Vet 41

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Jennie and tae's world paused for a while but the world continued to spin like nothing happened. That's just how it is with life I guess. After the burial of their grandparents we parted ways at the airport where they go back to New York and finish their studies while we do the same in Seoul.

We also went to New York for Tae's graduation, happy to see him and jennie back to being themselves and thankfully, they don't fight much anymore and have become sweeter if possible.

Fourth year schedule was kind of chill for me, even the upcoming thesis defense did not stress me much and I have already completed mine ahead of everyone, but hoseok is quite busy since he's already doing his vet medecine degree. I pouted at the thought I'll be left behind with my peers. Ugh! Why does it have to be so long to become a pediatric surgeon?

A flick on the forehead made come back to reality and saw hoseok grinning down at me. He looks all dressed up in a suit and all, his hair perfectly styled, making him look hot. I raised a brow at him and eyed him from head to foot. "You didn't have to do that you know. You can just wear a shirt and pants, my parents wouldn't mind."

He pulled me up to him and rest his hands on my waist "We're not in high school. I want to look like I'm capable of taking care of you."

"Are you proposing?" I batted my lashes and giggled but froze when he just smiled at me. It was his turn to laugh. I sighed and punched him on the chest.

"Get dressed, your parents are waiting." He chuckled and I scoffed at him. If I get tired, I will be the one to propose! Actually no. I'll drag him to church myself and dare him to say I do! He should suffer the consequences of making me fall for him. He has no escape!

"What are you mumbling about?" He eyed me and I just rolled my eyes at him then gathered my hair up turning my back on him so he can zip me up. I gasped when I felt him scattering butterfly kissed on my back as he slowwwwly zip my dress up.

"Hoseoek, wanna quickie?" He immediately zipped me up and grabbed my hand

"Come on, your parents must be looking for us already." This tease! He always do that too! Tease me and then not proceed with anything!! So infuriating!

He looked back at me and laughed, forcing my brows to come apart as it was furrowed, not pleased with him. "I can't do that to you when we're on our way to meet your parents."

"The thing is, you won't even do me when we're not meeting any parents!" I screamed. We're in the elevator going down and there's only us.

"Do you not like my body? Do I have to go on a diet? Should I go to surgery and have bigger boo-" He dare silence me with his lips! But it's working.

"Your body is perfect, you can gain a lot of weight and it would still be, you can lose some and it would still be, as long as your healthy, any body type is desirable for me, as long as it's your body." he whispered when we parted for air. The elevator dinged open and I let him drag me to the parking lot. Psh. Him and his words.

He opened the door for me and I got in, still pouting. "I'm telling you your words are maningless to me." I grumbled as I put on my seatbelt

"Don't worry. I'll show you soon." He smiles at me, turning on the engine like he's turning me on. He got me all wrapped up on his little finger, shouldn't it be the other way around?


"There you are! What took you so long? Come in, come in!" My mother greeted us at the door enthusiastically.

"When my byul-yi said she'd like to formally introduce you to us I was so happy I cried! I thought she's gonna end up being an old maiden..." I rolled my eyes at my mother who is now chatting away my most embarrassing moments while dragging my boyfriend away from me. Why do they do that?

"To know if he won't run away." I jumped at my father's voice

"Welcome back princess." My dad gave me a side hug and ruffled my hair making me slap his hand

"Yah, I'm bringing home a guy and you still do that? How'd you read my mind anyway?" He raised a brow at me

"So? You're still my princess." I pursed my lips and he laughed, pulling me to the dining room.

"Your mom prepared all this." I gasped and stood up, "Don't eat anything! It's poisonous-ah!" I rubbed my head where my mom hit me with a spoon.

"You ungrateful brat! Go fetch a new serving spoon and oh, wash this too." She gave me the spoon she hit me with and I crossed my arms

"You're just giving me an excuse to interrogate my boyfriend." I boredly say

"Oh look at that, you do have a brain." I glared at my mom and I squinted my eyes on her

"If he breaks up with me, I swear it's your fault and don't you dare ask me for a grandchild." I stomped towards our kitchen and took a peek back to the dining room. I hate that I can't hear anything. I just hurried and washed the spoon (I may be a slut, but I'm an obedient child.) and grabbed a new one, dashing back to the table

"Why'd you even send the maids home?" I huffed in annoyance, sitting back on my chair but they just ignored me and continued talking with hoseok

"Yah, you're talking as if he's asking my hand in marriage. Don't scare him away!" I warned.

"If he gets scared of the thought of being married to you then I could say he can run away and he better not come back."

"Dad!" I hissed and worriedly eyed hoseok. Only I can force him to marry me but if he runs now, I may not able to! I nudged my dad to stop it.

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