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"ayla? what are you doing here?"

"i, wanted to see the new house." she welcomes herself in, violet shutting the door behind them.
"and, finn and i need to discuss some band stuff."

"hes in the shower, he'll be out in a bit." the two keep themselves in the kitchen, violet pulling out a glass of water for the both of them.
"how's the whole band thing going anyway? finn seems to be a bit stressed recently."

"finns always stressed." she covers the story, trying not to overthink the simple lie.

"i miss the music scene, playing, listening."

"your guitar is in the bedroom, feel free." finn walks from the leading living room. his hair damp, torso beaded in water that fell to the towel on his hips.

the two watch as he grabs a drink from the fridge, casually looking to the girls as he leans to the counter.
"youre here early?"

"couldnt sleep, been up since four." ayla sighs, arms crossing over her stomach that still hadnt grown.
"did that happen to you?"

violet nods, filling her glass from the fridge.
"didnt go away until luna was born, but even then youre up all night anyway."

"god if theres one thing i wish i could take back from having luna, its sleep" finn sighs.

"finn and i would even switch between nights to have to get up and it still wasnt enough sleep."

"trust me, im prepared. i dont sleep much as it is anyway."

"somehow i believe that." finn pushes himself away, heading from where he came from.
"i'll get dressed and be down in a sec, a's."

her attention falls back on violet, the silence seeping in before she decides to speak.
"i heard that finn found the note..."

"im lucky hes understanding, it was so stupid of me to write it in the first place."

"you see a future with finn, then?"

"theres always been a future with finn, you know that."

ayla gives off a smug smile, almost teasing despite what she knew.
"would you marry him?"

"i, im not sure" violet shrugs, holding herself within her arms.
"things have been good, all things considered. but our past isnt exactly something to be proud of."

"thats in the past."

"but whos to say it wont be in the future, too?"

ayla stares to her, taking in the situation around her in the oddly quite room.
"you gotta take a chance on something sometime."

her eyes meet, a sigh escaping as she knew she would always have hesitation when it came to marriage. finn comes back, a sweatshirt to his body that holds violet around her shoulders.

she stands to meet him, arms wrapped around his waist as her head rests to his chest. he radiated warmth, and love.

"so, after the band. youre working for violet?" ayla leans to the counter, watching across from her as the two rest comfortably holding each other.

his hand travels up and down violets back gently,
"thats the plan."

"i always knew you would give into modeling."

"can you blame him?" violet laughs slightly, knowing her influence over him.

"its good to see youre getting in shape, finn." ayla agrees, standing from ground level.
"and not to pull you away but, we really need to start on the work talk."

"right" he sighs, pulling from violet with a kiss to her forehead.
"we'll be in the downstairs living room."

"sure. i'll go watch tv with luna in her room."

violet disappears from their surroundings, leaving ayla to follow finn down to the cold basement. walking through lunas dance studio to the other half of the downstairs living space. she takes a seat on the couch, watching him as he sits across from her.

"we've got nine days left, ayla."

she smiles, giving the same smile she had given to violet minutes ago.
"you nervous?"

"of course i am, it'd be different if i knew she would say yes."

"i'll be honest" ayla leans to the back cushions of the couch,
"im not sure what shes going to say either."

he sighs, his head rested to his hands.
"what do you have so far?"

"lights, fences, flowers. im pretty much done just, need your approval before i start ordering stuff."

he stares soundly to the floor.
"this is a good idea, right?"

"i cant be the deciding factor of whether the decision that'll effect the rest of your life is good or not. but i know that you want to marry her."


ayla sighs, legs crossed as she thinks through the words before they escape.
"shes never told you that she didnt want to get married."

"what if, i dont want to get married?"

"what? finn we've been planning this for a month."

"i know i just, i know that it was my idea in the first place. but, i never wanted to be married. christ, you know that for yourself-"

"i know that ive seen you with her, and ive seen you with other girls. i know you claim to have been in love with maddie at one point, and even then it doesnt amount to how happy you are with violet."

"its not that i feel like im unhappy with violet."

"its that youre scared. its scary, finn. but for as long as ive known you, ive seen you scared, and you deal with it just fine. i wont ever tell you what to do, but i will tell you that i think its a good idea for you to go through with this."

"i am scared" he looks to her,
"theres just so much riding on it, i have so much to lose."

"she loves you."

"she could leave-"

"-she wont leave."

"you dont know that!"

"finn" she grew impatient,
"you cant second guess yourself your entire life. you met her through impulse decisions, now keep her through them."

he swallows down the stiffness in his throat, leg bouncing subtly through the racing of his mind.

it was hard for him to explain what his head was going through.

for it wasnt that he didnt trust violet.

it was that even after all of those years, he didnt trust himself.

1015 wc
filler chapters like these make me want to kms im sorry lolll

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