presence just behind her as she pulls on her coat, leaving her bag to the ground as she turns to him.

"youre sure you cant just work from here tomorrow?" finn pouts, pleading with an expression she fought herself to resist.

"no im sure. ive got a whole set up in my house, bunch of paperwork i need."

"alright," he sighs, pulling her to him and kissing her gently between his words.
"when will i see you again?"

"well," violet pulls from his lips, eyes still attached to him.
"i'll be by to pick up luna on wednesday, maybe i can stop in for an hour or two."

"please." he mumbles, kissing her again. he hated the idea of leaving her be for three days after spending the weekend with her. but he had lasted over two years, he could wait.

gently he pulls from her to kiss her forehead and skim his hands up and down her arms once more.
"text me when you get home so i know youre safe, please."

"goodnight finn."

the stars are met with the gleaming sun early the next morning, violet waking from her own bed in a better mood than what she typically found herself so early in the day.

there were a lot of things on her mind that morning to prevent her from concentrating on her work. she was happy, but not content and settled with what was truly happening. she couldnt shake the thought of jack, and while being with her family for the weekend was a good distraction, it was temporary.

and maybe it was useless, knowing she would never give it to him but she had to put it somewhere. so she wrote a note; more to herself than to anyone else. it was hard to display how she felt, even to her own head until she had taken out a piece of paper and a pen. for in her neatly placed letters, it felt easier to forget about how confused she was from the emotions given to her through jack.

she pulls the sheet of paper out of her notebook after she had put down how she felt, stuffing it loosely into her computer bag and tried to forget about it for the rest of the time being.

there had been hours of work done once the thoughts were off her mind. the evening had turned to just settle to dusk, the kitchen light shining above her to the kitchen counter.

her body began to ache, sitting in one spot all day in order to get things done. the doorbell jolts her body from her skin, a glance shooting to the door in the dusk light.

she stands, walking to the living room window and peering to her driveway with rolling eyes.

she lugs to the door, swinging it open with her arms crossed.

"you couldnt last a day, could you?"

"charming but, i didnt actually come over for you." finn shrugs, a smug grin spread to his lips.

violet moves out of his way with furrowed eyebrows, closing the door behind him.
"what are you here for then? wheres luna?"

"in the car."


"i came to get her dance stuff..."

her eyes dart harshly toward him.

"dont be mad." he attempts to pull her into a hug but she pushes him away gently.

"shes not going back to dance, finn. we talked about that."

"she loves it-"

"i dont care!" she didnt yell, but she stood firm; arms crossed over her chest in boldness.

"look, i hired someone to give her private lessons-"


"at my house."

her posture softens with a sigh.
"and you'll be home?"

"only when im home. the teachers aware of the situation, and im taking all precautions."

"being there is only half of it-"

"im having the basement renovated into a studio and im putting in intercom systems. look, i would never agree if i thought it was going to harm luna, you know that."

"im just worried, finn." she began to bite at her nails but he pulls her arm down away from her.

"you dont need to worry."

"fine." she backs away from him, taking a seat back at her computer.
"her stuffs in the bottom drawer of her dresser."

he thanks her, walking down the short hallway to lunas room where he grabs her things and approaches back to violet quietly.

his chest gently rests to her back, head on her shoulder as he looks to her spreadsheets on her screen. finns hands wrap themselves around her body, feeling as she pretends to be unfazed under his hold.

"hows work going, baby?"

"almost done." she sighs, eyes dry.
"ive emailed felix to get in touch with an agent for you, i recommended some people so hopefully one of them will get back with him."

"i would have looked."

"no, i want you with someone who knows what theyre doing. it is my company that would suffer otherwise."

he turns the barstool where she sat around to force her to face him. hands on her waist as he stares to her intently.

"you better go before luna gets in the front seat and drives off."

he laughs, hand brushing her cheek.
"i'll still see you wednesday, yeah?"

"i knew you came here to see me."

"in your dreams miss cage." he kisses her gently, grabbing his keys from his pocket and headed to the door.
"see you soon."

she watches him leave, eyes roll as she turns back to her computer screen,

and goes back to work.

1020 wc

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