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violets head raced.

she knew that he was trying to calm a situation that she started. but it was her dignity, she had made it too far in the life she was given to not stand up for herself.

and sometimes that meant regretting it afterwards.

finn had been gone for the rest of that day, and it couldnt help but remind her of how he used to disappear when things got hard years ago.

he would always come back with an explosion covering his skin. and it always made it feel like the relationship would have to start from scratch afterwards.

she knew that he claimed to have changed, but there was no telling if it was the truth until he officially showed his face that night.

she was in bed, the side table lamp illuminating the dark room. her skin sat like silk under her soft tank top, her long arms consumed in the cool air around her. back resting to the headboard behind her, she occupies herself with the tv in front of her.

it was quiet, they practically whispered on screen as violet zoned away from it. she had too much on her mind to concentrate on anything.

eventually, finn appeared to the opened doorway; violet adjusting her position as she stares to him. she didn't know what was to come from his exhausted face, she had prepared herself for much of anything.

she sits quietly, their eyes finding each others without a word transpired. there was a lot of things to be said, and no courage to say it.

"we, need to talk."

he stares to violet, a gentle nod in the silence.
"yeah, we do."

he takes a seat on the far end of the bed. it was unintentional, but he chose to be the furthest he could get from her on the same mattress.

his eyes meet the quiet tv screen for a split second, trying to gather himself for the conversation he knew he couldnt get away from if he wanted to make things right. but they fall back to her as she lets out a sigh.

"im sorry for getting so mad at you, it wasnt your fault."

"its okay" his voice leaks out quietly.

"and, you deserve an explanation."

he nods, facing her as his shoes stay off the bed. the bed side lamp beats to his headache, he was drained.

"i was never with, or interested, in jack. it was never a big thing i just, i was stuck."

his silence is mistaken for anger in violet and she began to get nervous.

"because, i was still in love with you but i didnt think you were good for me. i knew it was good for me to move on but i think you understand that feeling of not being able to leave."

"yeah, i do" he mumbles.

"he didnt push anything, he made one subtle remark and i took and ran with it when i shouldnt have; because i was desperate to forget you."

finn knew the feeling all too well, for it was the only reason why other girls stepped foot in his apartment for the night in the past.

"and i didnt know how to tell him, truth is i didnt want to. so i wrote it out and forgot about it. forgot about it because you and i decided to try again. and please believe me when i tell you that this is something i dont want to lose."

"i went to aylas" he finally spoke from his silence,
"we talked and, im sorry for jumping to conclusions like i did. im sure you know but, i dont do too well with solving conflict on the spot."

"i dont blame you. im sorry."

"we've spent years arguing, violet" his eyes fall to his hands in attempts of distracting himself.
"there are things that i did to you that i wont ever forgive myself for."


"and maybe thats why jack deserves to hear what you wrote him, hes always been so good to you."

once more, a blanket of silence drapes over them. he was right, jack had always been good to her. but he wasnt what she wanted. violet felt the guilt on her, knowing that she hadnt ever told finn all of the good things he had read in that letter for jack.

"jack, is a friend. hes not you."

"why would you even chose me over him at this point, violet? what else do i have to give you?"

"you have given me everything." the sudden raise in her voice took them both off guard in the quiet room.
"you took me in, you gave me everything i have. you gave me a chance, gave me a job, friends. not jack. and despite everything that we've been through you stuck around."

"you dont have to-"

"i didnt have anyone to care for me growing up, but you were there. you support my decisions, youre good to me and you like to listen. youre the dad i had hoped my kids would have, and you have the patients i wish i did. so yeah, i'd chose you."

a zoo sets off to his chest, a smile tugging to his lips until it disappears into a sigh.
"im so sorry about today."

"me too."

finn sets his shoes aside, damp from the rain outside. he sits himself back to the bed, placed directly next to her until his eyes meet hers.

"i love you, finn."

his lips catch hers, hand meeting her cheek gently as it had felt like centuries since he had felt her touch. her hand falls to the fabric of his jeans, feeling herself puddle beneath his hold as his free hand pulls her closer by her waist.
"i love you."

his breath falls to her, eyes searching his closely in the dim light. he had so much to offer, that she couldnt find herself with anyone else.


finn pulls away from her, the both of them looking to their daughter in the doorway. her bare legs in her nightgown bring her to finns side of the bed, climbing herself up to put herself in his hold.

"i had a bad dream, can i stay?"

"how about i stay in your room until you fall asleep?" he lifts her from the bed, carrying her as she holds onto him.
"let mom get some sleep."

he brings her to the doorway, turning to glance back to violet who sits peacefully on the bed.
"i'll be back."

1100 wc

i was thinking about a q&a at the end of this story, whether its about the book or me or whatever. you can comment or message me questions! or dont if its a bad idea no problem dogs

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