Vet 48

676 36 6

"How did you do it?"

Irene furrowed her brows at my sudden question. "Do what exactly?"

"Created hyunjin with one try..." she scoffs

"They technically fucked tw-

"Can we not?! Ugh! Are you guys still not over that?!" She huffs, cutting lisa off

"No." We all answered and she flipped us the bird. We're currently gathered in Jennie's house.

"Stop frowning byul, tae and I also took a couple tries before I got pregnant." Jennie assures me it's normal that I didn't conceive immediately. I know that but I just can't help but feel impatient.

"But we do it almost every night and I think we even covered every position possible and it's been a year. You already have a one year old and Irene's eldest is already four!" Hoseok and I have been trying to produce but failed.

"You talk as if I have more than one child." Irene rolls her eyes

"Stop bragging about your sex life!" Hyejin says at the same time

"I'm not bragging, you're just jealous" I teased hyejin and then turned to Irene "who knows, you might be carrying one right now with how sharp shooter of seokjin is." I joked but she froze and then counted on her fingers then sighed in relief making me snicker

"Holy shit! You fucked again didn't you?!" Lisa laughs, pointing at a flustered Irene

"So much for all that divorcing talk crap" Jisoo smirks at her twin

"I-I have needs too ok! And he does too and it's just a win-win situation for both of us. We're married anyway..." she mumbles, her face blushing bright red.

"But we're using protection!" She hurries and we bursted out laughing

"Too late for that don't you think?"

"Aish! You know what I mean!" The boys returned at that moment and I grinned

"Hey seokji-oof!" The bitch threw a pillow on my face and widened her eyes at me

"What? I was just going to ask him to give tips to hoseok."

"Tips on what? You ok?" Hoseok cupped my face and I chuckled "it's just a pillow."

"It could be a chair next." I laughed at Irene's warning.

"Why are you being mean to my wife?" Hoseok squints his eyes on Irene

"Ya! Stop looking at my wife like that." Jin blocks hoseok's view and the girls and I all gave Irene a look making her more frustrated. I chuckled and hid behind hoseok in case her threat come true.

"You're not helping!" She slaps seokjin's back

"Oww! What did I do?" Seokjin whined

"Eomma, that's bad." Hyunjin scolds, letting go of jimin's hand and ran to his father who squatted down and faked a cry

"Eomma hurt appa huhu." Hyunjin pout and hugged his father then turned to his mom

"Eomma! say sorry." I have mixed emotions watching the exchange. I wanted to giggle at hyunjin's cuteness but I feel sad too, wanting to have my own hyunjin.

"You ok?" I looked away from the scene infront of me and looked at my husband's worried gaze.

I smiled a bit and nodded "Just tired. I wanna sleep."


I know she's lying. I can see it in her eyes as she looks at the family infront of her and I can feel her sadness too.

"Maybe it's not the right time for us to have our baby yet..." I silently say as we lay with me spooning her.

She turned around to face me and  asks "you think so?"

"We did our part, we got ourselves checked and there were no problems found so I'm sure we'll have one someday. We'll just continue to work on it and besides, you'd be able to focus on your studies right? You'll be very busy my future M.D." she smiles and snuggled closer to me

"But if we wait til I graduate on ny degree, won't it be more difficult to conceive with our age?" I looked down at her and caaressed her hair

"We won't be that old and who says we'll stop trying? I'm just saying you should stop worrying about having a baby for now and relax. Maybe that's also one of the reasons we're not able to conceive yet. Cause you're already stressed from school then you always worry about this." She heaves a sigh and nodded

"I'll try."

"Who knows? It'll come when you're not thinking about it." At first we thought she was already pregnant with her mood swings, turns out it was just because her period was coming.

I saw how excited she was and how she felt deflated when her period came.

She was irregular so after six months of trying and not having any result, we thought maybe we have some problems we're not aware of but the results were normal.

The doctor told us to just give it some time and study her cycle and then try to do it when she ovulates.

"Besides, although it's been a year since we first started trying, doesn't mean we literally tried for a year. I had lots of seminars and field trips to attend while you need you're buried with homework after homework." Byul is now on her second year of her degree in medicine while I'm on my last year for DVM or Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.

"Now that you say that... I guess we just need more time?" I nod and she finally gave me a genuine smile, pulling me to a kiss.

"Let's try again." I chuckled when her mood changed 360 as she climbs on top me but paused then slouched, looking down inside her shorts

She pouts and rolls off of me mumbling her rants making me laugh. I pulled her to a hug and pecked the crown of her head

"We'll try again once your period is done."

"How did I forgot I have my period? Ugh." She whines but suddenly sat up, her eyes sparkled with mischievousness and I think I know that look.

"I'm the only one who has a period. Who says we can't do something?" Since I usually sleep shirtless, she had no problem with giving my neck butterfly kisses as she went down to my chest, down to my abdomen and was quick to pull my boxers down... looks like I'm getting pleased tonight. Happy wife, happy life.

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