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violet waits inside the large house, listening to her voice cascade down the walls. it was quiet, and if she hadnt know any better she would have thought she were alone.

leaving her shoes by the door, she walks barefoot across the polished tile floors. roaming around the strange house in hopes that she would find either one of the two that lived there.

she brings herself to the kitchen, finding finn leaned to the counter. the both of his hands holding himself afloat and between them, an unfolded piece of paper. his eyebrows furrowed as he concentrates on reading what was in front of him. finn hardly noticed her come in.

"hey, vi." he smiles, watching as she leaned to the doorframe.

"what are you up to?"

"just, looking through the mail." his eyes strictly watching as her body floats effortlessly over to him, head rested to his shoulder as her arms held onto his right one; meeting his gaze on the opened letter and envelope in front of them.

he thought about folding it and putting it away before she had the time to process what it was. but he remembered what keeping things from her did, and he didnt react fast enough to do it in time anyway.

her eyes travel from the bill toward him, head still rested to the side of his shoulder.
"i didnt realize you still went to therapy."

"i do." he mumbled quietly, not proud of what his truth was.

"you told me you didnt go anymore years ago." something radiated from the pit of her stomach, she felt guilty.

"i did for a while but, after you left-" he stops himself, not wanting to put the blame on her.
"i felt like i should to get back on track."

"thats not the reason." she pulls away from him, eyes meeting his as her hands still wrap around his arm gently.
"you dont have to tell me, i understand that."

he sighs at the gentle smile she gave towards him, he knew it was pity.

"i just needed someone to talk to so that i dont fall back into who i used to be."

it was a hard truth to swallow, and truthfully he had pushed it down and tried not to think about it for years. but there he was, throwing it up onto a silver platter for display. the fact that he would always have to take medication, and that he'd always have to see a specialist.

"i think its really great that youre seeing someone."

"you do?" she looks to her suspiciously, eyes glancing back to the reasonably priced bill.

"i think its mature of you to go, and to admit that youre going. if it helps you be the person you want to be then im all for it."

the display of pressure from his shoulders vanish with a sigh, for he had been embarrassed to even admit such a thing to himself never mind someone he could potentially scare away.

she was beginning to teach him how to love himself and the decisions he made. and perhaps thats when he truly started to notice it.

"thank you"

"of course" she smiles gently, arms resting to his shoulders as he hugged her tightly. he didnt owe her those words.

"i love you."

violet couldn't wrap her head around his shyness of what he chose to do; and perhaps it was because shed never have to take medication to live normally a single day of her life. or that she would never have to pay someone money to listen to her problems.

she didnt see the shame that it held, but only simply because she never had to live through it.

"i have good news for you." she looks to him, close enough to find every freckle to his cheeks.

he hums in question, hand grazing the small of her back to unintentionally send goosebumps to her skin.

"theres a couple agents ready to sign with you, felix got back to me. you and i can sit down sometime to look through them."

"that sounds great violet, thank you."

"i get paid for it." she shrugs, smiling in a tease.

"you know if you lived here with me, we could go over it anytime."

"jesus, you need to buy a dog or something." she pulls away from him, opening his fridge to see if he had anything worth eating.

"im serious."

"so am i! a lab would probably follow you around."

"violet." he grows irritated, arms crossed in front of him.

"listen its more than just picking up my stuff and dropping it off." she comes from the fridge empty handed to the opposite side of the countertops where he stood.
"id have to put my house on the market which is three weeks minimum. id have to take time off work, not to mention we havent even told luna about whatever this is."

she indicates between them, watching at the bland expression on his face. unexpectedly his eyebrow raises, a smile beginning to pull at his lips.

"you took care of my agent, let me take care of your house."

she stands silently as she listens to his proposal, and truthfully she knew that he could pull it off as promised. but there was just something that didnt sit right given the fact that it was an impulsive decision and their rocky history.

"can i sit on it for a couple of days? i'll have an answer by the end of the week i promise."

"whatever you need." he pretends as if he weren't so eager,
"its a big decision, i know that."

"its not that im unsure about you." she lies, trying to lay down some glue to hopefully hold their relationship together.

"you dont have to explain yourself vi; but you have to know that i wont stop you from mowing the lawn."

a smile traces her lips, gently shaking her head at the way he always knew how to help a situation.

"luna upstairs?"

he nods, his neatly curled hair bouncing gently.
"watching a movie in her room."

"well, believe it or not i did come here for her so, im going to get her around and head out."

"im sure you did."

he watches the way she smiles, turning to walk herself out of the kitchen in front of him.

practically seeing the way that he had scared her off.

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