Vet 43

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I groaned loudly as I threw myself on the bed. "I don't wanna do this anymooorreee!" why did I even think my schedule was chill? I got jinxed when mountain of school works kept popping up.

"You're almost there, Just a few more months and you'll be done," Hoseok says as he massaged my back

"Done with the first four years! I won't be a pediatric surgeon until what? five-six more years? and that is assuming I don't fail any subject!" He chuckled.

"Hey if all else fail, you'll still be a nurse." I heaved and sigh and sat up, shaking my head. "Ani! I will be a surgeon!" I said with conviction but thinking of all the studying I need to go through makes me wanna cry. I already have thick ass books for nursing alone!

Hoseok cupped my cheeks and smiled brightly. "I know you can do it." I feel my exhaustion float away when he kissed me. I felt excited when our kisses deepened and he didn't stop me from unbuttoning his shirt!

It was getting hot and heavy but then my phone rang. "Aren't you going to answer that?" He pants as I shook my head, continuing to lick and suck on his neck but the ringing on my phone is getting persistent. I groaned and reached for my phone.

"What?!" I angrily hissed but calmed down a bit when I feel hoseok's lips going down to my exposed chest. My brows furrowed when I can't hear anyone. I looked at my phone distractingly and it was jennie.

"Jen?" I asked breathlessly but sat up when the call got disconnected. I tried redialling her number but no one's picking up.

"What is it?" Hoseok asked as I dialled Taehyung's number but can't reach him too. He's back in the farm anyway, where he's starting his business so he can't check on jennie so I called jisoo

"It was jennie but I got no answer." Hoseok just pulled me to his lap and back hugged me as I wait for jisoo to pick up the phone.

"Where are you?" I asked when jisoo picked up the phone

"Just got back from school, going up to the unit. Why?"

"Hurry! I don't know but jennie called me but when I answered she did not say anything and the call just got disconnected. I tried calling her again but she's not picking up" I hear a ding on her end

"Ok, wait. I'm going up the elevator." I anxiously waited and hoseok is giving butterfly kisses on my shoulder, tracing small circles on my stomach sending shivers to my spine

"Can you try contacting Tae?" He gave me a peck and stood up to get his phone while I hear jisoo say she's going in their unit now.

"Jendeukie?" I hear her call out. I can hear her opening doors and then she yelled Jennie's name. I feel my heart pound when she gets no answer

"She's not in her room, not on mine either. I don't think she-JENNIE!!"

"Jisoo! Ya Kim Jisoo!" I desparately called out since I heard her drop the phone. Hoseok looked up at me in alarm.

"What is it?" He asked and I shook my head, chewing on my bottom lips

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh byul! There's blood!!" I can hear jisoo cry in panic

"Calm down! Calm down! Where did you find her? Where's the blood coming from?!! Call the ambulance!!"

"She's passed out in the washroom and there's a lot of blood on her crotch area. It doesn't look like a normal period! She's been complaining alot for stomach cramps lately." Spotting!

"She's stirring!" she exclaimed

"I think she's spotting, call 911 and we'll let tae know." I ended the call and looked at hoseok but he shook his head.

"Try again." Damn, he may be at a non-coverage area.

"Tae! Here, byul's gonna talk to you." He passed me the phone and went out.

"Hey, sup byul. Sorry I wasn't able to-"

"Fly back to New York Now! It's jennie." I hear hsi shrp intake of breath and end the call, probably making calls to fetch a cab and book a flight. I exhaled loudly after the call and held my heart, patting it to calm it down. "Here, drink this." I thanked hoseok for the water and gulped it down.

"What happened?" He asked, putting shirt on me and rubbing my back as he put away the glass on the bedside table.

"Jisoo found her unconcious in the wasroom with a lot of blood on her crotch. She told me jennie has been complaining about getting stomach cramps and I knew about that too since she has called me about it as well so I figured she could be spotting."

"You think she's..." I looked up at him and smiled

"I think so, I didn't tell taehyung about the possibility though. We'll hear from them tomorrow." As much as I wanted to continue where we left off earlier,my energy has depleted and so was hoseok's so we just cuddled.

"Speaking of, how many babies do you want?" I asked, looking up at him as I snuggled closer

"It depends. How many can you push out?" I smacked his chest and he laughed

"Seriously." He smiled and looked down at me, caressing my hair like he always do

"I'll accept every single one given to us." He really knows how to make me feel giddy!

"I'll stop at three thank you very much."

"Three it is!" I chuckled as he hugged me tight.

Good thing it was a weekend the next morning here so we were able to gather around in hoseok's place. I texted the girls about what happened and my conclusion before we slep last night and we're waken up by hyejin's constant banging on hosoek's door.

"Hurry and make the call already, it's not that late there." Huddled at one corner, we requested to video call jennie and she thankfully answered, looking weak in her hospital bed while hoeok cooks breakfast for us and jungkook helping him.

"Are you ok?! Where's tae?" She giggled and showed us taehyung who was fast asleep on the sofa.

"So? What happened?" Lisa impatiently asked and jisoo showed up on the screen, taking over for jennie. She narrated to us what happened and how wrecked taehyung looked like when he arrived with nothing but himself and that he fainted after the doctor told the couple about Jennie's pregnancy and was told she should stay on bed rest having almost lost her baby. Jennie and Tae's parents will be flying over to take care of Jennie but tae refuses to leave his wife's side.

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