Vet 47

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I walked out of the car to open the door for my wife as she walked towards me. She smiles and gave me a peck before going in.

"How was school?" I asked as I backed out the drive way. We're not in the same school anymore but I never fail to give her a ride to and from school.

"Same old, just have new faces and new thick books to study." I raised a brow at her

"Make sure you show them your ring ok?" She laughs

"I'd say the same for you. You think I didn't hear about your fangirls?" I pouted. How did this conversation turn to me?

"Do you want to stop by somewhere?" She thought for a while then shook her head

"I just honestly want to sleep." I worriedly looked at her. She loves to sleep alot more recently.

"Do you wanna take a break from school?"

"What? No." She shook her head vigorously.

"Don't hesitate if you want to take a break ok? No one's rushing you."

"Ara~" she says cutely and held my hand when her phone rang. She answered it without letting go of my hand.

"Jung Byul-yi, speaking." I grinned, I love it when she introduces herself with my last name.

"What?!" I was startled and slowed down the car when she sat up straight and let go of my hand to give her full attention to the person on the other line.

"Where are you?" She asks and I can't hear what the person in the other line is saying.

"Ok, ok. We'll be there." I gave a her an expectant glance

"Ya! Where's your phone?!" She scrabled on my thing and felt my pockets and snatched my phone out

"What's going on?" She was busy looking for tae's number on my phone.

"Jennie's water broke." Noticing her frustration, it seems taehyung's nit answering his phone.

"Can we-"

"On it." I already made a U-turn  and rushed to where taehyung's office is.

"You go get him, ppali! Jennie is pissed and wants him to be there." I nodded and ran out while my wife waited in the car.

The secretary stopped me from getting in telling me that Taehyung is in a meeting but I have no time for arguments. I know taehyung also wants to be there for his wife.

I barged in and all eyes were on me. "Ya ppali! Jennie's in labor!" Taehyung scrambled right up, telling his secretary to handle it as we both rushed out to where byul is waiting.

He gasps looking at his phone, almost stumbling down the stairs since he wasn't looking. There's been a lot of missed calls from jennie, jisoo and me.

We got inside the back seat of the car just in time for his phone to ring which he immediately answered. Byul wasted no time and stepped on the gas, a smirk on her face. Why did Iet her behind the wheel again?

"KIM TAEHYUNG YOU BETTER SHOW YOUR FACE OR I WON'T PUSH THIS BABY OUT! YOU HEAR ME!!" Taehyung put his phone away from his ear and I also cringed hearing jennie's angry screech.

"Mon amour I'm coming, I'm coming!" He tries to assure jennie as we clung to our seats

"She's gonna kill you." I whispered

"Not if your wife kills us first!" Touché.

He cringed again as jennie bursts on the other line and hang up, letting him breathe out.

"Why didn't you answer your phone!" I scolded

"It was in meeting mode! It was supposed to be silent-look out!" We shut our eyes as byul suddenly did a drift. I'm surprised we're not being chased by cops yet. If my wife isn't a doctor, she'd be a stunt woman in the Fast and Furious.

In only a few minutes, we reached the hospital where jennie was brought in record time.

Taehyung and I stumbled out of the car looking sick. We felt like we just went on one of the extreme rides in Everland.

"Aigoo" byul shakes her head at us.

"Follow me." She knows her way i  the hospital and lead us to the delivery room wasting no time.

"Where have you been? Hurry!" Jisoo was outside and immediately dragged taehyung towards the doors and pushed him in saying he's the husband.

"You better have your phone ready to answer if I'm near my due date." Byul warns and my heartbeat quickened

"You want to have babies already?" She raised a brow at me

"We will get there someday. I'm not saying now." Just the thought of byul carrying our child caused my mind to go haywire. I love her so much!

"Err..." a nurse came out after a few hours and we stood up in alarm

"Is everything alright?" Byul frowns and the nurse chuckled

"It's a girl..." jisoo and byul squealed at the news

"but uhm... we need help with Mr. Kim?" The nurse continued making us all turn to her in confusion

"He fainted..." jisoo and byul snorted at the same time just as the others arrived

"Pay up bitches!" Byul opens her palm to hwasa

"Heol. Taehyung fainted?" Yoongi and I looked at each other and shook our heads as we follow the nurse in to take care of taehyung.

We carried taehyung out at the room where jennie is transferred after the delivery. The girls were quick to surround her and gushed at the cute bundle of joy in her arms.

"Why is taehyung asleep?" We turned to seokjin who brought balloons.

"He collapsed." Yoongi informs him and he snickered. Taehyung will never get away with this. He'll be teased over and over.

"What's on your mind?" Byul has been silent on the way home

"I'm torn." She pouts over to me.

"About what?" She heaves a sigh and leans back. I caressed her hand and gave the back of it a peck. She didn't give me answer til we got home.

"Let's give it a try." She says with determination.

"Give what a try?"

"Having kids." In a flash, I stripped and scooped her up making her squeal and laugh.

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