Vet 50

655 37 2

"You're being discharged today?"

"Yes, thank you for taking care of me." Jinwoo smiles and bows to us

"Congratulations! Come visit us ok? We'll surely miss you." The young nurses felt bittersweet but happy he's already feeling well.

"Uhm, before you go, can you do me a favor?" He looks at me expectantly and I smiled.

"Mooonie! You're late." Shuhua playfully scolds me.

"I know, but did you listen to nurse ga-in?" I squinted my eyes on her and she enthusiastically nodded

"Good girl, let me see." I checked on her vitals and nodded in contentment then bent down to her level.

"Someone came to visit you." Her eyes widened and she covers her mouth, looking out to her door

"Is it who I think it is?!" She whispers and I nodded making her surpress a squeal

"Ji-wait wait!" She stops me from calling him and made a fuss. Straightening her clothes and fixing her hair.

"How do I look? Do I look ok?"

"You look fine." I assured her.

"Can I borrow your lipstick?" I laughed

"No, but you can put on some lip gloss." I pulled out my lip gloss from my pocket and helped her apply it.

"Ok, I'm ready." She made sure her bed looked neat and sat up straight, her hand softly sitting on her lap. I chuckled and told jinwoo to come in.

"Call me of you need anything ok?" She nods and subtly signaled me to go out. I giggled silently and left them on their own and made my rounds.

"Nurse byul!" I turned to my name and it was ga-in "Dr. Wonho wants you to assist him in surgery." I beamed and thanked ga-in then headed towards the operating room. I'm always happy to assist in surgeries.

Before going to class, I dropped by shuhua's room to check on her. She beams seeing me and ran but I stopped her "No running!"

She stops herself and walked carefully towards me, dragging her dextrose and threw herself at me muttering a thousand thank yous. I laughed and hugged her back "You're welcome, now get back to bed." I chuckled and helped her walk back to her bed

"I'm surprised to see you so happy, I thought you'd be crying. He told you he's dismissed already right?"

"Moonie, he had nothing attached to him and was wearing normal clothes so I knew immediately. But yes, he did tell me."

"Ok, smart ass." I joked and she giggled then squeals again, shaking my arms

"Ok calm down now." I told her cause with her giddiness, her heart might not take it.

"He gave me his number! He said he'll come visit whenever he's free and-" she continues on and on about jinwoo when my phone beeped.

"Sorry shuhua, you can tell me more about tomorrow ok? I need to get to class." She nods in understanding and gave me a peck on the cheek "You're the best! nurse byul! And I'm sure you'll be the best doctor there is!" I laughed at her cheesiness and hugged her goodbye.

I headed out for class but we were just given activities to do. I'm thankful though so I could take a rest. Maybe it's just fatigue but I love to sleep nowadays. I even fell asleep while hoseok and I were trying! I really feel sorry to him but thankfully, he undestands.

I texted hosoek that I was already heading home. He couldn't pick me up cause he's still on duty. I walked towards my bed and sighed, it didn't take long for me to fall asleep, unable to ear my phone ringing.

I woke up and checked the time, it's still early and hoseok's still at work. I should go prepare dinner, I stood up to go to the kitchen when my phone rang. I gasped when I saw how many missed calls I got from my colleagues. My heart started beating fast, did something happen?

"Hello?" Tears blurred my vision as my phone dropped to the ground. I hurried and get my keys, driving off to the hospital at a full speed, breaking the law. It's shuhua.

I calmed myself down and wanted to call my husband but I left my phone. "She's gonna be ok, it's ok."  I say trying to convince myself as I tightly gripped on the steering wheel.

"Byul!" I ran up to ga-in and asked "What happened? Her vitals were stable earlier."

"She was walking out the garden to get some fresh air saying it was stuffy inside. She asked me to get her iced choco so I did and told her to stay where she is. When I got back, she just fell to the ground. She just got out of the operation and is now in the I,C.U under observation."

"Thank you for telling me."

"I knew how close you two are." I made my way to the I.C.U and found her parents outside

"Nurse byul." Her mom saw me and bowed. I just bowed back and looked at shuhua's state. I can feel my eyes sting looking at her pale face with a tube connected to her mouth.

"I'm here shuhu, I'm here." I whispered and wiped my tears and headed to the nurse station to call hoseok and inform him that I'll be sleeping in the quarters today and explained what happened.

I couldn't sleep. I feel hungry so I got up and walked out to go to a convenience store just in time to see my husband holding a plastic bag. "Thought you'd be hungry."

I smiled and walked over to hug him tightly. "I needed this, thank you."

He stayed with me and helped me relax when a deafening blaring sound could be heard CODE BLUE! CODE BLUE! It felt like a slow motion. On how I sprinted so fast towards the ICU and immediately took action, going up to her bed to give her CPR while the doctor prepares to shock her.

We tried hard. I tried hard. But she flatlined.

"Andwae!" I kept on going and going, slapping the hands of those who are trying to stop me.

"Byul." Ga-in chokes and I shook my head and kept going til I felt arms surrounding me, taking me away

"Andwaae!!" I sobbed.

"Shuhua. Time of death 12:05 am." I screamed crying and lost consciousness.

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