Vet 53

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"Byul? Byul-yi?" I snapped away from my trance and blinked at my friends. Just like what hoseok and I discussed, I decided to take a break from everything related to my career. Hoseok wanted us to go to the province but I refused. It's his last year and I didn't want to delay his studies but we did go when semestral break came buy only for a week.

"Bitch you've been spacing out a lot lately. What's wrong with you?" Hyejin has been my bestfriend for as long as I can remember, even before knowing the girls and I'm used to her way with words. Heck! we talk the same but I don't know why I just feel irritated with the way she addressed me and snapped at her. She was clearly surprised with my outburst, including the girls.

"You ok byul?" Lisa frowns

"Sorry... Just tired." I smiled weakly at them and they exchanged glances.

"Want to take a rest?" I nodded. I'm currently on my second trimester and all I want to do is sleep. I excused myself from them and went inside our room. We're currently at my house as they're usually the ones who comes and visits me while the boys take the kids out.

I laid down and closed my eyes but then I suddenly feel anxious. I feel like I'm walking out to the sea, deeper and deeper til it reaches my neck. I sat down, trying to breathe deparately then I feel like crying. I hear the door open and I sobbed against hoseok's chest.

"I'm here, I'm here. Calm down." I just cried and cried til I fell asleep.


I quietly walked out of the room and found yoongi waiting for me by the door "Wendy is here." I nodded and we both headed out to where the rest are.

"Thank you for coming." I shook hands with Yoongi's friend and she smiled "No problem."

"Is it serious?" Hyejin asked as she put a glass of juice down the table for the doctor. We came back to the house when taehyung received a call from jennie telling to make me come home asap. I told them about byul since they didn't really know what happened but noticed some changes in her and yoongi recommened to talk to his friend who's a psychologist and that maybe she can help so I've been in touch with her and thankfully, she's currently here for vacation.

"I was informed her pregnancy's doing fine? No problems with that physically?"

"Not so far, although she does not seem to have any appetite, she forces herself to eat for the baby. We go to her monthly check up and so far the baby is fine but Dr. Myoi, her OB, did say to talk to a psychiatrist cause it might cause bigger problems if not attended properly."

She nods and turned to all of us "She's going to need your help. She's depressed from what happened a few months ago and that depression is starting to feed with her current pregnancy. The loss of a patient she holds dear is making her question her competence as a mother." My jaw clenched

"She's starting to doubt herself and what your doctor said is right, if this won't be addressed asap, antepartum depression could lead to Post-partum depression which is a really serious matter. Depression in itself isn't a joke but with post partum, not only she can harm herself, but her baby too. Now, I'm not telling you this to scare you but to let you see what might happen if we don't stop this. Not to mention, her depression can affect the baby too. She wanted this pregnancy to happen, she's been eagerly waiting for it as you say so that's not the problem. We have to take the root of her depression" she looks at me and continued "You need to let her see shuhua. She needs to say her goodbyes."


"Where are we going?" I asked hoseok and he just held my hand as he continues to drive

"At the hospital? But we're done for the check-up this month" I ask when I see the hospital at the distance but then he drove past it.

"Hoseok!" I whined, gettig frustrated with his silence.

"We're almost there." I exhaled and looked out the window. Soon I feel him turn and look for a space to park and I looked out to see where we are. Cemetery?

He opened the door for me and helped me get out. So the flowers weren't for me? He kept silent as we walked and then he stops and smiled at me "Your goodbye has been long overdue don't you think?" I feel my eyes sting and looked at the grave ahead of me. Shuhua.

I cried and slowly knelt down to touch her tombstone. "Hi there shushu..." I choked back the words and took a deep breath. It hurts. It still hurts.

I was startled when I feel a hand around my shoulder and someone knelt down beside me "Eommoni." I looked back to see hoseok waiting by the car

"Congratulations." She smiles, looking down at my visible bump and I couldn't say a word. She held my hands tightly and pats it gently "In our absence to make money to pay the hospital bills, you stepped in to fill our shoes and I thank you for that." My tears pooled down and she too cried.

"Shuhua always talks about you, how she wants to become like you once she gets better." I covered my mouth to stop myself from sobbing loudly

"I know you're greatly affected with her passing as much as we do, but nurse byul, nothing pains more than losing a child. There was a quote that says when one lose a spouse, they're called widow/widower. You call a kid an orphan when they lose their parents but you have nothing to call a parent after losing a child, because no word can measure up to the pain." She sobs and wipes her tears, pulling herself together. "You have been wanting for a baby and you have it now so you have to take care of yourself. Shuhua lived a happy life until the end thanks to you. So be happy til the end too ok?" She hugged me and I let go of all the pains I kept



😭😭😭 idk why I'm crying so much. Few more chaps left!

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