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"violet wolfhard sounds so good, right?"

"i wonder how many people are going to mistake me for a porn star."

the two laugh, violet looking over to him in a sigh as she lays in bed beside him, the early morning light reflecting on his freckled skin.
"that does sound good."

"how are we going to tell luna?" finn stares to the ceiling, sheets resting to his stomach to leave his naked chest to the cold air.

he hadnt closed the window that night.

"im not sure, i know she wont be upset but; she asks a lot of questions."

"like when shes going to have another sibling?" he laughs, rolling to his side to rest his arm around violets waist comfortably.

her arm lays under his head, sorting through his curly hair carefully with her fingers.
"that girl watches too much tv."

violet smiles at finns gentle laughter, spreading warmth to her cold body. he was everything she could ask for.

"we should tell her today, right?"

"what time is your mom dropping her off?"

"she told me to call her when we were ready."

she sighs, eyes boring to the ceiling; stuck in his hold.
"i guess we should today. i just dont want to confuse her."

"she'll adapt, shes so young she wont even remember us ever being apart when shes older."

"something like that. but we're lucky, you know? shes such a great kid."

"god, i dont think we could have done any better." he agrees, head rested comfortably to her chest; eyes looking loosely to the flowing curtains.
"but sassy."

"well she takes after you so what does that say?"

he gasps dramatically, causing her eyes to roll.
"i have never been sassy a day in my life."

she pushes him away, sitting up to the edge of the bed to pull a cotton tshirt over herself. she stands for the fabric to fall mid-thigh to her bare legs, straightened hair falling down her back.

finn lays under the blankets alone, a groan escaping his soft lips.
"where are you going?"

"to call your mom, make breakfast. ayla texted me this morning asking if she could come over."

"you cant stay ten more minutes?"

"come on, i want to talk to ayla. and we've got a lot to get done today, we have to book an appointment with the stage director to get you walking for next months runway show."

"talk to ayla about what?" he disregards her laundry list, watching her tentatively with a knowing smirk to his face.

she holds her left hand up, letting it fall back to her side in an obvious effort. her shining engagement ring reflecting the light of the sun.
"and, i feel like i should thank her for cleaning up last night."

"are you going to tell her what we were doing while she was cleaning-"


he falls from his tease,
"is james coming over too?"

violet shrugs, running her fingers through her dark hair.
"not sure, id imagine he isnt working on a sunday."

he pulls himself from the warmth of the sheets, watching calmly as violet walks past him to close the opened window. the two look to each other briefly, pausing in their actions to take in what life really was like together.

violet smiles to him softly, breaking away from the hold his presence gave to her and headed out the door and down the stairs.

he follows her, meeting up in the kitchen dressed in boxers and the cold skin the air had given him. he leans to the counter, phone to his hands as violet starts a pot of coffee.

"if i remember right, i think the runway director doesn't have an opening until next week. i wasnt sure what your schedule with the band was like, i know your last tour is coming up."

"cant you just teach me?" he mumbles, preoccupied with the screen in front of him.

"no" she chuckles,
"im not qualified for that."

"i know that you know how to teach it, you learned it."

"i dont expect anyone to come in and start doing my job. plus, you'll need to meet with a nutrition consultant while youre there."

he sighs as he sets his phone down to the counter tops,
"well it'll have to be next week then, we leave for the tour in two."

her attention perks at the conversation, not having brought it up in the commotion of their lives lately.
"how long will you be gone?"

"a month, its primarily in the states though. a couple european venues but thats towards the end anyway."

her eyes trail in front of her to the counter that they both leaned to, there were so many things violet would rather do then be away from her fiancé for a month. specifically in that she knew all too well the dangers that traveling sometimes brought with it.

"i know" he sighs,
"its going to suck."

"i guess i didnt realize that it was going to be so long."

"you know that i would take you with in a heartbeat, i dont want to be away from you and luna for that long. but you work, it wont work out that way."

she sighs, pouring the two of them coffee to white mugs, steam rolling away from the black contents. it drips over the rim as she slides it over to him.
"its even worse that all of my friends are going with."

"we've made it work in the past, vi. its no different this time around."

"i always went with you."

"youve spent the last three years without me."

"yeah, and i know how much that sucked."

his eyes tear away from the death grip hers held, hands tapping the counter lightly in front of him.
"well, im not sure what other options we have. you run a network of companies, you can leave home."

she sighs within herself, knowing that in another moment of her life;
it was about choosing work or her family.

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this week has been so busy, but its summer! so relieved to update regularly again

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