Vet 52

531 33 1

I feel someone caress my hair and I rubbed my eyes open. "Do you need something?" I croaked. She smiles and shakes her head, moving to the side and I climbed up her hospital bed

"I fainted again huh." She mumbles tiredly as she snuggles close to me and I continued to brush her hair with my hand.

"Mhm." I hummed my response and she sighs

"I'm sorry for worrying you." I tightened my hold on her and kissed her forehead.

"We're having a baby." She quietly says, laying on her back and putting her hands on her stomach.

"We are." I smiled, holding her hand. She was quiet for a while and I notice her sniffing

"Hey, shhh. Stop crying." I pulled her to me and rubbed her back

"What if I fail as a mom? I already failed as a nurse, I-" She's literally shaking against me and my heart ached seeing her like that. I've never seen her so broken.

"Shhh, you didn't. You will be a great mom and I'll be there with you." I assured her and held her tightly

"Now stop crying and stop overthinking, our baby will feel it." She took calming breaths and I sat up to get her some water. I rubbed her back as she drinks and I put away her glass and knelt down, holding her hand and caressing her cheeks with other, letting her stare at me

"I know it's hard on you right now..." I paused, feeling my voice crack. "But you have to be strong. For yourself, for me, and for our baby. Ok byul?" She gulps and nodded. I stood up and hugged her, rocking her slowly until she calms down. I slowly laid her down and brushed off the strands off her hair from her face "I'll go get you breakfast."

I went out of her room to find her dad still his coat. I forgot he's also in this hospital. "What happened? I came as soon as I heard."

"She just woke up. I was just about to get her food" I proceeded to tell him what happened and he sighs, sitting down the bench just out the door and I followed

"It must be hard. Her first death?" He took a deep breath and leaned back closing his eyes then turned to me "It never gets easier you know? With the years of service you think you'll get used to it..." He shakes his head and exhales then slaps a hand on my shoulder

"Tell us if you need anything ok? I'm sure she'll get through it." He doesn't know about the pregnancy yet. "Now, let me see my baby girl." He stood up to go inside her room

"Actually... there's something else you need to know."

"Hmmm?" He raised his brows at me and I contemplated if I should tell him already. I pursed my lips and decided to go with it.

"Byul's pregnant. 2 weeks" He froze for a bit then a grin spreads across his face. His face literally brightens up as he pulls me for a hug congratulating me and I managed to let out a chuckle

"Does your parents know already?" I shook my head, "Not yet."

"Go on then, I'll go talk to her." I nodded as he went in.


"Hoseok?" I called out when the door opened, but it wasn't my husband.

"There's my baby girl." I don't know but my eyes teared up "Daddy" He enveloped me with a hug and I felt like a little girl again.

"There, there..." He comforts me, patting my head. "Byul-yi, you need overcome it. We're not allowed to be weak in this field and it certainly won't be the last time you'll experience that if you want to continue."

"I know." I sobbed. I just wasn't prepared for it. I never thought I'd experience it this early in my career. This must've how hoseok felt when he had to euthanize those pets. I rememberhow he broke down and now I understand, but that was even worse cause he had to be the one to end it.

"Look at you. That's not the byul-yi we raised." He wipes my tears and I pout.

"Besides, I hear my baby now has her own baby?" He smiled and this time, he was the one tearing up.

"Ya, you just told me to stop crying." I chuckled as he looks away. Gosh, my emotions a mess!

"B-but i-it wasn't too long ago when you're our baby!" He wails and I scratched my head. He wasn't this emotional on my wedding and, isn't he the one comforting me just a second ago? How come the tables have turned?

He calms himself down and held my shoulders and looked at me in the eye "Byul-yi, you have your own family now. There will be alot more obstacles you have to face especially if the baby grows up exactly like you-


He laughs "The point is, you'll go through much more with this roller coaster ride as you raise your own child so you have to be strong. Do you wanna quit?" I got tongue-tied. If you asked me before, I'd answer No in a heartbeat.

"It's ok, you can take your time with your answer. Whichever you chose, we'll be here for you." We hear knock and he straightens up and act like he didn't cry and hoseok came back in, bringing food

"Well, I'll go now. Your mom would be delighted to hear the news but will feel betrayed I got to know first so, I'll need to buy her a bouquet first." HE winks and I laugh, giving him a hug "Thanks dad."

"Anytime for my only daughter." Hoseok smiles at me and I smiled back. He puts the food down and pulled me for a hug

"You ok now?" he quietly asks, not breaking from the hug

"A bit. Should I take a break?"

"I think it's for the best. This industry won't go away any soon," I sighed and nodded.

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