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⚠️ Contains some spoiler for the other couples ⚠️

"Hi there shushu, how are you?" I smiled down at her grave, carrying my little bundle of joy with hoseok by my side.

"I kept my promise." I choked back a sob and blinked away the tears and looked up to avoid myself from crying, taking a deep breath.

"This is yuqi!" I introduced and I feel the wind brushing against me.

"Yuqi, this is your shuhua unnie. She's the one who gave you your name and she's be your guardian angel and maybe, if she's reincarnated, you'll become best of friends." I chuckled silently

"I'll always remember you shuhua, wherever you may be, I hope you're in a good place. I will continue my dreams and I will be the best doctor there is." I smiled and I feel hoseok's arm around my shoulder and leaned my head on his chest. We offered a minute of silence and said our goodbyes.


"Byul Moon-Jung, M.D." I stood up from my seat and walked towards the stage to receive my medal and diploma. After giving birth, I became a hands-on mom to a spoiled little girl and after two years, I went back to school to finish my medical degree. Although I got pregnant again, it didn't cause any more delays with my studies.

I grinned and squatted down as my children ran up to give me a hug. "Chukhae eomma!" Yuqi hugs me tightly and gives me a peck on the cheek.

"Kahe eomma" Xiumin, my adorable two year old follows his sister and kissing my other cheek

"Gomawo~" I chuckled and stood up, carrying the two but hoseok immadiately took yuqi from me and gave me a bouqet of roses, congratulating me.

"Gosh byul, and this is still not halfway through? Can you not just be a regular pediatrician? I'm the one getting tired for you." I laughed at lisa's remark

"Tell me about it, but hey we'll be bringing the kids to you when they get sick. You're the godmother so we don't have to pay right?" Yoongi just shakes his head at his wife's way of thinking. These two, seriously! I still can't believe they married before hoseok and I.

"Hyunjin, stop teasing your sister, you're already a big boy." Irene scolds her eldest who looks handsome day by day as he grows up and Irene's afraid Jin's narcissistic attitude has been passed down to her son which is already gaining fangirls at an early age.

"Yeji stop crying baby, wanna go eat cotton candy?" Seokjin coaxed their youngest, excusing himself to distract the little girl and stop her from crying.

Xiumin starts to wriggle away from my grasp, pointing at his friends "Bacon hyung." I chuckled as he incorrectly says Jennie and Tae's youngest, Baekhyun. I put him down and Yoonji held her hand out for him and together they waddled their way to her twin, Jiyoon who was playing with Baekhyun.

"Ella and baekhyun are such polar opposites." Irene commented as five year old ella just silently sits next to hyunjin while baekhyun ran around with his loud voice, talking whatever his toddler mind could utter.

"Like father, like daughter." Taehyung shrugs

"Hey what's that supposed to mean? You're the loud one" Jennie argues.

"I am not." Taehyung denies

"Baekhyun looks like you and ella look like me so obvious who they take after."

"Mon amour, looking alike is different from having the same personalities."

"Why are you arguing? They're both your children"

"Yeaah, but take yoonji for example." Taehyung points at the toddler who asked to be picked up by her father.

"What's with yoonji?" Yoongi asks as he carries his daughter who immediately yawned and snuggled to his neck. We cooed at her cuteness.

"See? She's always sleepy which is sooo yoongi while jiyoon on the other hand..." We looked at the other twin who is now giving my son a piggyback but is struggling cause xiumin is bigger than her eventhough he's a year younger "is so jisoo even they both identically look like her, one still takes after yoongi. Do you get me?"

"I don't get anything, I just know me and my baby are hungry! Let's go!" Lisa rubs her baby bump and pulls jungkook out and we followed. I carried xiumin and jisoo took jiyoon. Seokjin was outside with now a calm yeji and we all piled in our respective cars. Hyejin and chaeng are already in our reserved venue waiting for us.

"Took you guys long enough! The food gonna go cold." Chaeng huffs

"Bit-" Hyejin immdiately caught herself in time before she can curse.

"Anyway, serve yourself!" she exclaims and everyone got busy. Moms taking care of the food while the dads tend the kids

I grinned looking around as we filled the huge place. Kids laughters and squeals echoeing and then my husband's loud voice "Ya JUNGKOOK! Your son kissed my daughter!!"

"Way to go lucas!" Lisa laughed and hoseok pouts and started teaching yuqi how to punch. I chuckled and shook my head.


Thank You everyone who suppoted this story! I know it seems short but I'm already contented with it.
I don't want too much drama and have the story going in circles so... yeah.

Completed - 04.29.20

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